% Reads a String from an XML file. % % Internal function that should never be called directly. % Use *xmlLoad* instead. % % FORMAT result = xmlReadString(fid, attrlist) % % OUT result String % IN fid File descriptor of XML file % IN attrlist List of tag attributes % 2003-01-09 Created by Oliver Lemke. function result = xmlReadString(fid, attrlist) c = fgets (fid, 1); while ~feof (fid) & (c == 10 | c == 32) c = fgets (fid, 1); end if c ~= '"' error (sprintf ('Invalid string: Not starting with "')); end % Read the string charwise from input file % Because matlab removes trailing spaces from strings % it becomes a bit more complicated. result = ''; c = fgets (fid, 1); whitespace_count = 0; while ~feof (fid) & c ~= '"' if c == 32 whitespace_count = whitespace_count + 1; else if whitespace_count form = sprintf ('%%s%%%ds%%s', whitespace_count); result = sprintf (form, result, ' ', c); whitespace_count = 0; else result = strcat (result, c); end end c = fgets (fid, 1); end if c ~= '"' error (sprintf ('Invalid string: Not ending with "')); end clear whitespace_count c