% SCALE_FIG Resizes a figure and the text size. % % The function changes the size of a figure with the given scaling factor. % The same scaling is applied vertoically and horisontally. The scaling % is further applied on all text objects. % % The idea is that a figure could be given any size maintaining the same % relative appearence. This works for re-scaling with factors not devaiting % too much from 1, but as the space between e.g. axes and labels is not % scaled in the same way by Matlab (which is done automatically), larger % size changes distorts the appearence of the figure. For example, if a % larger figure is made small it is a risk that axes labels will be moved % outside the figure, despite that the font size is made small. % % FORMAT scale_fig(scfac) % % IN scfac Scaling factor (1 results in no effective scaling). % 2002-12-12 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function scale_fig(scfac) %=== Check input % min_nargin( 1, nargin ); % if ~isscalar( scfac ) | scfac <= 0 error('The scaling factor must be a scalar >= 0.'); end %=== Get figure position % h = gcf; % pos = get( h, 'Position' ); %=== Re-size without moving centre point % dx = ( scfac - 1 ) * pos(3); dy = ( scfac - 1 ) * pos(4); % set( h, 'Position', [pos(1)-dx/2 pos(2)-dy/2 pos(3)+dx pos(4)+dy] ); %=== Scale text % scale_text( h, scfac );