% SIMPLECLOUD_PLOT Automatic plotting of cloud scenario. % % A function to visualize a cloud case generated by SIMPLECLOUD_INIT. % The function adapts automatically to the dimesnion, position and % size of the cloud. % % Note that the cloud is plotted in latitude and longitude, and not % in geoemtrical distance. This means that, for example, a cloud with % quadratic horisontal extension can look rectangular in the view from % above. % % FORMAT simplecloud_plot(C) % % IN C Settings from SIMPLECLOUD_INIT. % HISTORY: 2003-03-09 Created by Patrick Eriksson function simplecloud_plot(C) %=== Get an upper limit for plotting %=== Plots are from 0 km to highest altitude with cloud/rain*WFACTOR % wfactor = 1.2; % zmax = -1; % if C.do_iwc zmax = max( C.iwc(:,1) ); end % if C.do_lwc zmax = max( [ zmax max( C.lwc(:,1) ) ] ); end % if C.do_rain zmax = max( [ zmax max( C.rain(:,1) ) ] ); end %=== Create some help variables % z = 0 : 100: zmax*1.2; % if C.dim == 1 c = zeros( length(z), 3 ); for i = 1 : length(z) [iwc,lwc,rain] = simplecloud_get( C, z(i) ); c(i,:) = [ iwc, lwc, rain ]; end else if C.hshape == 1 lat = C.lat + linspace( wfactor*(-C.latlength/2-C.hedge), ... wfactor*(C.latlength/2+C.hedge), 100 ) / 111e3; lon = C.lon + linspace( wfactor*(-C.lonlength/2-C.hedge), ... wfactor*(C.lonlength/2+C.hedge), 100 )/111e3/cos(C.lat*pi/180); else lat = C.lat + linspace( -C.latlength*1.5, C.latlength*1.5, 100 ) / 111e3; lon = C.lon + linspace( -C.lonlength*1.5, C.lonlength*1.5, 100 ) / ... 111e3/cos(C.lat*pi/180); end %- Latitude cross-section clat = zeros( length(z), length(lat), 3 ); for i = 1 : length(z) for j = 1 : length(lat) [iwc,lwc,rain] = simplecloud_get( C, z(i), lat(j), C.lon ); clat(i,j,:) = [ iwc, lwc, rain ]; end end %- Longitude cross-section clon = zeros( length(z), length(lon), 3 ); for i = 1 : length(z) for j = 1 : length(lon) [iwc,lwc,rain] = simplecloud_get( C, z(i), C.lat, lon(j) ); clon(i,j,:) = [ iwc, lwc, rain ]; end end end fig = gcf - 1; %=== IWC % if C.dim == 1 % fig = fig + 1; figure( fig ); plot( c(:,1), z/1e3 ) xlabel('Ice water content [g/m3]', 'FontSize', 12 ) ylabel('Altitude [km]', 'FontSize', 12 ) axis([0 max(C.iwc(:,2))*1.1 0 zmax*wfactor/1e3]) % else % fig = fig + 1; figure( fig ); contourf( lat, z/1e3, squeeze( clat(:,:,1) ) ); shading flat colorbar axis([lat(1) tail(lat,1) 0 zmax*wfactor/1e3]) xlabel('Latitude [deg]', 'FontSize', 12); ylabel('Altitude [km]', 'FontSize', 12 ); title( 'Latitude cross-section of ice water content [g/m3]', ... 'FontSize', 12 ) % fig = fig + 1; figure( fig ); contourf( lon, z/1e3, squeeze( clon(:,:,1) ) ); shading flat colorbar axis([lon(1) tail(lon,1) 0 zmax*wfactor/1e3]) xlabel('Longitude [deg]', 'FontSize', 12); ylabel('Altitude [km]', 'FontSize', 12 ); title( 'Longitude cross-section of ice water content [g/m3]', ... 'FontSize', 12 ) % [u,iz] = max( C.iwc(:,2) ); cz = zeros( length(lat), length(lon) ); for i = 1 : length(lat) for j = 1 : length(lon) [iwc,lwc,rain] = simplecloud_get( C, C.iwc(iz,1), lat(i), lon(j) ); cz(i,j) = iwc; end end fig = fig + 1; figure( fig ); contourf( lon, lat, cz ); shading flat colorbar axis([ lon(1) tail(lon,1) lat(1) tail(lat,1) ]) axis equal ylabel('Latitude [deg]', 'FontSize', 12); xlabel('Longitude [deg]', 'FontSize', 12); title( sprintf('Ice water content at %.2f km [g/m3]', C.iwc(iz,1)/1e3 ), ... 'FontSize', 12 ) end %=== LWC % if C.dim == 1 % fig = fig + 1; figure( fig ); plot( c(:,2), z/1e3 ) xlabel('Ice water content [g/m3]', 'FontSize', 12 ) ylabel('Altitude [km]', 'FontSize', 12 ) axis([0 max(C.lwc(:,2))*1.1 0 zmax*wfactor/1e3]) % else % fig = fig + 1; figure( fig ); contourf( lat, z/1e3, squeeze( clat(:,:,2) ) ); shading flat colorbar axis([lat(1) tail(lat,1) 0 zmax*wfactor/1e3]) xlabel('Latitude [deg]', 'FontSize', 12); ylabel('Altitude [km]', 'FontSize', 12 ); title( 'Latitude cross-section of liquid water content [g/m3]', ... 'FontSize', 12 ) % fig = fig + 1; figure( fig ); contourf( lon, z/1e3, squeeze( clon(:,:,2) ) ); shading flat colorbar axis([lon(1) tail(lon,1) 0 zmax*wfactor/1e3]) xlabel('Longitude [deg]', 'FontSize', 12); ylabel('Altitude [km]', 'FontSize', 12 ); title( 'Longitude cross-section of liquid water content [g/m3]', ... 'FontSize', 12 ) % [u,iz] = max( C.lwc(:,2) ); cz = zeros( length(lat), length(lon) ); for i = 1 : length(lat) for j = 1 : length(lon) [iwc,lwc,rain] = simplecloud_get( C, C.lwc(iz,1), lat(i), lon(j) ); cz(i,j) = lwc; end end fig = fig + 1; figure( fig ); contourf( lon, lat, cz ); shading flat colorbar axis([ lon(1) tail(lon,1) lat(1) tail(lat,1) ]) axis equal ylabel('Latitude [deg]', 'FontSize', 12); xlabel('Longitude [deg]', 'FontSize', 12); title( ... sprintf('Liquid water content at %.2f km [g/m3]', C.lwc(iz,1)/1e3 ), ... 'FontSize', 12 ) end %=== RAIN % if C.dim == 1 % fig = fig + 1; figure( fig ); plot( c(:,3), z/1e3 ) xlabel('Rain rate [mm/h]', 'FontSize', 12 ) ylabel('Altitude [km]', 'FontSize', 12 ) axis([0 max(C.rain(:,2))*1.1 0 zmax*wfactor/1e3]) % else % fig = fig + 1; figure( fig ); contourf( lat, z/1e3, squeeze( clat(:,:,3) ) ); shading flat colorbar axis([lat(1) tail(lat,1) 0 zmax*wfactor/1e3]) xlabel('Latitude [deg]', 'FontSize', 12); ylabel('Altitude [km]', 'FontSize', 12 ); title( 'Latitude cross-section of rain rate [mm/h]', ... 'FontSize', 12 ) % fig = fig + 1; figure( fig ); contourf( lon, z/1e3, squeeze( clon(:,:,3) ) ); shading flat colorbar axis([lon(1) tail(lon,1) 0 zmax*wfactor/1e3]) xlabel('Longitude [deg]', 'FontSize', 12); ylabel('Altitude [km]', 'FontSize', 12 ); title( 'Longitude cross-section of rain rate [mm/h]', ... 'FontSize', 12 ) % [u,iz] = max( C.rain(:,2) ); cz = zeros( length(lat), length(lon) ); for i = 1 : length(lat) for j = 1 : length(lon) [iwc,lwc,rain] = simplecloud_get( C, C.rain(iz,1), lat(i), lon(j) ); cz(i,j) = rain; end end fig = fig + 1; figure( fig ); contourf( lon, lat, cz ); shading flat colorbar axis([ lon(1) tail(lon,1) lat(1) tail(lat,1) ]) axis equal ylabel('Latitude [deg]', 'FontSize', 12); xlabel('Longitude [deg]', 'FontSize', 12); title( ... sprintf('Rain rate at %.2f km [mm/h]', C.rain(iz,1)/1e3 ), ... 'FontSize', 12 ) end