INSTRUCTIONS FOR ATMLAB AUTHORS The top directory (where you find this file) shall only contain general information, the *atmlab_init* function and similar stuff. The provided functions shall be placed in suitable sub-folder. If you think that your function really not fit into the topic of any existing sub-folder you are free to add a new sub-folder, but please select a name/topic of the new folder with care. Don't select a too broad subject as then it is not clear what functions you can expect to find in the folder. If you select a too narrow subject there is a chance that your function will be alone in the folder. An exception is of course if you make a complete set of functions for a particular purpose, when it makes sense to create a particular folder for your functions. Each sub-folder shall contain a file called Contents.m which describes the function type of the folder. This file is used by Matlab when the user type "help" and the name of a folder in the search path. The Contents.m files for the Matlab original folders list the functions in the folder. As we probably will forget to update Contents.m when adding a function, and it is not always so easy to group the functions, I think it is better to make a general description of the functions, than maintaining function lists. The users have to look into the folders to check out what functions they can try out. Please, add the file Contents.m as soon as you create a new sub-folder. You need also to edit *atmlab_init* to include the new folder in the search path. The aim should be to mainly make functions that do not require any special toolbox. Functions that need a special toolbox should be placed into special folders, and this should be clear from Contents.m. Each function shall have a clear description, a header. You are recommended to use either the style used by MathWorks or the style described in examples/example_heading.m (you find an empty header in empty_header.m). The file example_heading.m contains also some hints regarding optional variables and how to set default variables. The changes done for each CVS commit shall be explained satisfactorily in ChangeLog. The new version number shall be transfered to the function *atmlab_version*. Patrick Eriksson, 2002-12-09