function saphirL1=read_saphir_l1(filename,selected_entries, mode) % function read_saphir_l1: reads HDF5 files with SAPHIR leve1 1 data and % provides a structure containing the useful L1 data and attributes % % call: dataL1 = read_saphir_l1(filename,[selected_entries, mode]) % % filename is the name of the hdf5 file or a gzipped version thereof % desired_entries is optional if you do not want to extract all variables % but only a selection. See variable 'strmember' for entries. % % relate variable names structure vs hdf5 % % Initial version mostly by Mathias Milz, adapted by Gerrit Holl % % 'mode' can be 'l1a1' or 'l1a2'. % $Id$ errorid = 'Function read_saphir_l1:'; % structure variable names for output strmember= {'IncidencAngle',... 'LatNadir',... 'LatScan',... 'LonNadir',... 'LonScan',... 'QFCh1',... 'QFCh2',... 'QFCh3',... 'QFCh4',... 'QFCh5',... 'QFCh6',... 'QFScan',... 'ScanTimestart',... 'ScanGain',... 'ScanHLTemp',... 'ScanNumber',... 'ScanOffset',... 'TbCh1',... 'TbCh2',... 'TbCh3',... 'TbCh4',... 'TbCh5',... 'TbCh6'}; % variable names for h5 internal structure h5member= {'/ScienceData/IncidenceAngle_Samples',... '/ScienceData/Latitude_Nadir',... '/ScienceData/Latitude_Samples',... '/ScienceData/Longitude_Nadir',... '/ScienceData/Longitude_Samples',... '/ScienceData/QF_Samples_S1',... '/ScienceData/QF_Samples_S2',... '/ScienceData/QF_Samples_S3',... '/ScienceData/QF_Samples_S4',... '/ScienceData/QF_Samples_S5',... '/ScienceData/QF_Samples_S6',... '/ScienceData/SAPHIR_QF_scan',... '/ScienceData/Scan_FirstSampleAcqTime',... '/ScienceData/Scan_Gain',... '/ScienceData/Scan_HotLoadTemperature',... '/ScienceData/Scan_Number',... '/ScienceData/Scan_Offset',... '/ScienceData/TB_Samples_S1',... '/ScienceData/TB_Samples_S2',... '/ScienceData/TB_Samples_S3',... '/ScienceData/TB_Samples_S4',... '/ScienceData/TB_Samples_S5',... '/ScienceData/TB_Samples_S6'}; switch nargin case 0 error(errorid,'You need at least Filename as input'); case 1 % read all variables useentries = 1:length(strmember); case {2, 3} %read only selected variables given in 'selected_entries' [~,useentries] = ismember(selected_entries,strmember); end if nargin < 3 [~,name,~] = fileparts(filename); switch name(8:11) case 'L1A_' mode = 'l1a1'; case 'L1A2' mode = 'l1a2'; otherwise error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':modeunknown'], ... 'Can''determine mode. Set mode manually to ''l1a1'' or ''l1a2'''); end end switch mode case 'l1a1' % above is good case 'l1a2' h5member = strrep(h5member, 'IncidenceAngle_Samples', 'Incidence_Angle'); h5member = strrep(h5member, 'TB_Samples', 'TB_Pixels'); h5member = strrep(h5member, 'QF_Samples', 'QF_Pixels'); h5member = strrep(h5member, 'Samples', 'pixels'); h5member = strrep(h5member, 'Sample', 'Pixel'); otherwise error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':invalidmode'], ... 'Expected mode ''l1a1'' or ''l1a2'', got %s', mode); end % uncompress file if necessary try info=hdf5info(filename); catch ME switch ME.identifier case 'MATLAB:imagesci:deprecatedHDF5:libraryError' % probably compressed filename = uncompress(filename, atmlab('WORK_AREA'), ... struct('unidentified', 'error')); % if we reach here, it means filename uncompressed is not the % original filename! cleanupObj = onCleanup(@()delete(filename)); info = h5info(filename); otherwise ME.rethrow(); end end %Begin MMILZ % read version from info and adjust h5member names (Latitude_pixels -> Latitude_Pixels % (1.05->1.06)) info=h5info(filename); %Call necessary to enable the following tastks natt=length(info.Groups.Attributes); for iat=1:natt if strcmp(info.Groups.Attributes(iat).Name,'Product_Identification') fname=info.Groups.Attributes(iat).Value; vers=fname(13:16); if strcmp(vers,'1.06') %fprintf(1,'Ping\n'); h5member = strrep(h5member, 'Latitude_pixels', 'Latitude_Pixels'); h5member = strrep(h5member, 'Longitude_pixels', 'Longitude_Pixels'); end end end clear natt; clear iat; clear fname; clear vers; %END MMILZ % Begin MMILZ 20140730 % Catch the change in Variable naming Icidence_angle --> % IncidenceAngle_Pixels and adapt the fieldnames in ndatasets=length(info.Groups.Datasets); for idatas=1:ndatasets if strcmp(info.Groups.Datasets(idatas).Name,'IncidenceAngle_Pixels') h5member = strrep(h5member, 'Incidence_Angle', 'IncidenceAngle_Pixels'); end end clear ndatasets; clear idatas; %%MM %END MMILZ 20140730 for ie=1:length(useentries) % read data % use h5read, not hdf5read, as to not get annoying hdf5.h5string object %{useentries(ie)}) = hdf5read(filename,h5member{useentries(ie)});{useentries(ie)}) = h5read(filename,h5member{useentries(ie)}); %fprintf(1,'Read Variable: %s\n',strmember{useentries(ie)}); % read data attributes %fname={info.GroupHierarchy.Groups.Datasets(useentries(ie)).Attributes.Shortname}; fname = {info.Groups.Datasets(useentries(ie)).Attributes.Name}; for i =1:length(fname) %fprintf(1,'i: %g -- %s\n',i,fname{i}); try %val = info.GroupHierarchy.Groups.Datasets(useentries(ie)).Attributes(i).Value.Data; val = info.Groups.Datasets(useentries(ie)).Attributes(i).Value; saphirL1.attr.(strmember{useentries(ie)}).(strrep(fname{i},'_',''))= val; catch ME logtext(atmlab('ERR'), ... 'Error in reading data attribute %s for field %s: %s\n', ... fname{i}, strmember{useentries(ie)}, ME.message); end end % Get absolute values by applying offset and scale factor if isfield(saphirL1.attr.(strmember{useentries(ie)}),'scalefactor') tmpscalefactor=str2num(saphirL1.attr.(strmember{useentries(ie)}).scalefactor);{useentries(ie)}) = double({useentries(ie)})) * ... double(tmpscalefactor); % Do nothing % else % Do something end if isfield(saphirL1.attr.(strmember{useentries(ie)}),'addoffset') tmpaddoffset=str2num(saphirL1.attr.(strmember{useentries(ie)}).addoffset);{useentries(ie)}) = double({useentries(ie)})) + ... tmpaddoffset; % Do nothing % else % Do something end end % Include quality flags. % If all data are read, use QFlags from structure % If QFlags are not read, read QFs explicitly and apply % Channel 1 for ie=6:11 if isfield(,strmember{ie+12}) if ~isfield(,strmember{ie}) %{ie})= hdf5read(filename,h5member{ie});{ie})= h5read(filename,h5member{ie}); end [QFCh1validtmp,lsChtmp,lsmixChtmp]=getvalidpixels({ie})); % set invalid entries to NaN{ie+12})(~QFCh1validtmp) = NaN; end end %Land Sea? Quality Flag Scan? --> if this is required, the according HDF5 %Entrie can be read and used strmember{12} end function [QFvalid,landsea,landseamix]=getvalidpixels(arrayQFCh) % getvalidpixels scans all uint16 bits of the qualityflags to reurn only % valid pixel % % getvalidpixels extracts the individual bits from the uint16 Quality Flag % array of each channel and determines the validity of the pixels. % % input: arrayQFCh: array with uint16 containing the bitwise quality information % output: QFvalid: array with true for valid bixels and false for invalid pixels, affected by any undesired error source. % landsea: mask defining land or sea surface % landseamix: mask defining mixes surfaces % % By Mathias Milz % % Access individual bits using 'bitget(A,BIT)' % % Bits 1, 2: Ice all values accepted flag1 = bitget(arrayQFCh,1) | ~bitget(arrayQFCh,1) | bitget(arrayQFCh,2)... | ~bitget(arrayQFCh,2); % Bits 3 = 0 blank flag2 = ~bitget(arrayQFCh,3); % BITS 4: Interpolation quality: should be 0 flag3 = ~bitget(arrayQFCh,4); % BITS 5: ColdSky count error: should be 0 flag4 = ~bitget(arrayQFCh,5); % BITS 6: Hoot Count error: should be 0 flag5 = ~bitget(arrayQFCh,6); % BITS 7 and 8 : Calibration Flag: should be 0 flag6 = ~bitget(arrayQFCh,7) & ~bitget(arrayQFCh,8); % BITS 9: Geo-location stimaton should be 0 flag7 = ~bitget(arrayQFCh,9); % BITS 10: Level-0 Count poor value: should be 0 flag8 = ~bitget(arrayQFCh,10); % BITS 11: Level-0 Count saturated: should be 0 flag9 = ~bitget(arrayQFCh,11); % BITS 12: ON OFF Channel flag: should be 0 flag10 = ~bitget(arrayQFCh,12); % BITS 13: SurfaceType: 0 Sea, 1 Land, both accepted flag11 = ~bitget(arrayQFCh,13) | bitget(arrayQFCh,13); landsea = bitget(arrayQFCh,13); % BITS 14: LandSea contamination: 0 no contamination, 1 contamination, both accepted flag12 = ~bitget(arrayQFCh,14) | bitget(arrayQFCh,14); landseamix = bitget(arrayQFCh,14); % BITS 15: Sun Glint: both accepted flag13 = ~bitget(arrayQFCh,15) | bitget(arrayQFCh,15); % BITS 16: TB validy: should be 0 flag14 = ~bitget(arrayQFCh,16); QFvalid = flag1 & flag2 & flag3 & flag4 & flag5 & flag6 & flag7 & flag8 & ... flag9 & flag10 & flag11 & flag12 & flag13 & flag14; end