function value = colloc_config(varargin) % colloc_config Handling of Cloudsat Collocation configuration settings % % Deprecated. % % $Id$ persistent A [A,value] = prstnt_struct( A, @colloc_config_defs, varargin ); end function A = colloc_config_defs A = struct(); % % overwrite existing collocations % % A.overwrite = false; % % %% maximum collocation distance and time % % % used as default when no dist/interval provided upon creation of % % CollocatedDataset object % A.distance = 15; % km % A.interval = 900; % seconds % % %% distances to be for sure to be inside the pixel % % % not used anymore in the new system, here only for backward compatibility % A.distance_for_average_MHS = 7.5; % km % A.distance_for_average_HIRS = 5; % For HIRS/4 end