classdef InstrumentVisualiser < handle % mixin with functionality to visualise performance etc. % % InstrumentVisualiser Methods: % % plot_performance_with_requirements - % plot_channels_bt - % % See also: IceMusicNNIWP, RetrievalDatabaseProducte, NNTrainedProduct properties (Abstract) opts end % properties (Constant, Abstract) % detect_limit % accuracy % end methods (Abstract) evaluate_test_data(self, noise_level) get_performance(self, noise_level) end methods % function self = InstrumentVisualiser(varargin) % self = self@DBIWP(varargin{:}); % end function plot_performance_with_requirements(self, noise_level, varargin) % Plots performance with requirements. % % Makes two plots; absolute and relative scales. % % Single argument is basename for output files. % % if given, detect_limit and accuracy are structures describing % the detection limit and accuracy [detect_limit, accuracy] = optargs(varargin, {[], []}); doreq = nargin > 2; % [x, y] = self.evaluate_test_data(0.1); % filt = (x>0) & (y>0) & isfinite(x) & isfinite(y); % % x = x(filt); % y = y(filt); % % % calculate different ways to get performance % abs_medad = cellfun(@(yy) mad(yy, 1), bin(log10(x), y, self.opts.bins)); % abs_meanad = cellfun(@(yy) mad(yy, 0), bin(log10(x), y, self.opts.bins)); % abs_rmeanse = cellfun(@(dy) rms(dy), bin(log10(x), y-x, self.opts.bins)); % abs_rmedse = cellfun(@(dy) sqrt(median(dy.^2)), bin(log10(x), y-x, self.opts.bins)); % abs_ir = cellfun(@iqr, bin(log10(x), y, self.opts.bins)); % rel_medfracerr = cellfun(@median, bin(log10(x), abs(y-x)./x, self.opts.bins)); % abs_medfracerr = rel_medfracerr .* (10.^self.opts.bins); % rel_rmeanse_frac = cellfun(@(dy) rms(dy), bin(log10(x), abs(y-x)./x, self.opts.bins)); % abs_rmeanse_frac = rel_rmeanse_frac .* (10.^self.opts.bins); % % xx = 10.^(self.opts.bins); % self.binned_mad(x(filt), y(filt), self.opts.bins); %% make "absolute" plot % [xx, S] = self.get_performance_with_requirements(0.1); [xx, S] = self.get_performance(noise_level); figure(); % plot various ways to visualise error plot(xx, S.abs_medad, ... xx, S.abs_meanad, ... xx, S.abs_rmeanse, ... xx, S.abs_rmedse, ... xx, S.abs_ir, ... xx, S.abs_medfracerr, ... xx, S.abs_rmeanse_frac); legend('median absolute deviation', ... 'mean absolute deviation', ... 'root mean square error', ... 'root median square error', ... 'inter-quantile range', ... 'median fractional error', ... 'root mean square fractional error', ... 'Location', 'NorthWest'); hold on; if doreq crit_treshhold = detect_limit.treshhold / accuracy.treshhold; crit_target = /; % make sure target/treshhold lines are continuous xxx = sort([xx; crit_target; crit_treshhold]); % calculate upper treshhold = 10 g/m^2 acc_tresh = xxx.*accuracy.treshhold; acc_targ = xxx.*; % plot target and treshhold plot(xxx(acc_tresh>=detect_limit.treshhold), acc_tresh(acc_tresh>=detect_limit.treshhold), 'k--') plot(xxx(acc_targ>, acc_targ(acc_targ>, 'k--'); % plot detection limits plot([1e-1, crit_treshhold], [detect_limit.treshhold detect_limit.treshhold], 'k--'); plot([1e-1, crit_target], [], 'k--'); end % xx*( set(gca(), 'YScale', 'log', 'XScale', 'log', 'XLim', [5*1e-1 1e3], 'YLim', [5*1e-1 1e3]) title([ ' performance, trop. nad. all chans']); xlabel('IWP [g/m^2]'); ylabel('IWP error [g/m^2]'); grid('on'); [~, b] = fileparts(; save_figure_multi(gcf(), ... fullfile(cscol('plot_base'), [b '_abs']), ... 'png', 'eps', 'fig'); %% make "relative" plot figure(); plot(xx, 100*S.rel_medfracerr); % plot target and treshhold % plot(xxx(acc_tresh>=self.detect_limit.treshhold), self.detect_limit.treshhold, 'k--') % plot(xxx(acc_targ>, acc_targ(acc_targ>, 'k--'); legend('median fractional error'); ylim([0 100]); xlim([0 3000]); xlabel('IWP [g/m^2]'); ylabel('IWP error [%]'); title([ ' performance, trop. nad. all chans']); grid('on'); save_figure_multi(gcf(), ... fullfile(cscol('plot_base'), [b '_rel']), ... 'png', 'eps', 'fig'); end function plot_channels_bt(self) % for all channels, plot BT vs. log10(IWP) ff =, self.localcols.IWP)>0; op.transx = @(x)log10(x); op.invtransx = @(x)10.^(x); op.axprops.xscale = 'log'; for i = self.chans figure(); scatter_density_plot(, self.localcols.IWP),, self.localcols.BT(i)), op); xlabel('IWP [g/m^2]'); ylabel('BT [K]'); title(sprintf('BT/IWP Ch. %d (%s GHz)', self.chans(i), self.freqs{i})); print('-depsc', fullfile(cscol('plot_base'), sprintf('icemusic_btiwp_ch%d.eps', i))); end end function iwc_profile_errorhist(self, varargin) % visualise IWC error as a function of height, statistically % get data to go into histogram plot [x, y_ref, y_retr, x_cols, y_cols] = self.evaluate_test_data(varargin{:}); dlogy = log10(y_ref(:, y_cols.IWC)) - log10(y_retr(:, y_cols.IWC)); bins = linspace(-4, 4, 40); y_axis = linspace(4.5, 15, 21); % FIXME: read from data [N, X] = arrayfun(@(i) hist(dlogy(:, i), bins), 1:size(dlogy, 2), 'UniformOutput', false); % plot everything pcolor(10.^(X{1}), y_axis, vertcat(N{:})); shading('flat'); hold('all'); grid('on'); plot(10.^median(dlogy, 1), y_axis, 'k-', 'LineWidth', 2); set(gca, 'XScale', 'log', ... 'layer', 'top', ... 'XLim', [1e-2 1e2]); title(strrep([ ' IWC error'], '_', ' ')); xlabel('IWC retrieved / reference'); ylabel('Height [km]'); cb = colorbar; ylabel(cb, 'No. profiles'); [~, b] = fileparts(; save_figure_multi(gcf(), fullfile(cscol('plot_base'), [b '_iwchist']), 'eps', 'png', 'fig'); end end end