function [surrogate, error_amplitude, error_spec] = iaaft_loop_2d_vertical(coeff_2d, sorted_values_prof) % This function is the main loop of the Iterative Amplitude Adapted Fourier % Transform (IAAFT) method to make surrogate fields. Use the m-files that % start with surrogate* to run this function. % This Matlab version was written by Victor Venema, %, http:\\\victor, for the % generation of surrogate cloud fields. First version: May 2003. % INPUT: % coeff_2d: The 2 dimensional Fourier coefficients that describe the % structure and implicitely pass the size of the matrix % sorted_values_prof: A vector with the wanted amplitudes (e.g. LWC of LWP % values) sorted in acending order for each height level. % OUTPUT: % y: The 2D IAAFT surrogate field % error_amplitude: The amount of addaption that was made in the last % amplitude addaption relative to the total standard deviation. % error_spec: The amont of addaption that was made in the last fourier % coefficient addaption relative to the total standard deviation % settings errorThresshold = 0.0012; % The addaptation made in the last iterative step relative to the total standard deviation timeThresshold = Inf; % 180; % CPU-time in seconds that the iteration maximally uses speedThresshold = 1e-4 % 1e-8; % Minimal convergence speed in the maximum error. % Initialse function [no_values_x, no_values_z] = size(coeff_2d); error_amplitude = 1; error_spec = 1; oldTotalError = 10; speed = 1; standard_deviation = 0; standard_deviation = std(sorted_values_prof(:)); t=cputime; % The method starts with a randomized uncorrelated time series y with the saame pdf of % sorted values at each height level. surrogate = zeros(no_values_x, no_values_z); for j = 1:no_values_z [dummy, index] = sort(rand(size(sorted_values_prof(:,j)))); surrogate(index,j) = sorted_values_prof(:,j); end surrogate = reshape(surrogate, no_values_x, no_values_z); % Main intative loop while ( (error_amplitude > errorThresshold | error_spec > errorThresshold) & (cputime-t < timeThresshold) & (speed > speedThresshold) ) %0.0001 300 % addapt the power spectrum old_surrogate = surrogate; x = ifft2(double(surrogate)); phase = angle(x); x = double(coeff_2d) .* exp(i*phase); surrogate = fft2(double(x)); difference = mean(mean(mean(abs(double(real(surrogate)) - double(real(old_surrogate)))))); error_spec = difference/standard_deviation % addept the amplitude distribution old_surrogate = surrogate; surrogate = reshape(surrogate, no_values_x, no_values_z); for j = 1:no_values_z [dummy, index] = sort(real(surrogate(:,j))); surrogate(index,j) = sorted_values_prof(:,j); end surrogate = reshape(surrogate, no_values_x, no_values_z); difference = mean(mean(mean(abs(double(real(surrogate)) - double(real(old_surrogate)))))); error_amplitude = difference / standard_deviation totalError = error_spec + error_amplitude speed = (oldTotalError - totalError) / totalError oldTotalError = totalError; end error_spec error_amplitude surrogate = real(surrogate);