2002-12-13 Stefan Buehler * atmlab-0-0-10 * atmlab_init.m: Added xml directory to path. * atmlab_version.m: Corrected function name. 2002-12-13 Oliver Lemke * atmlab-0-0-9 * xml: Added reading routines. 2002-12-12 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-0-8 * graphs: Created the functions: children.m find_legend.m legend_frame.m legend_text.m legend_title.m scale_fig.m scale_legend.m scale_text.m Type "help function" for more information. The legend in Matlab does not always work veru well, but the legend functions above should be a good help to fix the legend when you are not happy with the default result. 2002-12-12 Claudia Emde * atmlab-0-0-7 * physics: Created this directory. * physics/constants.m: Created this function, which returns physical constants or an error message, if the constant is not defined. * physics/Int2Planck.m: Created. Converts intensities to planck BT. * physics/Int2RayJean.m: Created. Converts intensities to Rayleigh Jeans BT. 2002-12-12 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-0-6 * math/isvector.m: Created this function. * graphs/fit_to_paper.m: Wrote a header. Introduced vertical and horisontal borders and landscape paper size. * graphs/add_plot_row.m: Created this function. Check it out, it is cool. 2002-12-11 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-0-5 * handy/min_nargin.m: Created this folder and this function. * graphs/fit_to_paper.m: Created this function to set the figure size to match the paper size. Not ready! * atmplots/atmplot_timeseries.m: Renamed atmplot_scanseries.m to this name. The function is now working. Maybe there will be some future modifications. 2002-12-10 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-0-4 * example_heading.m: Changed the format on the starting line. The name of the function shall be there (in all uppercase letters). * math/Contents.m: Created this foler to hold: This folder contains functions performing basic mathematical operations. Included are functions to determine the variable types. * math: Added functions iseven.m, isinteger.m, isodd.m, isscalar.m, vec2col.m and vec2row.m, where most are copiued from AMI. * atmplots/Contents.m: Created this foler to hold: This folder contains core functions to generate typical plots used to display results retrieved from atmospheric remote sensing observations. * atmplots/atmplot_scanseries.m: Started on this function. * graphs/Contents.m: Created this foler to hold: This folder contains functions to make the usage of the different graph commands in Matlab simpler. See further the mentioned file. * arts/Contents.m: The folder artsfuns has been renamed to arts (as it is obvious that it contains functions). * atmlab_init.m: Added new folders. Atmlab includes now functions also found in AMI. If you will use Qpack and AMI on the same time (maybe as part of Qpack), I recommend to run atmlab_init before /ami/init to make sure that the AMI version of functions is used. 2002-12-10 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-0-3 * This is just a commit to really add some folders and functions. More info in next commit. 2002-12-09 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-0-2 * example_heading.m: Forgot to mention this file, and empty_heading, in the last commit. I discovered that the AMI/Qpack type of headers in fact work rather poor with the Matlab help tool. So I have made new template functions. There are also some hints about optional variables. Please, read and comment. 2002-12-09 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-0-1 * atmlab_init.m: This file adds the Atmlab folders to the search path. Call this function from your startup.m file if you want to use Atmlab. All folders that are added to Atmlab must be included in this function. * atmlab_version.m: The version number shall be transfered to this function before each commit. This function prints the version number. * INSTRUCTIONS: Instructions for future Atmlab authors. Please, read and comment. Oliver: I was not sure what to write about what you have to put in Makefile.am. Can you add this? * artsfuns/Contents.m: Started on this folder, mainly as an example (but so far a bad example). 2002-12-05 Oliver Lemke * atmlab-0-0-0 * Initial version