% XPATCH A patch object defined at a set of x-coordinates % % As YPATCH but for patches defined as a function of x. % % FORMAT hp = ypatch(x,ylow,yhigh,c[,varargin]) % % OUT hp Handle to patch object. % IN x X-coordinates. % ylow Low y-value for each x. % yhigh High y-value for each x. % c Color specification. % OPT varargin Arguments passed on to PATCH. % 2003-03-09 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function hp = xpatch(x,ylow,yhigh,c,varargin) hp = patch( [ vec2col(x); flipud(vec2col(x)) ], ... [ vec2col(ylow); flipud(vec2col(yhigh)) ], ... c, varargin{:} ); set( hp, 'EdgeColor', 'none' );