% I2PLANCKTB % % Convert intensities to brigthness temperatures by "inverting" the % Planck function. % % The frequency and intensity vectors/matrices must have the % same size. % % FORMAT tb = i2planckTb(i,f) % % OUT tb brightness temperatures [K] % IN i intensities [W/m^2Hz] % f frequencies [Hz] % 2002-12-12 Created by Claudia Emde. function tb = i2planckTb(i,f) planck = constants('PLANCK_CONST'); boltzmann = constants('BOLTZMANN_CONST'); speed_light = constants('SPEED_OF_LIGHT'); a = planck/boltzmann; b = 2*planck/speed_light^2; tb = a * f ./ log((b*f.^3)./i + 1 );