% ATMLAB Atmlab personal settings. % % This function is a template for personal atmlab.m functions for % giving the personal settings. % % This function shall be copied to a place outside Atmlab, to a position % where it can be found by Matlab. The personal settings are given inside % the local function *atmlab_local_defs*, and this is the only modification % of the function that shall be performed (this header can of course be % deleted). The version of *atmlab_local_defs* found here is not complete, % it just gives some examples. For information on existing setting fields, % execute: % type atmlab_defs.m % % This function is based on *prstnt_struct*. See the online help for % some info about how this type of functions work. Further instructions % are given in CONFIGURE in the Atmlab top folder. % 2002-12-19 Created by Patyrick Eriksson. function value = atmlab( varargin ) persistent A [A,value] = prstnt_struct( A, @atmlab_local_defs, varargin ); return %--- function A = atmlab_local_defs A = atmlab_defs; A.WORK_AREA = '/tmp'; A.FMODEL = 'arts'; return