function verify_colloc_constants % verify_colloc_constants Check colloc_constants for consistency % % colloc_constants defines columns more or less twice, for historical % reasons. Once in .overlap/.data/.meandata, and once in .stored. % This m-file checks that they are consistent. % % There is no input and nothing is returned, but all 'missing' entries are % printed to stdout. A human (such as Gerrit) should then interpret whether % this is okay. % Gerrit Holl 2011-06-14 % % $Id$ % those names are allowed to be missing in .stored special_names = {'filter_double', 'NCOLS'}; constants = colloc_constants(); allnames = fieldnames(constants); for f = allnames.' fn = f{1}; if strcmp(fn(1:4), 'cols') cols = constants.(fn); stored_names = fieldnames(cols.stored).'; internal_names = [fieldnames(cols.overlap).' fieldnames(']; if isfield(cols, 'meandata') internal_names = [internal_names fieldnames(cols.meandata).']; end % verify all internal names are also in stored names for intrn = internal_names if ~(ismember(intrn{1}, stored_names) || ... ismember(intrn{1}, special_names)) logtext(1, 'internal but not stored: %s, %s\n', fn, intrn{1}); end end for strd = stored_names if ~(ismember(strd{1}, internal_names)) logtext(1, 'stored but not internal: %s, %s\n', fn, strd{1}); end end end end end