% SPAREICE Functions related to SPAREICE retrievals % % Please note that, contrary to the rest of Atmlab, the functionality in % this sub-toolbox relies on two toolboxes that require additional % licenses to the Matlab core: % % - Neural Network Toolbox. Cannot currently be evaded, although it % should be possible to implement the resulting regression directly. % % - Parallel Computing Toolbox. Can be evaded with a small adaptation, % but that will make it much slower on multi-core machines. % % The functionality in this directory is not up to the same standards as % the rest of Atmlab. It is research code for Gerrits PhD project and it % was not designed with multi-user interfaces in mind. I (Gerrit) added % it to Atmlab after my PhD, when I did not have the time for the cleanup % needed. Please use with care and I hope you can find what you need % despite the messy situation. % % To perform SPARE-ICE retrievals, you will need: % % - The trained neural net, available in: % % /storage3/user_data/gerrit/neuralnets/avhrr_345_mhs_345_angles_tsurfcfsr_all_global_MEAN_AVHRR_Y,3,4,5,B_BT,3,4,5,B_LZA,B_LAA,B_SZA,B_SAA,CFSR_Skin_temperature,_to_MEAN_IWP_2C,_noise0.00,_v0.7_1.mat % % - Data for AVHRR and MHS, should be at /storage3/data/avhrr and % /storage3/data/mhs, respectively % % - CFSR data, downloaded from http://rda.ucar.edu/. Version (ds093.1) % is until March 2011, then it's (ds094.1). Please see citation % information at http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds093.1/ and % http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds094.1/. For the SPARE-ICE version, you % will need skin temperature. Note that skin temperature is actually % included with the temperature profile! So you should download the % temperature field, then choose "ground level" on the next page. You % want "type of product" "all available" because the actual reanalysis % is only every 6 hours and SPARE-ICE retrieval needs hourly data % (reduces interpolation). Choose the densest grid with all available % data. Do not forget to set "Output format" to "Converted to NetCDF". % % I downloaded the 'pure' reanalysis data to % /storage3/user_data/gerrit/reanalysis % % - The Python script to convert this to daily netcdf files to be used % with the atmlab retrieval. Resulting daily files at % /storage3/user_data/gerrit/reanalysis_per_day but change source code % as needed, in particular 'indir', 'infile', 'outdir', 'outfile', % defined near the top of the source code. Note that this is Python3 % code. % % - The atmlab files in this directory. % % To process SPARE-ICE data, call process_ccniwp_data, for example: % % process_ccniwp_data([2013, 4, 2], [2013, 5, 30], 'noaa18'); % % To read SPARE-ICE data: % % define_local_datasets(); % D = datasets(); % D.col_syn_iwp.read_... (see SatDataset and SatDataset.read for details)