function [V,Tri,Ue_i,Ue]=ParticleSampleSphere(varargin) % Create an approximately uniform triangular tessellation of the unit % sphere by minimizing generalized electrostatic potential energy % (aka Reisz s-energy) of the system of charged particles. Effectively, % this function produces a locally optimal solution to the problem that % involves finding a minimum Reisz s-energy configuration of N equal % charges confined to the surface of the unit sphere (s=1 corresponds to % the problem originally posed by J. J. Thomson). % % SYNTAX: % [V,Tri,Ue_i,Ue]=ParticleSampleSphere(option_i,value_i,option_j,value_j,...) % % OPTIONS: % - 'N' : desired number of particles. Corresponding value of N must % be a positive interger greater than 9 and less than 1001. % N=200 particles is the default setting. % - 'Vo' : particle positions used to initialize the search. % Corresponding value of Vo must be a N-by-3 array, where n is % the number of particles. N=10 is the lowest permissible % number of particles. Initializations consisting of more than % 1E3 particles are admissible but may lead to unreasonably % long optimization times. % - 's' : Reisz s-energy parameter used to control the strength of % particle interactions. Corresponding value of s must be % a real number greater than zero. s=1 is the default setting. % - 'Etol' : covergence tolerance. Coresponding value of Etol must be % a real, positive number. Etol=1E-5 is the default setting. % - 'Nitr' : Maximum number of iterations. Corresponding value of Nitr % must be a non-negative interger. Nitr=1E3 is the default % setting. % % OUTPUT: % - V : N-by-3 array of vertex positions. % - Tri : M-by-3 list of face-vertex connectivities. % - Ue_i : N-by-1 array of particle energies. % - Ue : K-by-1 array of energy scores, where K-1 was the total number % of iterations. Ue(1) corresponds to the energy of the initial % configuration. % % EXAMPLE: % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % Uniformly distribute 100 particles across the surface of the unit sphere % % [V,Tri,~,Ue]=ParticleSampleSphere('N',100); % figure, plot(0:numel(Ue)-1,Ue,'.-') % set(get(gca,'Title'),'String','Optimization Progress','FontSize',20) % xlabel('Iteration #','FontSize',15) % ylabel('Reisz s-enrgy','FontSize',15) % TR=TriRep(Tri,V); % figure, h=trimesh(TR); set(h,'EdgeColor','b'), axis equal % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % AUTHOR: Anton Semechko ( % DATE: June.2012 % % Check the inputs [V,s,Etol,Nitr]=VerifyInputArgs(varargin); N=size(V,1); % number of particles clear varargin % Compute geodesic distances between the points DOT=V*V'; % dot product DOT(DOT<-1)=-1; DOT(DOT>1)=1; GD=acos(DOT); % geodesic distance % Evaluate the energy functional GD(1:(N+1):end)=Inf; % set diagonal entries of GD to Inf Ue_ij=1./((GD.^s)+eps); Ue_i=sum(Ue_ij,2); Ue=sum(Ue_i); % Iteratively optimize the position of the particles along the negative % gradient of the energy functional using an adaptive Gauss-Seidel % update scheme ----------------------------------------------------------- fprintf('\nWait while particle positions are being optimized ...\n') t0=clock; i=0; a=ones(N,1); % step sizes used during position updates a_min=1E-14; % minimum step size a_max=0.1; % maximum step size dE=Inf; while iEtol i=i+1; % Sort the particles according to their energy contribution [~,idx_sort]=sort(Ue_i,'descend'); % Update the position of individual particles for k=1:N j=idx_sort(k); idx_j=true(N,1); % particle indices, except the current one idx_j(j)=false; DOTj=DOT(idx_j,j); GDj=GD(idx_j,j); % Compute the gradient for the j-th particle dVj=bsxfun(@times,s./(sqrt(1-DOTj.^2)+eps),V(idx_j,:)); dVj=bsxfun(@rdivide,dVj,(GDj.^(s+1))+eps); if i<5 % remove contributions from particles which are too close idx_fail=sum(dVj.^2,2)>(1E4)^2; dVj(idx_fail,:)=[]; if isempty(dVj) % perturb initial positions V=V+randn(size(V))/1E5; V_L2=sqrt(sum(V.^2,2)); V=bsxfun(@rdivide,V,V_L2); DOT=V*V'; GD=acos(DOT); break end end dVj=sum(dVj,1); % Only retain the tangential component of the gradient dVj_n=(dVj*V(j,:)')*V(j,:); dVj_t=dVj-dVj_n; % Adaptively update position of the j-th particle m=0; Uj_old=sum(Ue_ij(j,:)); while true % Update the position Vj_new=V(j,:)-a(j)*dVj_t; % Constrain the point to surface of the sphere Vj_new=Vj_new/norm(Vj_new); % Recompute the dot products and the geodesics DOTj=sum(bsxfun(@times,V,Vj_new),2); DOTj(DOTj<-1)=-1; DOTj(DOTj>1)=1; GDj=acos(DOTj); GDj(j)=Inf; Ue_ij_j=1./((GDj.^s)+eps); % Check if the system potential decreased if sum(Ue_ij_j)<=Uj_old V(j,:)=Vj_new; DOT(j,:)=DOTj'; DOT(:,j)=DOTj; GD(j,:)=GDj'; GD(:,j)=GDj; Ue_ij(j,:)=Ue_ij_j'; Ue_ij(:,j)=Ue_ij_j; if m==1, a(j)=a(j)*2.5; end if a(j)>a_max, a(j)=a_max; end break else if a(j)>a_min a(j)=a(j)/2.5; if a(j)=10, dE=(Ue(i-2)-Ue(i+1))/10; end % Reset the step sizes if mod(i,20)==0, a=a_max*ones(N,1); end end clear DOT GD Ue_ij if Nitr==0, fprintf('%u\t %.3f\t\n',i,Ue(1)); end if mod(i,50)~=0, fprintf('%u\t %.3f\t\n',i,Ue(end)); end fprintf('Optimization completed after %u iterations. Elapsed time: %5.1f sec\n',i,etime(clock,t0)) try Tri=fliplr(convhulln(V)); catch err msg=sprintf('Unable to triangulate the points. %s',err.message); disp(msg) Tri=[]; end %========================================================================== function [V,s,Etol,Nitr]=VerifyInputArgs(VarsIn) % Make sure all supplied input argumets have valid format % Default settings V=RandSampleSphere(200,'stratified'); s=1; Etol=1E-5; Nitr=1E3; if isempty(VarsIn), return; end % First check that there is an even number of inputs Narg=numel(VarsIn); if mod(Narg,2)~=0 error('Incorrect number of input arguments') end % Get the properties FNo={'N','Vo','s','Etol','Nitr'}; flag=false(1,5); exit_flag=false; for i=1:Narg/2 % Make sure the input is a string str=VarsIn{2*(i-1)+1}; if ~ischar(str) error('Input argument #%u is not valid',2*(i-1)+1) end % Get the value Val=VarsIn{2*i}; % Match the string against the list of avaliable options chk=strcmpi(str,FNo); id=find(chk,1); if isempty(id), id=0; end switch id case 1 % number of particles % Check if 'initialization' option has also been specified if flag(2) error('Ambigious combination of options. Specify option ''%s'' or option ''%s'', but not both.',FNo{2},FNo{1}) end % Check the format if sum(Val(:)<10)>0 || sum(Val(:)>1E3)>0 || ~isreal(Val) || ~isnumeric(Val) || numel(Val)~=1 error('Incorrect entry for the ''%s'' option. N must be a positive interger greater than 9 and less than 1001.',FNo{1}) end V=RandSampleSphere(round(Val),'stratified'); %#ok<*NASGU> case 2 % initialization % Check if 'number' option has also been specified if flag(1) error('Ambigious combination of options. Specify option ''%s'' or option ''%s'', but not both.',FNo{1},FNo{2}) end % Check the format if ~isreal(Val) || ~isnumeric(Val) || size(Val,2)~=3 || size(Val,1)<10 error('Incorrect entry for the ''%s'' option. Vo must be a N-by-3 array, where N is the number of particles. N=10 is the lowest number allowed.',FNo{2}) end % Make sure the particles are constrained to the surface of the unit sphere V=Val; V_L2=sqrt(sum(V.^2,2)); V=bsxfun(@rdivide,V,V_L2); clear Val V_L2 % Check if there are more than 1E3 particles if size(V,1)>1E3 % Construct a 'yes'/'no' questdlg choice = questdlg('Default particle limit exceeded. Would you like to continue?', ... 'Particle Limit Exceeded',' YES ',' NO ',' NO '); % Handle response if strcmpi(choice,' NO '), exit_flag=true; end end case 3 % s parameter % Check the format if Val<0 || ~isreal(Val) || ~isnumeric(Val) || numel(Val)~=1 error('Incorrect entry for the ''%s'' option. s must be a positive real number.',FNo{3}) end s=Val; case 4 % energy tolerance parameter % Check the format if Val<0 || ~isreal(Val) || ~isnumeric(Val) || numel(Val)~=1 error('Incorrect entry for the ''%s'' option. Etol must be a positive real number.',FNo{4}) end Etol=Val; case 5 % maximum number of iterations % Check the format if Val<0 || ~isreal(Val) || ~isnumeric(Val) || numel(Val)~=1 error('Incorrect entry for the ''%s'' option. Nitr must be a non-negative integer.',FNo{5}) end Nitr=Val; otherwise error('''%s'' is not a valid option',str) end flag(id)=true; end if exit_flag, Nitr=0; end %#ok<*UNRCH>