--- How to configure Atmlab --- It is assumed that you have some basic Matlab knowledge. If some of the concepts here are unfamiliar to you, please try to find the information in the Matlab documentation. The Matlab web site at www.mathworks.com contains a lot of useful information and a good FAQ. The top folder of Atmlab is below denoted as ATMLAB/. Atmlab is added to the Matlab search path by calling the function atmlab_init, which is found in ATMLAB/. To view the search path, use the Matlab function path. If you will always be using Atmlab, the simplest is to include these lines in startup.m: cd ATMLAB/ atmlab_init; If you have different Matlab environments, and you don't want to add all the Matlab stuff that you have to the search path, the file ATMLAB/startup_menu.m gives you some hints on how this can be handled. Matlab looks for startup.m in the folder where it is started. To ensure that Matlab always finds your startup.m, the Matlab path must be extended already before calling Matlab. How this is done depends on the environment (operative system, shell etc.). If you are a bash user, a line like this will do the job: export MATLABPATH=/home/patrick/Configure/Matlab: Some functionality of Atmlab requieres personal settings. Most parts of Atmlab will work without a file with personal settings. There will be an error message if a needed personal setting is lacking. The personal settings are provided by a function with name atmplot.m. This function is not found inside the Atmlab folders added to the search path, but a template for you to copy and edit is found in ATMLAB/examples. Copy that file to a folder outside Atmlab, but part of the Matlab search path. You need to edit the file to include your settings, as described in the template. The present settings are displayed by executing atmlab; To get a particular setting, give the name of the setting as input: atmlab('fmodel') If you want to change your settings during an Atmlab session, the new value is given as a second argument to atmplot: atmplot('fmodel','arts-1');