function Hash = DataHash(Data, Opt) % DATAHASH - Checksum for Matlab array of any type % This function creates a hash value for an input of any type. The type and % dimensions of the input are considered as default, such that UINT8([0,0]) and % UINT16(0) have different hash values. Nested STRUCTs and CELLs are parsed % recursively. % % Hash = DataHash(Data, Opt) % INPUT: % Data: Array of these built-in types: % (U)INT8/16/32/64, SINGLE, DOUBLE, (real or complex) % CHAR, LOGICAL, CELL (nested), STRUCT (scalar or array, nested), % function_handle. % Opt: Struct to specify the hashing algorithm and the output format. % Opt and all its fields are optional. % Opt.Method: String, known methods for Java 1.6 (Matlab 2009a): % 'SHA-1', 'SHA-256', 'SHA-384', 'SHA-512', 'MD2', 'MD5'. % Known methods for Java 1.3 (Matlab 6.5): % 'MD5', 'SHA-1'. % Default: 'MD5'. % Opt.Format: String specifying the output format: % 'hex', 'HEX': Lower/uppercase hexadecimal string. % 'double', 'uint8': Numerical vector. % 'base64': Base64 encoded string, only printable % ASCII characters, 33% shorter than 'hex'. % Default: 'hex'. % Opt.Input: Type of the input as string, not case-sensitive: % 'array': The contents, type and size of the input [Data] are % considered for the creation of the hash. Nested CELLs % and STRUCT arrays are parsed recursively. Empty arrays of % different type reply different hashs. % 'file': [Data] is treated as file name and the hash is calculated % for the files contents. % 'bin': [Data] is a numerical, LOGICAL or CHAR array. Only the % binary contents of the array is considered, such that % e.g. empty arrays of different type reply the same hash. % Default: 'array'. % % OUTPUT: % Hash: String, DOUBLE or UINT8 vector. The length depends on the hashing % method. % % EXAMPLES: % % Default: MD5, hex: % DataHash([]) % 7de5637fd217d0e44e0082f4d79b3e73 % % MD5, Base64: % Opt.Format = 'base64'; % Opt.Method = 'MD5'; % DataHash(int32(1:10), Opt) % bKdecqzUpOrL4oxzk+cfyg % % SHA-1, Base64: % S.a = uint8([]); % S.b = {{1:10}, struct('q', uint64(415))}; % Opt.Method = 'SHA-1'; % DataHash(S, Opt) % ZMe4eUAp0G9TDrvSW0/Qc0gQ9/A % % SHA-1 of binary values: % Opt.Method = 'SHA-1'; % Opt.Input = 'bin'; % DataHash(1:8, Opt) % 826cf9d3a5d74bbe415e97d4cecf03f445f69225 % % NOTE: % Function handles and user-defined objects cannot be converted uniquely: % - The subfunction ConvertFuncHandle uses the built-in function FUNCTIONS, % but the replied struct can depend on the Matlab version. % - It is tried to convert objects to UINT8 streams in the subfunction % ConvertObject. A conversion by STRUCT() might be more appropriate. % Adjust these subfunctions on demand. % % MATLAB CHARs have 16 bits! In consequence the string 'hello' is treated as % UINT16('hello') for the binary input method. % % DataHash uses James Tursa's smart and fast TYPECASTX, if it is installed: % % As fallback the built-in TYPECAST is used automatically, but for large % inputs this can be more than 100 times slower. % For Matlab 6.5 installing typecastx is obligatory to run DataHash. % % Tested: Matlab 6.5, 7.7, 7.8, 7.13, WinXP/32, Win7/64 % Author: Jan Simon, Heidelberg, (C) 2011-2012 matlab.THISYEAR(a) % % See also: TYPECAST, CAST. % FEX: % Michael Kleder, "Compute Hash", no structs and cells: % % Tim, "Serialize/Deserialize", converts structs and cells to a byte stream: % % Jan Simon, "CalcMD5", MD5 only, faster C-mex, no structs and cells: % % $JRev: R-k V:011 Sum:kZG25iszfKbg Date:28-May-2012 12:48:06 $ % $License: BSD (use/copy/change/redistribute on own risk, mention the author) $ % $File: Tools\GLFile\DataHash.m $ % History: % 001: 01-May-2011 21:52, First version. % 007: 10-Jun-2011 10:38, [Opt.Input], binary data, complex values considered. % 011: 26-May-2012 15:57, Fails for binary input and empty data. %{ license: Copyright (c) 2011, Jan Simon All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. %} % Main function: =============================================================== % Java is needed: if ~usejava('jvm') error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':NoJava'], ... '*** %s: Java is required.', mfilename); end % typecastx creates a shared data copy instead of the deep copy as Matlab's % TYPECAST - for a [1000x1000] DOUBLE array this is 100 times faster! persistent usetypecastx if isempty(usetypecastx) usetypecastx = ~isempty(which('typecastx')); % Run the slow WHICH once only end % Default options: ------------------------------------------------------------- Method = 'MD5'; OutFormat = 'hex'; isFile = false; isBin = false; % Check number and type of inputs: --------------------------------------------- nArg = nargin; if nArg == 2 if isa(Opt, 'struct') == 0 % Bad type of 2nd input: error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':BadInput2'], ... '*** %s: 2nd input [Opt] must be a struct.', mfilename); end % Specify hash algorithm: if isfield(Opt, 'Method') Method = upper(Opt.Method); end % Specify output format: if isfield(Opt, 'Format') OutFormat = Opt.Format; end % Check if the Input type is specified - default: 'array': if isfield(Opt, 'Input') if strcmpi(Opt.Input, 'File') isFile = true; if ischar(Data) == 0 error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':CannotOpen'], ... '*** %s: 1st input is not a file name', mfilename); end if exist(Data, 'file') ~= 2 error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':FileNotFound'], ... '*** %s: File not found: %s.', mfilename, Data); end elseif strncmpi(Opt.Input, 'bin', 3) % Accept 'binary' isBin = true; if (isnumeric(Data) || ischar(Data) || islogical(Data)) == 0 error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':BadDataType'], ... '*** %s: 1st input is not numeric, CHAR or LOGICAL.', mfilename); end end end elseif nArg ~= 1 % Bad number of arguments: error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':BadNInput'], ... '*** %s: 1 or 2 inputs required.', mfilename); end % Create the engine: ----------------------------------------------------------- try Engine =; catch error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':BadInput2'], ... '*** %s: Invalid algorithm: [%s].', mfilename, Method); end % Create the hash value: ------------------------------------------------------- if isFile % Read the file and calculate the hash: FID = fopen(Data, 'r'); if FID < 0 error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':CannotOpen'], ... '*** %s: Cannot open file: %s.', mfilename, Data); end Data = fread(FID, Inf, '*uint8'); fclose(FID); Engine.update(Data); if usetypecastx Hash = typecastx(Engine.digest, 'uint8'); else Hash = typecast(Engine.digest, 'uint8'); end elseif isBin % Contents of an elementary array: if isempty(Data) % Nothing to do, Engine.update fails for empty input! Hash = typecastx(Engine.digest, 'uint8'); elseif usetypecastx % Faster typecastx: if isreal(Data) Engine.update(typecastx(Data(:), 'uint8')); else Engine.update(typecastx(real(Data(:)), 'uint8')); Engine.update(typecastx(imag(Data(:)), 'uint8')); end Hash = typecastx(Engine.digest, 'uint8'); else % Matlab's TYPECAST is less elegant: if isnumeric(Data) if isreal(Data) Engine.update(typecast(Data(:), 'uint8')); else Engine.update(typecast(real(Data(:)), 'uint8')); Engine.update(typecast(imag(Data(:)), 'uint8')); end elseif islogical(Data) % TYPECAST cannot handle LOGICAL Engine.update(typecast(uint8(Data(:)), 'uint8')); elseif ischar(Data) % TYPECAST cannot handle CHAR Engine.update(typecast(uint16(Data(:)), 'uint8')); Engine.update(typecast(Data(:), 'uint8')); end Hash = typecast(Engine.digest, 'uint8'); end elseif usetypecastx % Faster typecastx: Engine = CoreHash_(Data, Engine); Hash = typecastx(Engine.digest, 'uint8'); else % Slower built-in TYPECAST: Engine = CoreHash(Data, Engine); Hash = typecast(Engine.digest, 'uint8'); end % Convert hash specific output format: ----------------------------------------- switch OutFormat case 'hex' Hash = sprintf('%.2x', double(Hash)); case 'HEX' Hash = sprintf('%.2X', double(Hash)); case 'double' Hash = double(reshape(Hash, 1, [])); case 'uint8' Hash = reshape(Hash, 1, []); case 'base64' Hash = fBase64_enc(double(Hash)); otherwise error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':BadOutFormat'], ... '*** %s: [Opt.Format] must be: HEX, hex, uint8, double, base64.', ... mfilename); end % return; % ****************************************************************************** function Engine = CoreHash_(Data, Engine) % This mothod uses the faster typecastx version. % Consider the type and dimensions of the array to distinguish arrays with the % same data, but different shape: [0 x 0] and [0 x 1], [1,2] and [1;2], % DOUBLE(0) and SINGLE([0,0]): Engine.update([uint8(class(Data)), typecastx(size(Data), 'uint8')]); if isstruct(Data) % Hash for all array elements and fields: F = sort(fieldnames(Data)); % Ignore order of fields Engine = CoreHash_(F, Engine); % Catch the fieldnames for iS = 1:numel(Data) % Loop over elements of struct array for iField = 1:length(F) % Loop over fields Engine = CoreHash_(Data(iS).(F{iField}), Engine); end end elseif iscell(Data) % Get hash for all cell elements: for iS = 1:numel(Data) Engine = CoreHash_(Data{iS}, Engine); end elseif isnumeric(Data) || islogical(Data) || ischar(Data) if isempty(Data) == 0 if isreal(Data) % TRUE for LOGICAL and CHAR also: Engine.update(typecastx(Data(:), 'uint8')); else % typecastx accepts complex input: Engine.update(typecastx(real(Data(:)), 'uint8')); Engine.update(typecastx(imag(Data(:)), 'uint8')); end end elseif isa(Data, 'function_handle') Engine = CoreHash(ConvertFuncHandle(Data), Engine); else % Most likely this is a user-defined object: try Engine = CoreHash(ConvertObject(Data), Engine); catch warning(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':BadDataType'], ... ['Type of variable not considered: ', class(Data)]); end end % return; % ****************************************************************************** function Engine = CoreHash(Data, Engine) % This methods uses the slower TYPECAST of Matlab % See CoreHash_ for comments. Engine.update([uint8(class(Data)), typecast(size(Data), 'uint8')]); if isstruct(Data) % Hash for all array elements and fields: F = sort(fieldnames(Data)); % Ignore order of fields Engine = CoreHash(F, Engine); % Catch the fieldnames for iS = 1:numel(Data) % Loop over elements of struct array for iField = 1:length(F) % Loop over fields Engine = CoreHash(Data(iS).(F{iField}), Engine); end end elseif iscell(Data) % Get hash for all cell elements: for iS = 1:numel(Data) Engine = CoreHash(Data{iS}, Engine); end elseif isempty(Data) elseif isnumeric(Data) if isreal(Data) Engine.update(typecast(Data(:), 'uint8')); else Engine.update(typecast(real(Data(:)), 'uint8')); Engine.update(typecast(imag(Data(:)), 'uint8')); end elseif islogical(Data) % TYPECAST cannot handle LOGICAL Engine.update(typecast(uint8(Data(:)), 'uint8')); elseif ischar(Data) % TYPECAST cannot handle CHAR Engine.update(typecast(uint16(Data(:)), 'uint8')); elseif isa(Data, 'function_handle') Engine = CoreHash(ConvertFuncHandle(Data), Engine); else % Most likely a user-defined object: try Engine = CoreHash(ConvertObject(Data), Engine); catch warning(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':BadDataType'], ... ['Type of variable not considered: ', class(Data)]); end end % return; % ****************************************************************************** function FuncKey = ConvertFuncHandle(FuncH) % The subfunction ConvertFuncHandle converts function_handles to a struct % using the Matlab function FUNCTIONS. The output of this function changes % with the Matlab version, such that DataHash(@sin) replies different hashes % under Matlab 6.5 and 2009a. % An alternative is using the function name and name of the file for % function_handles, but this is not unique for nested or anonymous functions. % If the MATLABROOT is removed from the file's path, at least the hash of % Matlab's toolbox functions is (usually!) not influenced by the version. % Finally I'm in doubt if there is a unique method to hash function handles. % Please adjust the subfunction ConvertFuncHandles to your needs. % The Matlab version influences the conversion by FUNCTIONS: % 1. The format of the struct replied FUNCTIONS is not fixed, % 2. The full paths of toolbox function e.g. for @mean differ. FuncKey = functions(FuncH); % don't try to go into entire workspace, this is asking for trouble if isfield(FuncKey, 'workspace') logtext(atmlab('ERR'), ['Warning: not considering workspace for ' ... 'function %s. Risk of non-unique hash!\n'], FuncKey.function); FuncKey = rmfield(FuncKey, 'workspace'); end % ALTERNATIVE: Use name and path. The part of the toolbox functions % is replaced such that the hash for @mean does not depend on the Matlab % version. % Drawbacks: Anonymous functions, nested functions... % funcStruct = functions(FuncH); % funcfile = strrep(funcStruct.file, matlabroot, ''); % FuncKey = uint8([funcStruct.function, ' ', funcfile]); % Finally I'm afraid there is no unique method to get a hash for a function % handle. Please adjust this conversion to your needs. % return; % ****************************************************************************** function DataBin = ConvertObject(DataObj) % Convert a user-defined object to a binary stream. There cannot be a unique % solution, so this part is left for the user... % Perhaps a direct conversion is implemented: DataBin = uint8(DataObj); % Or perhaps this is better: % DataBin = struct(DataObj); % return; % ****************************************************************************** function Out = fBase64_enc(In) % Encode numeric vector of UINT8 values to base64 string. Pool = [65:90, 97:122, 48:57, 43, 47]; % [0:9, a:z, A:Z, +, /] v8 = [128; 64; 32; 16; 8; 4; 2; 1]; v6 = [32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]; In = reshape(In, 1, []); X = rem(floor(In(ones(8, 1), :) ./ v8(:, ones(length(In), 1))), 2); Y = reshape([X(:); zeros(6 - rem(numel(X), 6), 1)], 6, []); Out = char(Pool(1 + v6 * Y)); % return;