% CHILDREN Returns the children of figure objects. % % The function returns the children of all generations, or only the closest % generation, of a figure or figure objects. To get a handle to all % objects of a figure, type % hc = children( gcf ); % % The input argument *h* can be a vector of handles. No object in *h* % can be children (in any generation) of any other object in *h*. If this % is the case, some handles will be duplicated in *hc*. % % FORMAT hc = children(h,all_generations) % % OUT hc Handle to children. % IN h Handle to bject(s) for which children shall be % returned. % OPT all_generations If set to 0, only the first generation is returned. % Otherwise handles for all generations are returned. % Default is 1. % 2002-12-12 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function hc = children(h,all_generations) %=== Defaults % if nargin < 2 all_generations = 1; end %=== Allocate space for 100 children (if they happen to be more, that is OK) % hc = zeros(100,1); %=== Read children of input handles % ntot = 0; % for ih = 1 : length( h ) % hl = get( h(ih), 'children' ); n = length( hl ); % if n hc(ntot+(1:n)) = hl; ntot = ntot +n; end % end %=== Remove empty part % hc = hc(1:ntot); %=== Read younger generations by recursive call % if all_generations % hc = [ hc; children( hc, 0 ) ]; % end