function TR=SubdivideSphericalMesh(TR,k) % Subdivide triangular mesh representing the surface of the unit sphere % k times using triangular quadrisection (see function TriQuad for more % info). The newly inserted vertices are re-projected onto the unit sphere % after every iteration. % % INPUT ARGUMENTS: % - TR : input mesh. TR can must be specified as a TriRep object. % - k : desired number of subdivisions. k=0 is default. % % OUTPUT: % - TR : subdivided mesh. Same format as input. % % AUTHOR: Anton Semechko ( % DATE: June.2012 % if nargin<2 || isempty(k), k=0; end if k==0, return; end for i=1:k % Subdivide the mesh TR=TriQuad(TR); % Project the points onto the surface of the unit sphere x=TR.X; x_L2=sqrt(sum(x.^2,2)); x=bsxfun(@rdivide,x,x_L2); TR=TriRep(TR.Triangulation,x); end