% E_EQ_WATER Equilibrium water vapor pressure over liquid water % % Calculate the equilibrium water vapor pressure over a plane surface % of liquid water according to Sonntag, 1994. % % The coefficients for units of K for temperature and Pa for the partial % pressure are quoted in Helten et al., 1999. I have verified that % these coefficients are consistent with the ones given in Leiterer et % al., 1997, with the only difference that the ones in the Leiterer et % al. paper are for partial pressure in units of hPa. % % The temperature of 0C corresponds to 273.15K. (Not 273.16K, as stated % in the Leiterer paper.) % % The formula (T in K, Ew in Pa): % % Ew(T) = exp[ a/T + b + cT + dT^2 + e ln(T) ] % % References: % % Sonntag, D., Advancements in the field of hygrometry, Meteorologische % Zeitschrift, 3, 51-66, 1994. % % Helten, M. et al, In-flight comparison of MOZAIC and POLINAT water % vapor measurements, JGR, 104, 26.087-26.096, 1999. % % Leiterer U. et al, Improvements in Radiosonde Humidity Profiles Using % RS80/RS90 Radiosondes of Vaisala, Beitr. Phys. Atmosph., 70(4), % 319-336, 1997. % % FORMAT ew = e_eq_water(T) % % OUT ew = Equilibrium water vapor pressure in [Pa]. % IN T = Temperature in [K]. % % 2003-03-28 Created by Stefan Buehler function ew = e_eq_water(T) % Coefficients for Ew: a = -6096.9385; b = 21.2409642; c = -2.711193e-2; d = 1.673952e-5; e = 2.433502; ew = exp( a./T + b + c*T + d*T.^2 + e*log(T) );