function logtext(fid, text, varargin) % logtext Log text to fid along with callers name+lineno % % logtext is a logging function that writes text to the indicated file % descriptor along with the filename and the line number of the caller. % If writing to stdout or stderr and to the java desktop, it will make the % filename+line number clickable. If atmlab('VERBOSITY') is zero, it will % not write anything at all. % % FORMAT logtext(fid, text, ...) % % IN % % fid number File descriptor to write to % text string Text to write % ... ... All subsequent arguments are passed to fprintf % % $Id$ % TODO: % - should this use atmlab('VERBOSITY') or atmlab('DEBUG')? % - when stdout or stderr, try to check if output is matlab java terminal or % just a console. Is this possible? if ~atmlab('VERBOSITY') return end haspar = ~isempty(ver('distcomp')) && ~isempty(getCurrentTask()); ST = dbstack; if length(ST) < 2 lineno = -1; name = '(none)'; else lineno = ST(2).line; f = ST(2).file; name = ST(2).name; end % ugliness: try to get class/ in caller try cl = evalin('caller', 'class(self)'); nm = evalin('caller', ''); showcls = true; catch ME % never mind showcls = false; end fprintf(fid, '%s:', datestr(now, 'dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS.FFF')); if fid<3 && usejava('desktop') && ~strcmp(name(1), '@') && ~strcmp(name, '(none)') % assume stdout/stderr if showcls fprintf(fid, '%s:%d:%s:%s:', ... which(f), lineno, name, lineno, cl, nm); else fprintf(fid, '%s:%d:', ... which(f), lineno, name, lineno); end elseif haspar % if really par, usejava-desktop is false anyway t = getCurrentTask(); fprintf(fid, '%s:%d:%d:', name, lineno, t.ID); else fprintf(fid, '%s:%d:', name, lineno); end fprintf(fid, text, varargin{:}); end