function x = lse(A,b,C,d,solverflag,weights) % solves A*x = b for X in a least squares sense, given C*x = d % usage: x = lse(A,b,C,d) % usage: x = lse(A,b,C,d,solverflag) % usage: x = lse(A,b,C,d,solverflag,weights) % % Minimizes norm(A*x - b), % subject to C*x = d % % If b has multiple columns, then so will x. % % arguments: (input) % A - nxp array, for the least squares problem % A may be a sparse matrix, it need not be % of full rank. % % b - nx1 vector (or nxq array) of right hand % side(s) for the least squares problem % % C - mxp array for the constraint system. C % must be a full matrix (not sparse), but % it may be rank deficient. % % C (and d) may be empty, in which case no % constraints are applied % % d - mx1 vector - right hand side for the % constraint system. % % solverflag - (OPTIONAL) - character flag - % Specifies the basic style of solver used % for the least squares problem. Use of the % pinv solution will produce a minimum norm % solution when A is itself singular. % % solverflag may be any of % % {'\', 'pinv', 'backslash'} % % Capitalization is ignored, and any % shortening of the string is allowed, % as far as {'\', 'p', 'b'} % % DEFAULT: '\' % % weights - nx1 vector of weights for the % regression problem. All weights must be % non-negative. A weight of k is equivalent % to having replicated that data point by % a factor of k times. % % % arguments: (output) % x - px1 vector (or pxq array) of solutions to % the least squares problem A*x = b, subject % to the linear equality constraint system % C*x = d % % % Example usage: % A = rand(10,3); % b = rand(10,2); % two right hand sides % C = [1 1 1;1 -1 0.5]; % d = [1;0.5]; % % X = lse(A,b,C,d) % X = % 0.71593 0.55371 % 0.23864 0.18457 % 0.045427 0.26172 % % As a test, we should recover the constraint % right hand side d for each solution X. % % C*X % ans = % 1 1 % 0.5 0.5 % % % Example usage: % A = rand(10,3); % b = rand(10,1); % % with a rank deficient constraint system % C = [1 1 1;1 1 1]; % d = [1;1]; % % X = lse(A,b,C,d) % X = % 0.5107 % 0.57451 % -0.085212 % % C*X % ans = % 1 % 1 % % % Example usage: (where both A and C are rank deficient) % A = rand(10,2); % A = [A,A]; % b = rand(10,1); % % C = ones(2,4); % d = [1;1]; % % The \ solution will see the singularity in A % X = lse(A,b,C,d,'\') % Warning: Rank deficient, rank = 1, tol = 3.1821e-15. % > In lse at 205 % X = % 0.17097 % 0.82903 % 0 % 0 % % The pinv version will survive the singulatity % Xp = lse(A,b,C,d,'pinv') % Xp = % 0.085486 % 0.41451 % 0.085486 % 0.41451 % % Use of pinv will produce the minimum norm solution % norm(X) % ans = % 0.84647 % % norm(Xp) % ans = % 0.59855 % % % Methodology: % Both alternative methods offered in lse are effectively subspace % methods. That is, the equality constraints are used to reduce the % problem to a lower dimensional problem. The '\' method uses a pivoted % QR factorization to choose a set of variables to be eliminated. This % chooses the best subset of variables for elimination, avoiding small % "pivots" where possible, as well as resolving the case where the % supplied constraints are rank deficient. Note that when the constraint % system is rank deficient, this method will result in one or more of % the unknowns to be set to zero. An at length description of the QR % based method for linear least squares subject to linear equality % constraints is found in: % % % % The 'pinv' method uses a related approach, reducing the problem to % a least squares solution in a subspace. This method is chosen to be % consistent with pinv as used for unconstrained least squares problems. % The reduction to a subspace does not require the selection of specific % variables to be eliminated. Instead the reduction is a projection as % defined by a singular value decomposition. When the constraint system % is rank deficient, the svd allows for a minimum norm solution, much % as is done with pinv. This may be preferable for some users. % % Both methods allow the application of weights if supplied. As well, % problems with multiple right hand sides (b) are solved in a fully % vectorized fashion. % % % See also: slash, lsqlin, lsequal % % % Author: John D'Errico % E-mail: % Release: 3.0 % Release date: 1/31/07 % check sizes [n,p] = size(A); [r,nrhs] = size(b); [m,ccols] = size(C); if n~=r error 'A and b are incompatible in size (wrong number of rows)' elseif ~isempty(C) && (p~=ccols) error 'A and C must have the same number of columns' elseif ~isempty(C) && issparse(C) error 'C may not be a sparse matrix' elseif ~isempty(C) && (m~=size(d,1)) error 'C and d are incompatible in size (wrong number of rows)' elseif ~isempty(C) && (size(d,2)~=1) error 'd must have only one column' elseif isempty(C) && ~isempty(d) error 'C and d are inconsistent with each other (one was empty)' elseif ~isempty(C) && isempty(d) error 'C and d are inconsistent with each other (one was empty)' end % default solver is '\' if (nargin<5) || isempty(solverflag) solverflag = '\'; elseif ~ischar(solverflag) error 'If supplied, solverflag must be character' else % solverflag was supplied. Make sure it is legal. valid = {'\', 'backslash', 'pinv'}; ind = strmatch(solverflag,valid); if (length(ind)==1) solverflag = valid{ind}; else error(['Invalid solverflag: ',solverflag]) end end % default for weights = [] if (nargin<6) || isempty(weights) weights = []; else weights = weights(:); if (length(weights)~=n) || any(weights<0) error 'weights should be empty or a non-negative vector of length n' elseif all(weights==0) error 'At least some of the weights must be non-zero' else % weights was supplied. scale it to have mean value = 1 weights = weights./mean(weights); % also sqrt the weights for application as an % effective replication factor. remember that % least squares will minimize the sum of squares. weights = sqrt(weights); end end % tolerance used on the solve Ctol = 1.e-13; if (nargin<3) || isempty(C) % solve with \ or pinv as desired. switch solverflag case {'\' 'backslash'} % solve with or without weights if isempty(weights) x = A\b; else x = (repmat(weights,1,size(A,2)).*A)\ ... (repmat(weights,1,nrhs).*b); end case 'pinv' % solve with or without weights if isempty(weights) ptol = Ctol*norm(A,1); x = pinv(A,ptol)*b; else Aw = repmat(weights,1,size(A,2)).*A; ptol = Ctol*norm(Aw,1); x = pinv(Aw,ptol)*(repmat(weights,1,nrhs).*b); end end % no Constraints, so we are done here. return end % Which solver do we use? switch solverflag case {'\' 'backslash'} % allow a rank deficient equality constraint matrix % column pivoted qr to eliminate variables [Q,R,E]=qr(C,0); % get the numerical rank of R (and therefore C) if m == 1 rdiag = R(1,1); else rdiag = abs(diag(R)); end crank = sum((rdiag(1)*Ctol) <= rdiag); if crank >= p error 'Overly constrained problem.' end % check for consistency in the constraints in % the event of rank deficiency in the constraint % system if crank < m k = Q(:,(crank+1):end)'*d; if any(k > (Ctol*norm(d))); error 'The constraint system is deficient and numerically inconsistent' end end % only need the first crank columns of Q qpd = Q(:,1:crank)'*d; % which columns of A (variables) will we eliminate? j_subs = E(1:crank); % those that remain will be estimated j_est = E((crank+1):p); r1 = R(1:crank,1:crank); r2 = R(1:crank,(crank+1):p); A1 = A(:,j_subs); qpd = qpd(1:crank,:); % note that \ is still ok here, even if pinv % is used for the main regression. bmod = b-A1*(r1\repmat(qpd,1,nrhs)); Amod = A(:,j_est)-A1*(r1\r2); % now solve the reduced problem, with or without weights if isempty(weights) x2 = Amod\bmod; else x2 = (repmat(weights,1,size(Amod,2)).*Amod)\ ... (repmat(weights,1,nrhs).*bmod); end % recover eliminated unknowns x1 = r1\(repmat(qpd,1,nrhs)-r2*x2); % stuff all estimated parameters into final vector x = zeros(p,nrhs); x(j_est,:) = x2; x(j_subs,:) = x1; case 'pinv' % allow a rank deficient equality constraint matrix Ctol = 1e-13; % use svd to deal with the variables [U,S,V] = svd(C,0); % get the numerical rank of S (and therefore C) if m == 1 sdiag = S(1,1); else sdiag = diag(S); end crank = sum((sdiag(1)*Ctol) <= sdiag); if crank >= p error 'Overly constrained problem.' end % check for consistency in the constraints in % the event of rank deficiency in the constraint % system if crank < m k = U(:,(crank+1):end)'*d; if any(k > (Ctol*norm(d))); error 'The constraint system is deficient and numerically inconsistent' end end % only need the first crank columns of U, and the % effectively non-zero diagonal elements of S. sinv = diag(S); sinv = diag(1./sinv(1:crank)); % we will use a transformation % Z = V'*X = inv(S)*U'*d Z = sinv*U(:,1:crank)'*d; % Rather than explicitly dropping columns of A, we will % work in a reduced space as defined by the svd. Atrans = A*V; % thus, solve (A*V)*Z = b, subject to the constraints Z = supd % use pinv for the solution here. ptol = Ctol*norm(Atrans(:,(crank+1):end),1); if isempty(weights) Zsolve = pinv(Atrans(:,(crank+1):end),ptol)* ... (b - repmat(Atrans(:,1:crank)*Z(1:crank),1,nrhs)); else w = spdiags(weights,0,n,n); Zsolve = pinv(w*Atrans(:,(crank+1):end),ptol)* ... (w*(b - repmat(Atrans(:,1:crank)*Z(1:crank),1,nrhs))); end % put it back together in the transformed state Z = [repmat(Z(1:crank),1,nrhs);Zsolve]; % untransform back to the original variables x = V*Z; end