classdef CachedData < handle % Cache data rather than re-generate every time % % Sometimes, it can be somewhat tricky to implement code in a way that % prevents re-reading or re-calculating the exact some thing with only % a short time in between. Don't despair! Here is the class you'll % love. Just use its methods to store and retrieve data. % % Entries are stored by string. Internally, it uses a structure, so you % may use genvarname to generate valid names to use for caching. % % % CachedData Properties: % % maxsize - Maximum permitted cache size in bytes % % CachedData Methods: % % get_entry - Retrieve entry % has_entry - Check whether entry exists % set_entry - Set new entry and, if needed, remove old % clear - Completely clear the cache % cachesize - Get current cache-size in bytes % evaluate - Evaluate expression and cache result, or read % result from cache % $Id$ properties % maximum permitted cache size in bytes % % default 100 MiB maxsize = 100*2^20; end properties (GetAccess = private, SetAccess = private) cache; end methods function self = CachedData() self = self@handle(); self.cache = struct(); end function data = get_entry(self, s) % Retrieve entry from cache % % FORMAT % % data = c.get_entry(s) data = self.cache.(s); end function b = has_entry(self, s) % check whether entry exists in cache % % FORMAT % % b = c.has_entry(s) b = isfield(self.cache, s); end function set_entry(self, s, d) % sets cache entry and removes old entry if needed % % Set a cache entry and, if the size is exceeded, remove the % oldest entry. % % FORMAT % % c.set_entry(s, d) % % IN % % s string string by which it is stored % d any data to be stored logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Setting cache entry: %s (new size: ', s); self.cache.(s) = d; fprintf(atmlab('OUT'), '%d entries, %s)\n', length(fieldnames(self.cache)), nbytes2string(self.cachesize())); if self.toolarge() self.del_old_entry(); end end function clear(self) % clear the cache completely self.cache = struct(); end function c = cachesize(self) % get size in bytes dummy = self.cache; %#ok X = whos('dummy'); c = X.bytes; end function varargout = evaluate(self, no, func, varargin) % Execute func(arg1, arg2, ...) if output not already cached % % This method calculates a key from all its arguments. If no % value is stored in association with this key, it executes % func(arg1, arg2, ...) and stores the results with the key, % then returns the results. If there is a value already stored, % it returns the value(s). The first argument is a number, % it represents the number of output arguments taken from the % expression. % % FORMAT % % out = cd.evaluate(no, @func, arg1, arg2, ...) % % IN % % no number of output arguments. Needed because % there may be a difference between y = foo(...) % and [y, z] = foo(...) % % func function handle to function to be evaluated % arg1 1st argument passed to function % ... % argN nth argument passed to function % 'EXTRA' literal string 'EXTRA'. The remaining arguments % WILL be used to calculate the hash, but WON'T be passed on % to others. Use this e.g. when calculating obj.meth(args) % for different objects (pass or so). % % OUT % % output is as for func(arg1, ..., argN). % % EXAMPLE % % If you have an expensive function 'y = ackermann(m, n)', % then you can cache as follows: % % >> c = CachedData(); % create cache object % >> y = c.evaluate(1, @ackermann, 4, 4) % come back a few million years later % >> y = c.evaluate(1, @ackermann, 4, 4) % get result immediately % % generate a unique (?) string nm = genvarname(DataHash([{no, func}, varargin])); extra = 0; args = varargin; % check if any equal to 'EXTRA' for i = 1:length(varargin) if isequal(varargin{i}, 'EXTRA') extra = i; args = varargin(1:extra-1); break; end end if self.has_entry(nm) logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'getting %s([%d arguments]) from cache (%s)\n', ... func2str(func), length(args), nm); varargout = self.get_entry(nm); else logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'executing, then caching %s([%d arguments])\n', ... func2str(func), length(args)); [varargout{1:no}] = func(args{:}); self.set_entry(nm, varargout); end end end methods (Access = private) function del_old_entry(self) % Remove oldest entry in cache. % % FORMAT % % c.del_old_entry() flds = fieldnames(self.cache); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Pruning cache entry %s\n', flds{1}); self.cache = rmfield(self.cache, flds{1}); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'New size: %d entries, %d bytes\n', length(fieldnames(self.cache)), self.cachesize()); end function b = toolarge(self) % whether or not to remove old entry % % Check whether the current size exceeds the total size. b = self.cachesize() > self.maxsize; end end end