function weights = area_weighting(varargin) % AREA_WEIGHTING returns a matrix of weights for geodata based on latitude % % In % lat: [%f ...] latitude vector % lon: [%f ...] longitude vector % % OPT: vec logical true if the weighting matrix should % be a vector (same size as latitude) % % % Out: A matrix of area wieghts the same size as se.datafield; % where each element is cosd(latitude) % % USAGE: weights = area_weighting('lat',[%f,...],'lon',[...]) %for 2D output % or % weights = area_weighting('lat',[%f,...],'vec',true) %for 1D output % Created by Salomon Eliasson % $Id$ errID = 'atmlab:area_weighting:badInput'; for arg = 1:2:length(varargin) S.(varargin{arg}) = varargin{arg+1}; end assert(isfield(S,'lat'),errID,'input ''lat'' is missing') assert(isfield(S,'lon') || isfield(S,'vec'),errID,.... 'input ''lon'' is required to make weighting matrix if logical ''vec'' is not set') if isfield(S,'vec') && S.vec weights = cosd(; else = sort(,'descend'); [y,latmatrix] = meshgrid(S.lon,; weights = cosd(latmatrix); end