function vd = water_vapor_density(rh, T, p) % WATER_VAPOR_DENSITY calculates water vapor density vd % % water vapor density or absolute humidity is the ratio of % the mass of water vapor to the volume occupied by the moist air % % FORMAT vd = water_vapor_density(rh, T, p) % % OUT vd density [kg/m3] % IN rh relative humidity [%, rh > 0], it can be a scalar or a tensor % T air temperature [K], it can be a scalar or a tensor % p air pressure [Pa], it can be a scalar or a tensor % EXAMPLE: % vd = water_vapor_density(50, 298, 100000) % vd = 0.0012 % % ACCURACY: WATER_VAPOR_DENSITY calculates vapor density according to % thermodynamic functions without any assumptions. % % Reference: A short course in cloud physics (Chapter II, water vapor and % its thermodynamic effects); 1996, By: R. R. Rogers and M. M. Yau % page: 18, Eq.: 2.23 and 2.24 % % 2009-08-15 Created by Isaac Moradi. % set constants Rd = constants( 'GAS_CONST_DRY_AIR' ); % gass constant for dry air in % calculate mixing ratio r = water_vapor_mixing_ratio(rh, T, p); % calculate water vapor density Rm = Rd .* ( 1 + 0.6 .* r); vd = (p./1000) ./ (Rm .* T);