function value = datasets_constants(c) % datasets_constants Defines (pseudo)-constants for datasets % % This m-file defines values required by functions in the datasets subsystem. % It differs from datasets_config in the manner that the values here should % not normally be changed. If called without arguments, returns % the entire structure containing all properties and values. % % FORMAT % % value = datasets_constants(c) % % IN % % c string the property asked for (optional) % % OUT % % v (any) the value of property c or the entire struct % % $Id$ %% all POES satellites with MHS/AMSUB A.POES_satellite_names = {'noaa15', 'noaa16', 'noaa17', 'noaa18', 'noaa19', 'metopa'}; A.POES_satellite_numbers = [15 16 17 18 19 29499]; % for metopa, use NORAD number A.POES_satellites_amsub = {'noaa15', 'noaa16', 'noaa17', 'N15', 'N16', 'N17'}; A.POES_satellites_mhs = {'noaa18', 'noaa19', 'metopa', 'N18', 'N19', 'MA'}; %% all sats with SSMT2 A.DMSP_satellite_names = {'F11', 'F12', 'F14', 'F15'}; %% define what reading function to use for what sensor A.read_cpr = @satreaders.cpr_2BCWCRO; A.read_mhs = @satreaders.poes_radiometer; A.read_amsua = @satreaders.poes_radiometer; A.read_amsub = @satreaders.poes_radiometer; A.read_hirs = @satreaders.poes_radiometer; A.read_avhrr = @satreaders.avhrr; A.read_hirscs = @satreaders.hirscs; A.read_collocation_cpr_poes = @satreaders.collocation_cpr_mhs; A.read_collocation_cpr_mhs = @satreaders.collocation_cpr_mhs; %% define approximate granule durations % by sensor rather than by satellite, because not all sensors are saved in % the same chunks; in particular, stored collocations belong to a certain % satellite (pair), but are stored per day A.granule_duration_mhs = 6130; % seconds; upper estimate A.granule_duration_amsua = 6130; A.granule_duration_amsub = 6130; A.granule_duration_hirs = 6130; A.granule_duration_avhrr = 6130; A.granule_duration_cpr = 5932; % seconds A.granule_duration_hirscs = 86400; % one granule per da A.granule_duration_collocation_cpr_poes = 86400; A.granule_duration_collocation_cpr_mhs = 86400; %% define viewing angles % source: % NOAA KLM User's Guide, Appendix J % A.angles_avhrr_gac = linspace(-55.37, 55.37, 409); A.angles_mhs = linspace(-49.4444, 49.4444, 90); A.angles_amsub = linspace(-48.95, 48.95, 90); %% define flags to pass to sat2netcdf A.sat2netcdf_flags = '-nogui -latlon -temperature -quality -calibration -metadata'; if exist('c', 'var') value = A.(c); else value = A; end