function lv = latent_heat_vaporization(T) % LATENT_HEAT_VAPORIZATION latent heat vaporization lv % % Latent heat of vaporization is the energy required to % transform a given quantity of water into vapor. % % FORMAT Lwater = latent_heat_vaporization(T) % % OUT lv latent heat of vaporization [K] % IN T air temperature [K], it can be a scalar or a vector % % EXAMPLE: % Te = equivalent_temperature(50, 298, 100000) % Te = 322.6981 % % ACCURACY: % LATENT_HEAT_VAPORIZATION gives a very good approximation of lv % % Reference: An Introduction to Atmospheric Thermodynamics % A. A. Tsonis, Cambridge University Press, 2007 % Page 87, Eq. 6.13 % % 2009-08-15 Created by Isaac Moradi. % set constants lv0 = constants( 'LATENT_HEAT_VAPORIZATION'); cpv = constants( 'VAPOR_HEAT_CAPA_CONST_PRES'); cpw = constants( 'WATER_HEAT_CAPA_CONST_PRES'); % calculate latent heat lv = lv0 + (cpv - cpw) .* (T - 273);