classdef PersistentCachedData < CachedData % like CachedData but stores data on disk % % Useful to store large results of big 'read'-commands and so. % Default disk-stored cache-size is 10 GiB. % % !!!WARNING!!! % % DO NOT SET A CACHE-DIRECTORY THAT YOU ARE OTHERWISE USING! % METHODS IN THIS CLASS MIGHT DELETE FILES FROM CACHE-DIRECTORY! % % !!!WARNING!!! % $Id$ properties % maximum size of what's stored on disk. Default 10 GiB. storedsize = 10*2^30; % maxStoredSize = 10*2^30; minFreeSpace = 5*2^30; % minimun free space you want left over (5GiB) % directory to store cache-files % % !!!WARNING!!! % % DO NOT SET A CACHE-DIRECTORY THAT YOU ARE OTHERWISE USING! % METHODS IN THIS CLASS MIGHT DELETE FILES FROM CACHE-DIRECTORY! % % !!!WARNING!!! cachedir; end methods function self = PersistentCachedData(cachedir) % pcd = PersistentCachedData(cachedir) % % See warning! self = self@CachedData(); self.cachedir = cachedir; end function data = get_entry(self, s) % get entry % first try to get it from memory try data = get_entry@CachedData(self, s); return catch ME switch ME.identifier case 'MATLAB:nonExistentField' % get from disk instead otherwise ME.rethrow(); end end ldfl = fullfile(self.cachedir, [s '.mat']); d = dir(ldfl); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Reading from persistent cache: %s (created: %s)\n', ldfl,; % % Make the user aware of the age of this file % [text] = exec_system_cmd(sprintf('ls -l %s',ldfl)); % x = textscan(text{1},'%s'); % % note: this is completely dependent on 'ls -l' being the same on % % all systems. % logtext(atmlab('OUT'),'Be aware that this read file was originally created: %s\n',sprintf('%s %s %s',x{1}{6},x{1}{7},x{1}{8})) data = loadvar(ldfl, 'data'); end function v = has_entry(self, s) if has_entry@CachedData(self, s) v = 1; elseif exist(fullfile(self.cachedir, [s '.mat']), 'file') v = 2; else v = 0; end end function set_entry(self, s, data, varargin) set_entry@CachedData(self, s, data); info = optargs(varargin, {struct()}); svfl = fullfile(self.cachedir, [s '.mat']); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Storing cache-entry to disk: %s -> %s\n', ... s, svfl); save(svfl, '-v7.3', 'data'); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'New size: %s\n', ... nbytes2string(self.disk_cachesize())); if self.disk_free() + self.disk_cachesize() < self.minFreeSpace error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':noSpace'],'df + du = %d + %d < minFreeCache = %d', ... self.disk_free(), self.disk_cachesize(), self.minFreeSpace); end if self.disk_toolarge() self.del_old_disk_entry() end % store info. salomon: I'll make the name a bit more unique % here infofile = fullfile(self.cachedir, ['info' [datestr(now,'ddmmyy') '-' num2str(cputime)] '.mat']); if exist(infofile, 'file') all_info = loadvar(infofile, 'all_info'); end all_info.(s) = info; save(infofile, 'all_info'); end function df = disk_free(self) % get the free space using df (output in bytes) % stat -f ... %a ... gives no. of blocks available % stat -f ... %s ... gives block size if ismac sizes = exec_system_cmd(sprintf('df %s |tail -n1|awk ''{print $4*512;}''',self.cachedir)); df = str2double(sizes{1}); else sizes = exec_system_cmd({['stat -f --printf=''%a'' ' self.cachedir], ['stat -f --printf=''%s'' ' self.cachedir]}); df = (str2double(sizes{1}) * str2double(sizes{2})); end %x = exec_system_cmd(sprintf('df -k %s',self.cachedir)); %df = structfun(@str2double,regexp(x{1}(regexp(x{1},'\n'):end),'^[^ ]+ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+ +(?[0-9]+)','names')); %df = df*1024; end function sz = disk_cachesize(self) d = dir(self.cachedir); sz = sum(arrayfun(@(x) x.bytes, d)); end function b = disk_toolarge(self) b = self.disk_cachesize() > self.storedsize || self.disk_free() < self.minFreeSpace; end function del_old_disk_entry(self) % remove oldest cache-entry on disk. Should contain only % MAT-files! % by default, Matlab issues warnings, not errors, if deletion % fails. Fortunately, this can be turned into an error with % this undocumented Matlab code. % works in (R2012b) and many older versions. X1 = warning('error', 'MATLAB:DELETE:DirectoryDeletion'); X2 = warning('error', 'MATLAB:DELETE:FileNotFound'); X3 = warning('error', 'MATLAB:DELETE:Permission'); d = dir(self.cachedir); % all but 2 must end in .mat for i = 1:length(d) assert(any(strcmp(d(i).name, {'.', '..'})) || ... ((length(d(i).name) >= 4) && strcmp(d(i).name(end-3:end), '.mat')), ... ['atmlab:' mfilename ':NotACacheDir'], ... ['Not a cache directory: ' self.cachedir]); end while self.disk_toolarge() d = dir(self.cachedir); d = d(~[d.isdir]); % don't include directories [~, i] = min(arrayfun(@(x) x.datenum, d)); % FIXME: delete(fullfile(self.cachedir, d(i).name)); end % reset warning-config to old state warning(X1); warning(X2); warning(X3); end end end