% Writes a GasAbsLookup table to an XML file. % % Internal function that should never be called directly. % Use *xmlStore* instead. % % FORMAT xmlWriteGasAbsLookup(fid, data) % % IN fid File descriptor % IN data GasAbsLookup table % 2002-12-16 Created by Oliver Lemke. function xmlWriteGasAbsLookup(fid, data) xmlWriteTag (fid, 'GasAbsLookup', []); xmlWriteArrayOfArray(fid, data.species, 'SpeciesTag'); xmlWriteArray(fid, data.nonlinear_species, 'Index'); xmlWriteVector (fid, data.f_grid); xmlWriteVector (fid, data.p_grid); xmlWriteMatrix (fid, data.vmrs_ref); xmlWriteVector (fid, data.t_ref); xmlWriteVector (fid, data.t_pert); xmlWriteVector (fid, data.nls_pert); xmlWriteTensor4 (fid, data.abs); xmlWriteCloseTag (fid, 'GasAbsLookup');