% Writes an Array to an XML file. % % Internal function that should never be called directly. % Use *xmlStore* instead. % % FORMAT xmlWriteArrayOf(fid, data, type) % % IN fid File descriptor % IN data Array % IN type Data type as string % 2002-12-16 Created by Oliver Lemke. function xmlWriteArrayOf(fid, data, type) nrows = size (data, 1); ncols = size (data, 2); if nrows ~= 1 & ncols ~= 1 error ('Either columns or rows must have size 1'); end nelem = length (data); attrlist = []; attrlist = xmlAddAttribute ([], 'type', type); attrlist = xmlAddAttribute (attrlist, 'nelem', sprintf ('%d', nelem)); xmlWriteTag (fid, 'Array', attrlist); for i = 1:nelem func = str2func (strcat ('xmlWrite', type)); feval (func, fid, data{i}); end xmlWriteCloseTag (fid, 'Array'); clear fid ncols nrows nelem;