function [outdata,outlat,outlon,weights] = regionize(data,lat,lon,corner,opt) %% regionize % % PURPOSE: function that nan's out all data outside a given region bounds (or several regions) % % IN: data %2 or more dims starting with (lat,lon,...) or (lon,lat,...) % lat %vector % lon %vector % corner = [blcorner,trcorner;blcorner,trcorner] % each corner is [lat,lon] % % opt.trim = true or false % (1=trim data and lat lons outside the region (default), 0=don't) % opt.maskwith = NaN % what to mask the data with % opt.includeEdges = 0,1,2 depending on if you don't want (0)=default, do want (1) % to include the regionbounds in the output data. Or (2) % if you want a weight between 0-1 to be given for the % grid boxes where the region boundary cuts through % % NOTE REGARDING corner: If you want to use a predefined region, use % e.g. corner = getPredefinedRegion('tropics') %look into function region list % % NOTE REGARDING trim: If you need the size of data matrix to remain unchanged, input trim=0 % % OUT: outdata % outlat % outlon % weights % takes care of grids that are overlapping the edges % flags = % % USAGE: [data,lat,lon,weights,flags] = regionize(data,lat,lon,corner) % % NOTE: 1) If the data is gridded the spacing between lats and lon must be % equidegree. % 2) Gridded data that is partly in and partly out of a region is % included in outdata. Use the 3rd output argument to weight the % data according to how much of the gridbox is in the region % % % Created by Salomon Eliasson % $Id$ errID = ['atmlab:',mfilename,':badInput']; assert(nargin>=4,errID,'Not enought input arguments') if nargin==4, opt = struct(); end default.trim = true; default.maskwith = NaN; default.includeEdges = 0; opt = optargs_struct(opt,default); [outdata,outlat,outlon,setopt,flags] = setup(data,lat,lon); opt = catstruct(opt,setopt); if opt.isgridded if all(size(corner) == [1,4]) && ... (corner(1)==-90 && corner(2)==-180 && corner(3)==90 && corner(4)==180) logtext(1,'Global region. no need to regionize\n') weights = true(size(outdata)); return end sz = size(outdata); %%%%%%% % % Trim the data before hand to quicken up the code % save these originals if ~opt.trim if isnan(opt.maskwith) origdata = nan(size(outdata(:,:,:))); elseif isinf(opt.maskwith) origdata = nan(size(outdata(:,:,:))); elseif islogical(opt.maskwith)&&opt.maskwith origdata = true(size(outdata(:,:,:))); elseif islogical(opt.maskwith)&&~opt.maskwith origdata = false(size(outdata(:,:,:))); else origdata = opt.maskwith*ones(size(outdata(:,:,:)),class(outdata)); end origlat = outlat; origlon = outlon; end % chop away what we don't need to look through. Include the edges indexlat = outlat>= min(corner(:,1)) & outlat<=max(corner(:,3)); indexlon = outlon>= min(corner(:,2)) & outlon<=max(corner(:,4)); outlat = outlat(indexlat); outlon = outlon(indexlon); = outdata(indexlat,indexlon,:); %collapse to 3Doutdata; = outdata(:,:,:); %%%%% % for the sake of grids overlapping the edges dlt = mean(diff(unique(outlat))); dln = mean(diff(unique(outlon))); % NaN away everything that is not a region = repmat(outlat,1,length(outlon)); z.lon = repmat(outlon,1,length(outlat))'; [logical_field,periphery] = get_logicalfield(z,corner,dlt,dln,opt); % ========== % % Get the weights for the region. 0 outside, 1 inside, and 0,1,or 0= corner(i,1) + dlt/2; lt2 = <= corner(i,3) - dlt/2; ln1 = in.lon >= corner(i,2) + dln/2; ln2 = in.lon <= corner(i,4) - dln/2; logical_field = logical_field | ( ln1&ln2<1<2 ); end if ~opt.isgridded % there are no pixels partly in and out of the region return end % on the periphery of the region periphery=false([size(,1),size(,2)]); for i = 1:size(corner,1) lt1 = >= corner(i,1) - dlt/2; lt2 = <= corner(i,3) + dlt/2; ln1 = in.lon >= corner(i,2) - dln/2; ln2 = in.lon <= corner(i,4) + dln/2; periphery = periphery | ( ln1&ln2<1<2 ); end periphery(logical_field)=false; function weights = findWeightsOnPeriphery(lat,lon,periphery,C,dlt,dln) %% findWeightsOnPeriphery % % First NaNs away grids that are not on the perifery % Then loops over these points to find out how how they overlap the % region boundaries % % C = corners ([blcorner,trcorner;blcorner,trcorner]), dlt & dln are the gridsizes sz = size(lat); weights = zeros(sz); index = 1:length(lat(:)); index = reshape(index,sz); index = index(periphery); % Now loop over remaining points AREA = 0; for i = index' for j = 1:size(C,1) A = [lon(i)-dln/2,lat(i)-dlt/2,dln,dlt]; B = [C(j,2),C(j,1),C(j,4)-C(j,2),C(j,3)-C(j,1)]; AREA = AREA + rectint(A,B); end weights(i) = AREA/(dlt*dln); % normalized area. Max = 1; AREA = 0; end function [data,lon,lat,weights] = trimAwayNaNs_gridded(data,lon,lat,corner,gsize,weights) %% Trim dataset to get rid of NaNs outside the regions % If you don't need weights, make the 4th argument empty [] % gsize is the size of the grid [dlat,dlon] gh = gsize/2; %half boxwidth % Use the corner input to trim away the data if ismatrix(data) data = data(lat>=min(corner(:,1))-gh(1) & lat<=max(corner(:,3))+gh(1),... lon>=min(corner(:,2))-gh(2) & lon<=max(corner(:,4))+gh(2)); elseif ndims(data)==3 data = data(lat>=min(corner(:,1))-gh(1) & lat<=max(corner(:,3))+gh(1),... lon>=min(corner(:,2))-gh(2) & lon<=max(corner(:,4))+gh(2),:); end if nargout == 4 weights = weights(lat>=min(corner(:,1))-gh(1) & lat<=max(corner(:,3))+gh(1),... lon>=min(corner(:,2)) -gh(2) & lon<=max(corner(:,4))+gh(2)); end lat = lat(lat>=min(corner(:,1))-gh(1) & lat<=max(corner(:,3))+gh(1)); lon = lon(lon>=min(corner(:,2))-gh(2) & lon<=max(corner(:,4))+gh(2)); function [data,lon,lat] = trimAwayNaNs_ungridded(data,lon,lat,corner,opt) %% Trim dataset to get rid of NaNs outside the regions % Use the corner input to trim away the data if ~opt.maskonlyUngridded if ismatrix(data) data = data(lat>=min(corner(:,1)) & lat<=max(corner(:,3)) &... lon>=min(corner(:,2)) & lon<=max(corner(:,4))); elseif ndims(data)==3 data = data(lat>=min(corner(:,1)) & lat<=max(corner(:,3)) &... lon>=min(corner(:,2)) & lon<=max(corner(:,4)),:); end end lat = lat(lat>=min(corner(:,1)) & lat<=max(corner(:,3))); lon = lon(lon>=min(corner(:,2)) & lon<=max(corner(:,4))); function [data,lat,lon,weights] = useFlags(data,lon,lat,flags,weights) %% useFlags % % This function will only be called if the data is gridded % % % if the orig lons are in the 0:360 regime. Put them BACK w = nargout == 4; if flags.lon360 lon = lon +(lon < 0)*360; [lon,lnindex] = sort(lon); data = data(:,lnindex,:); if w; weights = weights(:,lnindex);end end if flags.lon_descend [lon,lnindex] = sort(lon,'descend'); data = data(:,lnindex,:); if w; weights = weights(:,lnindex);end end % If the orig lats are DESCENDING. Put them BACK if flags.lat_descend [lat,ltindex] = sort(lat,'descend'); data = data(ltindex,:,:); if w; weights = weights(ltindex,:); end end % If orig data was data(lon,lat,...), Permute BACK if strcmp(flags.dimorder,'lonlat') data = permute(data,[2,1,3]); if w; weights = permute(weights,[2,1]); end end