function [out,weights] = resample_geodata(in,field,newgrid,weights) % RESAMPLE_GEODATA regrid the data to a new gridsize or fitting to new lat lons % % PURPOSE: To resample GRIDDED data according a given gridsize or lat/lon % vectors. The data is regridded using matlabs INTERPOLATION % functions if the grid resolution should be FINER and the data % is RESAMPLED using area wieghting averages using a local plane % assumption if the grid resolution should be COARSER. % % % % IN: % % in struct contains: lat,lon,field1,etc (maybe more fields) % opt: interpolation = 'str'; default='linear' % for interpolation method in interp2. % % field %s {'field1',etc}; The field/s you want to regrid % % newgrid %f, or [%f %f], {[newlon],[newlat]} (e.g. newlat = -90:5:90) % % a) Either make a sqaure grid using a scalar %f. e.g 1deg -> % 2deg (Assumes centered data!) % % b) or a 2 element vector [%f %f] means [lonstep, latstep] % e.g. 1*1 -> 1.25*2.75 (Assumes centered data!) % % c) or {[newlat],[newlon]} if you want to match to a predefined % lat lon grid. (Use this if your data is NOT centered) % % OUT: struct Original structure 'in' with lat, lon, and specified fields % replaced with their regridded versions % % % NOTE: - Interpolation is linear, unless specified by in.interpolation. % - With a combination of conditions % 1) regridding to a very coarse resolution % 2) the finer grid resolution doesn't cleanly fit in the larger grid. % the local plane assumption will cause some errors, the remedy is % to include area weighting depending on latitude. This is % yet to be implemented. % - The input data and the newgrid (if full vectors) must be % equidegree (homogeneous spacing) % - If you use new grid = [latstep, lonstep], both have to be higher or lower % than the resolution of the input data, otherwise the % interpolation function is applied also to the coarser grid, but % this will throw a warning. % % Important: (but does not apply is you provide new lat lons in regrid{} ) % - It is assumed that the grid values are centered!! % - For the interpolation/resampling it is always assumed % that the whole world is in the data. % % % USAGE: out = resample_geodata(in,{'CC','HCC','MCC','LCC','P','T','Q'},3); % e.g. out = resample_geodata(in,{'CC','HCC','MCC','LCC','P','T','Q'},[3,5]); % out = resample_geodata(in,{'CC','HCC','MCC','LCC','P','T','Q'},... % {[ newlons ],[ newlats ]} ); % % 1st example: Someone wants to resample 7 data fields % in one go to a 3x3 deg grid (the common lat lons are in the structure) % 2nd example: Same as above but to a 3x5 deg grid % 3rd example: Same as above but match the data to certain % lat lons % % IMPORTANT: data fields must have the dimensions data(lat,lon,.....), or % data(lon,lat,.....) % % Created by Salomon Eliasson % $Id: regrid_dataset.m 6417 2011-04-21 06:44:37Z seliasson $ errID = ['atmlab:' mfilename ':badInput']; assert(nargin>2,errID,'Incorrect number of input arguments') if ~iscell(field), field={field}; end % rename the structure so nothing is lost after this function out = in; % CHECK input sz = check_input(in,field,newgrid,errID); % ASSEMBLE_newgrid [newlon,newlat] = assemble_newgrid(in.lon,,newgrid,errID); % STANDARDIZE "new grid" internally gridoptions=struct('lat_descend',false,'lon_descend',false,'lon360',false,'silent',true); [rg_flags,tmp] = standardize_geodata(struct('lon',newlon,'lat',newlat),gridoptions); newlon=tmp.lon;; clear tmp % LEAVE function if nothing needs to be done if isequal(,newlat(:)) && isequal(in.lon(:),newlon(:)) warning(errID,['input grid is identical to requested new grid.\n'... 'Leaving data untouched']) out = in; return end % CHECK WHICH test out.method = which_test(,in.lon,newlat,newlon); % PRINT to screen what is about to happen if strcmp(out.method,'shift grid') logtext(1,'shifting the grid, keeping the same resolution\n') else logtext(1,'Changing grid from %.3fx%.3f to %.3fx%.3f deg by method: %s\n',... mean(abs(diff(,mean(abs(diff(in.lon))),... mean(diff(newlat)),mean(diff(newlon)),.... out.method) end if ~strcmp(out.method,'interpolate') && isfield(in,'interpolation') warning(errID,'Will not interpolate, but instead use method: %s',out.method) elseif strcmp(out.method,'interpolate') if isfield(in,'interpolation') intm = in.interpolation; else intm = 'linear'; end end if strcmp(out.method,'coarse grid with area weighting') && ... (~exist('weights','var') || isempty(weights)) % do this only once. This saves time if there are more than one field [~,tmp] = standardize_geodata(struct('lat',,'lon',in.lon),gridoptions); logtext(1,'getting weights\n') weights = get_weights_for_coarser_grid_withAreaweighting(struct('lat',,'lon',tmp.lon),newlat,newlon); end %% LOOP over FIELDS to regrid for F = field logtext(1,'Processing field: "%s"\n',F{1}) fsz = size(in.(F{1})); % COLLAPSE data onto the 3rd dimesion data = in.(F{1})(:,:,:); % STANDARDIZE "input" data internally gridoptions=struct('lat_descend',false,'lon_descend',false,'lon360',false,'dimorder','latlon','silent',true); [flags,tmp] = standardize_geodata(struct('lat',,'lon',in.lon,'data',data),gridoptions); lat =; lon = tmp.lon; data =; clear tmp % CHECK for every field assert(isequal(fsz(1:2),sz(1:2)),... errID,'All input fields for processing don''t have matching lat lon dims') % USE appropriate METHOD switch out.method case 'interpolate' % successfully tested for 4D data and lon=0:360, lat = end:-1:1 data = interpolate_grid(struct('lat',lat,'lon',lon,'data',data,'method',intm),newlat,newlon); case 'coarse grid' % successfully tested for 4D data and lon=0:360, lat = end:-1:1 data = coarser_grid(struct('lat',lat,'lon',lon,'data',data),newlat,newlon); case 'coarse grid with area weighting' % successfully tested for 4D data and lon=0:360, lat = end:-1:1 data = coarser_grid_withAreaweighting(struct('lat',lat,'lon',lon,'data',data),weights,newlat,newlon); case 'shift grid' % successfully: regular, 4D, data = interpolate_grid(struct('lat',lat,'lon',lon,'data',data,'method',intm),newlat,newlon); case 'interp and averaging' data = fine_and_coarse(struct('lat',lat,'lon',lon,'data',data),newlat,newlon,true); case 'averaging and iterp' data = fine_and_coarse(struct('lat',lat,'lon',lon,'data',data),newlat,newlon,false); otherwise error('atmlab:resample_geodata:Bug','Shouldn''t be here') end % REORDER data to original sorting order if flags.lat_descend data = data(end:-1:1,:,:); end if flags.lon_descend data = data(:,end:-1:1,:); end if rg_flags.lon360 % the picked newgrid decides... [~,lnindex] = sort(newlon+(newlon<0)*360); data = data(:,lnindex,:); end if strcmp(flags.dimorder,'lonlat') data = permute(data,[2,1,3]); end % RESHAPE data back to original format out.(F{1}) = reshape(data,[size(data,1),size(data,2),fsz(3:end)]); end = newlat; out.lon = newlon; % REORDER lat lons if need be if rg_flags.lat_descend =; end if rg_flags.lon_descend out.lon = out.lon(end:-1:1); end if rg_flags.lon360 out.lon = sort(out.lon+(out.lon<0)*360); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SUNFUNCTIONS bellow here % function sz = check_input(in,field,newgrid,errID) %% CHECK_input assorted list of input checks assert(isstruct(in) && ischar(field{1}) && ... (isnumeric(newgrid) || iscell(newgrid)),... errID,'Incorrect input argument types') if iscell(newgrid) assert(~any([isempty(newgrid{1}),isempty(newgrid{2})]),... errID,'Lat or Lon vector is empty') end assert(~any(~isfield(in,{'lat','lon'})),errID,'"lat,lon" are required fields') assert(all(ismember(field,fieldnames(in))),errID,'One or more of the specified data fields is missing'); assert(~isequal([size(in.(field{1}),1),size(in.(field{1}),2)],size(,size(in.lon)),... errID,'function only works on regular grids, i.e. data(lat,lon,...) or data(lon,lat,...)') % assert(max(diff(<0.1&&max(diff(in.lon))-min(diff(in.lon))<0.1,... % errID,'The input data must be equidegree (constant spacing)') assert( ( isequal(,sort( || isequal(,sort(,'descend')) ) && ... % lats ( isequal(in.lon,sort(in.lon)) || isequal(in.lon,sort(in.lon,'descend')) ),... % lons errID,'both lat & lon must be ascending or descending') sz = size(in.(field{1})); assert(isequal([length(,length(in.lon)],[sz(1),sz(2)]) || ... isequal([length(,length(in.lon)],[sz(2),sz(1)]),... errID, 'data must have the dimensions data(lat,lon,.....), or data(lon,lat,.....)'); if ~iscell(newgrid) assert(min(>-90 & max(<90 ,errID,'Latitudes are not centers') if min(in.lon)<0 assert(~(all(ismember([-180,180],in.lon))),errID,'Longitudes are probably not centers') else assert(~(all(ismember([0,360],in.lon))),errID,'Longitudes are probably not centers') end else assert(length(newgrid)==2,... errID,'if newgrid is a cell, it must contatin 2 vectors {[LATs] , [LONs]}') end function [newlon,newlat] = assemble_newgrid(LON,LAT,newgrid,errID) %% ASSEMBLE_newgrid % in: LAT orig latvector % LON orig lonvector % newgrid numeric or cell % % out: newlat,newlon vectors to map to, and logical descn flagging is the % are in ascending order or not if iscell(newgrid) % E.g. for mapping one dataset to anothers lat/lons newlon = newgrid{1}; newlat = newgrid{2}; assert(max(diff(newlat))-min(diff(newlat))<0.1&&max(diff(newlon))-min(diff(newlon))<0.1,... errID,'The input newgrid must be equidegree (constant spacing)') else % make newlat newlon based on range given by,in.lon (centered) g=newgrid; if isscalar(g), g = [g,g]; end dn = mean(abs(diff(LON))); dt = mean(abs(diff(LAT))); % LATITUDES if min(LAT) == LAT(1) newlat = LAT(1)-dt/2+g(1)/2 : g(1) : LAT(end)+dt/2-g(1)/2; flt = newlat(end)~=LAT(end)+dt/2-g(1)/2; else newlat = LAT(1)+dt/2-g(1)/2 : -g(1) : LAT(end)-dt/2+g(1)/2; flt = newlat(end)~=LAT(end)-dt/2+g(1)/2; end % LONGITUDES if min(LON) == LON(1) newlon = LON(1)-dn/2+g(2)/2 : g(2) : LON(end)+dn/2-g(2)/2; fln = newlon(end)~=LON(end)+dn/2-g(2)/2; else newlon = LON(1)+dn/2-g(2)/2 : -g(2) : LON(end)-dn/2+g(2)/2; fln = newlon(end)~=LON(end)-dn/2+g(2)/2; end % do they FIT ? if flt warning(errID,['Requested latitude range does not fit into original latitude range\n',... 'Suggest to give the latitude vector direcly in newgrid = {[lats][lons]}']) end if fln warning(errID,['Requested longitude range does not fit into original longitude range\n',... 'Suggest to give the longitude vector direcly in newgrid = {[lats][lons]}']) end end function method = which_test(LAT,LON,newlat,newlon) %% CHECK_WHICH_test_to_use % IN: lat lons of both grids to decide which method to use % OUT: string name of the method to use % first test is to see if the edges of the input grid match the edges of % the new grid eps = 1e-5; %this corresponds to 1 meter at the equator % diff averages dnlt = mean(abs(diff(newlat))); dnln = mean(abs(diff(newlon))); dlt = mean(abs(diff(LAT))); dln = mean(abs(diff(LON))); % temporay vectors nltb = newlat - dnlt/2; nltt = newlat + dnlt/2; nlnb = newlon - dnln/2; nlnt = newlon + dnln/2; ltb = LAT - dlt/2; ltt = LAT + dlt/2; lnb = LAT - dln/2; lnt = LON + dln/2; % LOGICALS %to a finer grid cond1 = dlt > dnlt; %length(LAT) < length(newlat); cond2 = dln > dnln; %length(LON) < length(newlon); %to a coarser grid cond3 = dlt < dnlt; %length(LAT) > length(newlat); cond4 = dln < dnln; %length(LON) > length(newlon); % same resolution cond5 = abs(dlt-dnlt)=newlon(1) LON = [LON(1)-dn,LON,LON(end)+dn]; %#ok<*AGROW> data = [data(:,end,:),data,data(:,1,:)]; end while LAT(1)>=newlat(1) LAT = [LAT(1)-dt,LAT,LAT(end)+dt]; data = [data(1,:,:);data;data(end,:,:)]; end % do the INTERPOLATION [X,Y] = meshgrid(LON,LAT); [XI,YI] = meshgrid(newlon,newlat); if islogical(data) DATA = false([length(newlat),length(newlon),size(data,3)]); else DATA = zeros([length(newlat),length(newlon),size(data,3)],class(data)); end logtext(1,'Using interpolation method: %s\n',in.method) for i = 1:size(data,3) DATA(:,:,i) = interp2(X,Y,data(:,:,i),XI,YI,in.method); end function data = coarser_grid(in,lat,lon) %% coarser_grid by averaging. % % Purpose: To make gridded data more sparse if the grids fit nicely into each other. % NOTE: Biases may be introduced because I am using nanmean. The solution % is to also output the number of values used in the averaging for % each grid (not doing that right now. Add feature if needed) % PUT lat/lons LAST and make lat lons both size(lat,lon) tmpdata = permute(,[3,1,2]); tmplon = repmat(in.lon,length(,1); tmplat = repmat(,1,length(in.lon)); % COLLAPSE data (transposed), lat, lon to simulate UNGRIDDED data tmpdata = binning_fast(struct('data',tmpdata(:,:)','lon',tmplon(:),'lat',tmplat(:),... 'newlon',lon,'newlat',lat)); % TAKE the grid MEAN for each level (e.g. {[4x288]} -> {[1x288]}). if any(isnan(tmpdata(:))), warning(['atmlab:' mfilename ':calculation'],... 'There are NaNs in the data, and these may lead to biases on the coarser grid'); end tmpdata = binned_statistics(tmpdata,{@nanmean}); if ismatrix( data = cell2mat(tmpdata.mean); elseif ndims( % make into MATRIX(lat,lat,...) % this loop is because cell2mat doesn't work if cells contain vectors. It % doesn't work in conjuction with repmat, it just scrambled data = zeros(length(lat),length(lon),size(,3)); for i = 1:length(lat) for j = 1:length(lon) data(i,j,:) = tmpdata.mean{i,j}; end end end function weights = get_weights_for_coarser_grid_withAreaweighting(in,newlat,newlon) % DETERMINE new grid BOUNDARIES from grid spacing gn = mean(diff(newlon)); gt = mean(diff(newlat)); dn = mean(diff(in.lon)); dt = mean(diff(; if isnan(gt), gt = ( + dt);end %incase there's only one latitude if isnan(gn), gn = (in.lon(end)-in.lon(1) + dn);end %incase there's only one longitude lattop = newlat+gt/2+dt; latbot = newlat-gt/2; lontop = newlon+gn/2+dn; lonbot = newlon-gn/2; weights = cell(length(newlat),length(newlon)); %LOOP over larger grid for ii = 1:length(newlat) for jj=1:length(newlon) % GET lats lons in or tangent to grid(i,j) ilon = in.lon >= lonbot(jj) & in.lon < lontop(jj); ilat = >= latbot(ii) & < lattop(ii); % find WEIGHTS % A = [x,y,width,height] x,y = bottom corner A = [lonbot(jj),latbot(ii),gn,gt]; [x,y] = meshgrid(in.lon(ilon)-dn/2,; B = [ x(:), y(:), repmat(dn,length(y(:)),1), repmat(dt,length(x(:)),1)]; weights{ii,jj} = rectint(A,B); end end function data = coarser_grid_withAreaweighting(in,weights,lat,lon) %% COARSER_GRID make a coarse grid from a finer grid % method: Uses area weighting for grids that don't fit nicely into each % other and assumes local plane assumption, which is good as long as the % grids are not too large (see help resample_data). % NOTE: Biases may be introduced because I am using nanmean. The solution % is to also output the number of values used in the averaging for % each grid (not doing that right now. Add feature if needed) % preallocate if ~islogical( data = zeros([length(lat),length(lon),size(,3)],class(; else data = false([length(lat),length(lon),size(,3)]); end polyWeightSum = @(d,w,i)(nansum(single(d(i)).*w(i))./nansum(w(i))); % DETERMINE new grid BOUNDARIES from grid spacing gn = mean(diff(lon)); gt = mean(diff(lat)); dn = mean(diff(in.lon)); dt = mean(diff(; if isnan(gt), gt = ( + dt);end %incase there's only one latitude if isnan(gn), gn = (in.lon(end)-in.lon(1) + dn);end %incase there's only one longitude lattop = lat+gt/2+dt; latbot = lat-gt/2; lontop = lon+gn/2+dn; lonbot = lon-gn/2; %LOOP over larger grid for ii = 1:length(lat) for jj=1:length(lon) % GET lats lons in or tangent to grid(i,j) ilon = in.lon >= lonbot(jj) & in.lon < lontop(jj); ilat = >= latbot(ii) & < lattop(ii); % get data SUBSET d =,ilon,:); % COLLAPSE data on the lat/lon dimensions to match output from rectint d = permute(d,[3,1,2]); for kk = 1:size(d,1) data(ii,jj,kk) = polyWeightSum(d(kk,:),weights{ii,jj},~isnan(d(kk,:))); end end end % function data = fine_and_coarse(in,newlat,newlon,method) % % data = interpolate_grid(in,newlat,newlon); % warning('atmlab:resample_geodata:incomplete',... % ['Using interpolation (interp2) for grids that are finer in one dimension '... % 'and coarser in the other. This is NO GOOD for the dimension that is coarser, '... % 'because of linear interpolation.']) % % return % Code to fix this problem incomplete below: % %'interp and averaging' = true % sz = size(; % if method % lp = [sz(2),sz(1)]; % else lp = [sz(1),sz(2)]; % end % % % first INTERPOLATE % if method % data = zeros(length(newlat),sz(2),sz(3),class(; % else data = zeros(sz(1),length(newlon),sz(3),class(; % end % % for i = 1:lp(1) % if method % data(:,i,:) = interp1(,squeeze(,i,:)),newlat,'linear','extrap'); % else % data(i,:,:) = interp1(in.lon,squeeze(,:,:)),newlon,'linear','extrap'); % end % end % % % then COARSEGRID % for i = 1:lp(2) % if method % data(i,:,:) = ; % else % % % end % end