function clonefig(inFigNum,OutFigNum) % this program copies a figure to another figure % example: clonefig(1,4) would copy Fig. 1 to Fig. 4 % Matt Fetterman, 2009 % pretty much taken from Matlab Technical solutions: % hf1=figure(inFigNum); hf2=figure(OutFigNum); clf; compCopy(hf1,hf2); function compCopy(op, np) %COMPCOPY copies a figure object represented by "op" and its % descendants to %another figure "np" preserving the same hierarchy. ch = get(op, 'children'); if ~isempty(ch) nh = copyobj(ch,np); for k = 1:length(ch) compCopy(ch(k),nh(k)); end end return