function varargout = avhrr_gac_read_raw(fn, varargin) % avhrr_gac_read_raw Read raw (uncalibrated, unprocessed) AVHRR GAC % % Read uncalibrated, unprocessed AVHRR GAC data. It verifies that the file % is actually AVHRR GAC and applies scale factors, but no calibration or % geolocation is performed. For this, see avhrr_gac_read. % % For valid field names, call avhrr_define_gac_l1b % % FORMAT % % [data_head, data_line] = avhrr_gac_read_raw(filename, fields_head, fields_line, lines) % % IN % % filename string Path to file to read data from % fields_head cell-string Fields from header to return % fields_line cell-string Fields from each line to return % lines array Lines to return (0=none). Default all. % % OUT % % data_head struct With the required fields % data_line struct with arrays containing data. Scale factors ar % % EXAMPLE % % >> data_head = avhrr_gac_read_raw('/local/gerrit/tmp/NSS.GHRR.NN.D08221.S1247.E1434.B1658586.GC', ... % {'avh_h_siteid', 'avh_h_startdatayr', 'avh_h_dataname', 'avh_h_satid'}) % % data_head = % % avh_h_siteid: [3x1 char] % avh_h_startdatayr: 2008 % avh_h_dataname: [42x1 char] % avh_h_satid: 7 % % See also: avhrr_define_gac_l1b, avhrr_gac_read, avhrr_gac_read_raw % Format is defined in NOAA KLM User's Guide, section, in % particular in Table Page 8-79 or page 363. % % % $Id$ record_size = 4608; % KLM Guide, Section %n_scanpos = 682; % get total no. of records % S = dir(fn); % nrecords = S.bytes/record_size-1; [fields_head, fields_line, lines] = optargs(varargin, {{}, {}, -1}); [def_head, def_line] = avhrr_define_gac_l1b(); fp = fopen(fn, 'r', 'b'); % b=big-endian c = onCleanup(@()fclose(fp)); %% read header fields data_head = cell2struct(cellfun(@(v) readfield(fp, v, def_head, 0), fields_head, 'UniformOutput', false), fields_head, 2); %% check data integrity (first 3 characters should do) and verify GAC fseek(fp, 0, 'bof'); siteid = fread(fp, 3, 'char=>char').'; if ~any(strcmp(siteid, {'NSS', 'DSS', 'CMS', 'UKM'})) error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':invalid'], ... 'Unexpected start of file %s. Expected first 3 bytes to be one of: NSS DSS CMS UKM. Not a l1a granule?', fn); end fseek(fp, 77, 'bof'); typecode = fread(fp, 1, 'uint16=>uint16'); if typecode ~= 512 error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':notGAC'], ... 'Data does not appear to be GAC (typecode = %d, expected 512)', typecode); end %% read data fields nrecords = single(data_head.avh_h_scnlin); if lines == -1 lines = nrecords; end if isscalar(lines) % interpret as 1,...,lines lines = 1:lines; end fseek(fp, record_size, 'bof'); data_raw = fread(fp, record_size*nrecords, 'uint8=>uint8', 0); for field = fields_line octets = bsxfun(@plus, ... uint32((lines-1).*record_size).', ... uint32(def_line.(field{1}).End_Octet:-1:def_line.(field{1}).Start_Octet)).'; data_casted = typecast(data_raw(octets(:)), def_line.(field{1}).cast_type); NoW = def_line.(field{1}).Number_of_Words; data_reshaped = reshape(data_casted, [NoW, length(data_casted)/NoW]); % due to the reading in reverse order, scanlines are reversed data_fixed = data_reshaped(end:-1:1, :); if def_line.(field{1}).Scale_Factor ~= 0 data_fixed = single(data_fixed) / 10.^single(def_line.(field{1}).Scale_Factor); end data_alt.(field{1}) = data_fixed; typecast(data_raw(octets(:)), def_line.(field{1}).cast_type); end if exist('data_alt', 'var') % varargout = {data_head, data_line}; varargout = {data_head, data_alt}; else varargout = {data_head}; end end function val = readfield(fp, f, def, offset) % readfield Reads field from AVHRR GAC % code = fseek(fp, offset+uint32(def.(f).Start_Octet)-1, 'bof'); if code ~= 0 error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':IOError'], ferror(fp)); end %skip = 0; val = fread(fp, def.(f).read_size, def.(f).read_type, 0); % Scale factor from Data Set Structure if def.(f).Scale_Factor ~= 0 val = single(val) / 10.^single(def.(f).Scale_Factor); end end