% ATMPLOT_TIMESERIES Makes a time series plot of vertical profiles. % % The function plots a series of vertical profiles as a function of % some quantity. The "time" coordinate can be real time, a scan number % or any other quantity that has a natural order. The profiles are plotted % without any vertical interpolation. % % The profiles are given as a struct vector. Each struct must have, at % least, these fields: % t The time, or some other running quantity. % twidth The width of the observation in units of *t*. % z The altitudes, or equivalent quantity, of the observations. % p The profile. % % For example, profile nr. i is Ps(i).p. % % The observations are assumed to be valid for the given altitudes (z), % during the time [t-twidth/2, t+twidth/2]. With *shadearg* = *faceted* % or *flat*, each value will be plotted as a rectangle uniformly colored. % With *shadearg* = *interp*, the color will vary vertically in a piece- % wise linear manner. % % The function performs just the plotting, without clearing the function % before start. All other operations, such as setting label texts or % setting the color scale, must be handled separately. % % FORMAT atmplot_timeseries(Ps[,shadearg]) % % IN Ps Struct vector with profile data. See further above. % OPT shadearg This argument is passed to *shading*. If not given, or % empty, no call of *shading is done. If no shading is set % before the call of this function, the shading will be % 'faceted'. % 2002-12-11 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function atmplot_timeseries(Ps,shadearg) %=== Basic ckeck of input % min_nargin( 1, nargin ); %=== Check that the needed fields exist % if ~isfield(Ps,'t') | ~isfield(Ps,'twidth') | ... ~isfield(Ps,'z') | ~isfield(Ps,'p') serr = sprintf( ['The struct array Ps must have (at least) the fields:\n',... ' t\n twidth\n z\n p'] ); error( serr ); end %=== Loop the profiles, check data and plot % for ip = 1: length( Ps ) % n = length( Ps(ip).z ); t = Ps(ip).t; w = Ps(ip).twidth; % if n ~= length( Ps(ip).p ) serr = sprintf( ['The lengths of vector z and p differ for profile ', ... 'nr %d'], ip ); error( serr ); end % if ~isscalar(w) | w <= 0 serr = sprintf( ['The time widths must be scalars > 0, but this not ', ... 'the case for profile nr %d'], ip ); error( serr ); end % if n % X = repmat( [t-w/2 t+w/2], n, 1 ); Y = repmat( vec2col( Ps(ip).z ), 1, 2 ); Z = repmat( vec2col( Ps(ip).p ), 1, 2 ); % surface( X, Y, Z ); % end % end %=== Set shading % if nargin >= 2 & ~isempty(shadearg) shading( shadearg ); end