2003-04-22 Stefan Buehler * atmlab-0-1-48 * CONFIGURE: Updated location of atmlab_init script. (It seems to be now in subdirectory atmlab.) 2003-04-14 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-47 * forwardmodel/mpm_iwc93_lwc93_rain89.m: Included parameter values from Christian for rain rates > 25 mm. 2003-04-11 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-46 * atmscenarios/simplecloud_init.m: Some more default values introduced. Several cloud types defined. The cloud types follows roughly FASCODE. Cases with rain follow suggestions from Christian. Thomas and Christian: Please look and comment. The simplest way to check the definitions is to do: C = simplecloud_init;simplecloud_plot(C); and select 1D, the cloud type of interest and just accept all default values. * atmscenarios/simplecloud_plot.m: Fixed wrong xlabel for LWC. 2003-04-10 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-45 * graphs/ypatch.m: Created this function. Main purpose is to plot retrieved vertical profiles with the confidence interval (e.g. +-1si) as a shaded area. See the header for an example. * graphs/xpatch.m: As complementary function to YPATCH. 2003-04-10 Thomas Kuhn * atmlab-0-1-44 * atmscenarios/simplecloud_plot.m: update. Included an if statement if an ice/water/rain filed is defined in the cloud structure or not. If YES then plot the field if NOT then leave it. 2003-04-09 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-43 * forwardmodel/mpm_iwc93_lwc93_rain89.m: Finished this function. 2003-04-09 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-42 * forwardmodel/mpm_iwc93_lwc93_rain89.m: Worked a bit on this function. IWC and LWC seem to be ready. Rain not done. 2003-04-09 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-41 * atmscenarios/simplecloud_field.m: Created this function. * atmscenarios/simplecloud_plot.m: Created this function. * atmscenarios/simplecloud_XXXX.m: Finished a first version of this set of functions. More cloud types have to be defined in the init function. Thomas has promised to help me with this. To test this tool, try: help simplecloud_init C = simplecloud_init; simplecloud_plot(C); 2003-04-08 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-40 * atmscenarios/simplecloud_init.m: Created this function. This is the attempt to solve one of the tasks for the ACE+ study. But this set of two functions can also be used for other studies. Some details to be fixed. * atmscenarios/simplecloud_get.m: Created this function. Purpose and status as above. * forwardmodel: Added this folder. To hold Matlab version of things normally found in forward models. ARTS specific stuff shall be placed in arts/. * forwardmodel/mpm_iwc93_lwc93_rain89.m: Started on this function. Not ready! * physics/Int2Planck.m: Moved and renamed to forwardmodel/i2planckTb.m The move because the new forwardmodel folder fits better. The renaming to avoid starting with a capital letter, and to avoid Int which leads the mind to Integer (at least for me). (Claudia, OK?) "Vectorized" the function. * physics/Int2RayJean.m: Moved and renamed to forwardmodel/i2rayjeanTb.m. Reasons as above. "Vectorized" the function. A note: The functions shall as far as possible work in a Matlab "way". That is, the input can either be a scalar, vector or a matrix. This is fixed normally by replacing * with .* and / with ./. * XXXX/Contents.m: Revised existing files and added Contents.m where it was missing. * atmlab/atmlab_init.m: Added new folders. 2003-04-08 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-39 * handy/input_vector.m: Created this function. * handy/extra.m: Created this function. Use it to list all functions in Atmlab. 2003-04-07 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-38 * handy/input_scalar.m: Created this function. * handy/ascii_menu.m: Added this function. 2003-03-31 Carlos Jimenez * atmlab-0-1-37 * math/nearestinvec.m: updating with easier implementation. 2003-03-28 Stefan Buehler * atmlab-0-1-36 * physics/e_eq_water.m: Added. Calculates the equilibrium water vapor pressure over a plane surface of liquid water according to Sonntag, 1994. * physics/e_eq_ice.m: Added. Calculates the equilibrium water vapor pressure over a plane surface of ice according to Sonntag, 1994. * physics/Contents.m: Added information about the new functions. 2003-03-06 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-35 * physics/wgs84.m: Copied and adapted this function from AMI. * arts/arts_plot_atmgrids.m: Made z_ground an optional argument, to supress plotting of the geoid and the ground. The function can now be used to plot an individual grid cell. * arts/arts_ppath.m: Fixed bug when z_ground is not a scalar. 2003-03-05 Patrick Eriksson * arts/arts_plot_atmgrids.m: Changed cb_lims to be a cell array, as for arts_ppath.m. * arts/arts_ppath.m: Added r_geoid as mandatory input argument. 2003-03-04 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-33 * handy/yes_or_no.m: Copied answer_is_yes from AMI to create this function. * arts/arts_plot_atmgrids.m: Added code for 3D. * graphs/axes_frame.m: Handles now also the z-axis. 2003-03-04 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-32 * arts/arts_plot_atmgrids.m: Added and started on this function. * atmplots/atmplot_sph2cart.m: Added output arguments to the function. * atmplots/atmplot_pol2cart.m: As above. * arts/arts_sph2cart.m: Removed this function. 2003-03-03 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-31 * arts/arts_ppath.m: Finished the function. It now works also with refraction. 2003-03-03 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-30 * arts/arts_ppath.m: Started on this function. Instead of having many functions for doing 2D or 3D grid cells etc., the idea is now to calculate a full path when a figure shall be produced. This is the getaway function to get a path out of arts. * xml/xmlWriteMatrix/TensorX.m: Removed output form statement s(1)=1; * arts/artsplanck.m (iplanck): Added output format to cfile template. * arts/atmplot: Removed functions atmplot_gridcell2D.m and atmplot_gridcell3D.m. 2003-02-28 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-29 * Removed the following test function from /arts: cart2poslos.m do_gridcell_2d.m do_gridcell_3d.m gridcell_crossing_3d.m poslos2cart.m 2003-02-28 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-28 * files/qtool.m: Included an if-statement to avoid a warning for some Matlab version(s), when making "empty == scalar". 2003-02-27 Stefan Buehler * atmlab-0-1-27 * xml/xmlReadGasAbsLookup.m: Read .xsec instead of .abs. * xml/xmlWriteGasAbsLookup.m: Write .xsec instead of .abs. 2003-02-11 Oliver Lemke * atmlab-0-1-26 * xml/xmlLoad.m, xml/xmlRead*.m: Added support for reading binary xml files. Speed up in comparison to ascii is similar to the improvements in arts. Tried with 90 MB ampmat. Seems to work, but needs further testing. Claudia? 2003-02-10 Carlos Jimenez * atmlab-0-1-25 * math/nearestinvec.m: Adding a mscript to find the closest value in a vector to a given value. * NOTE: I notice the atmlab version was out of date, we should notforget to update the version number in atmlab/atmlab_version. 2003-01-20 Stefan Buehler * atmlab-0-1-24 * AUTHORS: Added Christian Maetzler . * mie/: Added this directory, containing Mie scattering functions supplied by Christian Maetzler. Documentation is also there, in a pdf file. I added the files as they were, without making any changes. * mie/README: Added. Just contains a reference to the documentation. 2003-01-09 Oliver Lemke * atmlab-0-1-23 * xml/xml{Read,Write}{GridPos,Ppath,String}.m: Added. * xml/xmlReadTag.m: Fixed two bugs. Initialize attrlist. Setting exit_loop to 1 was missing in one else branch. (Why did it work before?!? :-o ) * xml/xmlReadArray.m: Initialize result for the case that the array in the file is empty. * xml/xml{Read,Write}Index.m, xml/xmlWriteNumeric.m: Why do I always forget that strings in matlab must be enclosed in single quotes? 2002-12-30 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-22 * arts/do_gridcell_3d.m: A Matlab version of the future ARTS function exists now as an internal function (with some short-cuts). * arts/gridcell_crossing_3d.m: More safe way to calculate r. Crossings with a length of 0 are now rejected. 2002-12-29 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-21 * Basic functions to handle 3D path calculations seem to be ready. But a lot of work to do before everything is working. * arts/gridcell_crossing_3d.m: Created this function. * arts/obsplane2latlon.m: Removed this function. * arts/cart2poslos.m: Finished this function. * arts/poslos2cart.m: Fixed a bug. 2002-12-27 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-20 * arts/cart2poslos.m: Started on this function. * arts/obsplane2latlon.m: Started on this function. * arts/arts_sph2cart.m: Created this function to test out an algorithm to be used in ARTS. * arts/poslos2cart.m: Created this function to test out an algorithm to be used in ARTS. * arts/do_gridcell_3d.m: Finished text for header. * atmplots/atmplot_sph2cart.m: Described the coordinate system used. * atmplots/atmplot_pol2cart.m: Described the coordinate system used. * atmplots/atmplot_gridcell3D.m: Improved the header slightly. * atmplots/atmplot_gridcell2D.m: Improved the header slightly. 2002-12-25 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-19 * atmplots/atmplot_sph2cart.m: Created. * atmplots/atmplot_gridcell3D.m: Created. * arts/do_gridcell_3d.m: Created this function. Setting of at_lower/upper_psurface to be fixed. * atmplots/atmplot_pol2cart.m: Changed the coordinate system so lat=0 equals now x=0. * arts/do_gridcell_2d.m: Finished this function. 2002-12-21 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-18 * arts/do_gridcell_2d.m: The function works but documentation is lacking. The intention of this function is to test the ARTS function with the same name, and to be used for making figures in AUG. * atmplots/atmplot_pol2cart.m: The function works but documentation is lacking. * atmplots/atmplot_gridcell2D.m: Created. * physics/constants.m: Added constants EARTH_RADIUS, DEG2RAD and RAD2DEG. 2002-12-21 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-17 * arts/artsplanck.m: Created this function to demonstrate the potential of qtool, and how to link a control file template with an actual ARTS calculation. * files/qtool.m: Copied the function from AMI and made some modifications. The main change is that the template is given as a string array, which gives a higher flexibility. The template can now be read from a seperate file by file2strs, or be defined inside a local sub-function (as done for artsplanck). * examples/sample.tmplt: Added this file. * files/call_fmodel.m: Created this function. * atmlab/atmlab_defs.m: Changed FMODEL to FMODEL_NAME, and added the setting FMODEL_EXEC. * files/file2strs.m: Created this function. * handy/tail.m: There is now an error message if the tail length exceeds the length of the vector. 2002-12-20 Oliver Lemke * atmlab-0-1-16 * CONFIGURE, files/create_tmpfolder.m, files/delete_tmpfolder.m, handy/min_nargin.m: Fixed typos. * atmlab/atmlab_get.m: Second argument name was 'requiered' but referenced inside the function as 'required'. 2002-12-20 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-15 * files/delete_tmpfolder.m: Created this function. * files/create_tmpfolder.m: Created this function. 2002-12-20 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-14 * handy/prstnt_struct.m: Particular code for version after 6.1 removed as the older solution still works, and the newer version caused an error in older Matlab versions. * atmlab/atmlab_get.m: Apparently exist('atmlab','file') also gives true for the atmlab folder and this caused a bug. The bug is fixex by looking for atmlab.m instead. * files/: Created this folder. * files/fileopen.m: Created this function. * files/fileclose.m: Created this function. 2002-12-19 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-13 * atmlab_version.m: Moved to atmlab/. Now you need to push more buttons to reach atmlab_version from ChangeLog, but I thought this was worth the advantage of having no Matlab functions in the top folder. * atmlab_init.m: Moved to atmlab/ and modified accordingly. * empty_heading.m: Moved to examples/. * example_heading.m: Moved to examples/. * atmlab_defs.m: Created a way to set personal settings. Read CONFIGURE as an introduction. Please, check it out and comment. * examples/atmlab.m: Created this function as a template for personal atmlab functions. * atmlab/atmlab_get.m: A gateway function to atmlab to make it possible to create decent error messages and allow that no personal settings are specified. * README: A simple README file. Some more text should be added later. * CONFIGURE: Info on how to start up Atmlab and create personal settings. * AUTHORS: Atmlab authors. Please add some text for you (Oliver: are you happy about what I wrote for you?) * examples/startup_menu.m: Merged some of my own files to create this file to give an example on selecting different environments at startup. 2002-12-19 Oliver Lemke * atmlab-0-1-12 * xml/xmlWriteArrayOf.m, xml/xmlWriteArrayOfArrayOf.m, xml/xmlWriteVector.m: Allow empty objects. 2002-12-19 Oliver Lemke * atmlab-0-1-11 * xml/xmlWriteMatrix.m, xml/xmlWriteNumeric.m, xml/xmlWriteTensor3.m, xml/xmlWriteTensor4.m, xml/xmlWriteTensor5.m, xml/xmlWriteTensor6.m, xml/xmlWriteTensor7.m, xml/xmlWriteVector.m: Use scientific notation in output files. 2002-12-19 Oliver Lemke * atmlab-0-1-10 * xml/xmlWriteArrayOfArrayOf.m: Bug fix. 2002-12-19 Oliver Lemke * atmlab-0-1-9 * xml/xmlWriteArrayOf.m, xml/xmlWriteArrayOfArrayOf.m, xml/xmlWriteVector.m: Extended routines to deal with column and row Vectors/Arrays. 2002-12-19 Stefan Buehler * xml/xmlWriteArrayOfArrayOf.m: Working commit with Oliver. 2002-12-19 Oliver Lemke * atmlab-0-1-8 * xml/xmlWriteArrayOf.m, xml/xmlWriteArrayOfArrayOf: Added missing attribute type. ArrayOfArrayOf must call ArrayOf for each element. 2002-12-18 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-7 * atmplots/atmplot_timeseries.m: Values were not centered before for facated and flat shading. Profiles are now plotted diferently, depending on the shading. A NaN made two rectangles empty for flat and faceted shading (due to a strange behaviour of Matlab), which is now corrected. 2002-12-18 Oliver Lemke * atmlab-0-1-6 * xml/xmlWriteGasAbsLookup.m: Corrected name of Array functions. 2002-12-18 Oliver Lemke * atmlab-0-1-5 * xml/xmlWriteSpeciesTag.m: Added. * xml/xmlReadSpeciesTag.m: Make it work. * xml/xmlReadAttributes.m, xml/xmlReadTag.m: Parsing of tags with no attributes was completely broken. 2002-12-17 Oliver Lemke * atmlab-0-1-4 * xml/Contents.m: Added documentation. * xml/xmlStore.m: Fixed copy'n'paste error. Added documentation. 2002-12-17 Oliver Lemke * atmlab-0-1-3 * xml/xmlReadGasAbsLookup.m, xml/xmlReadSpeciesTag.m, xml/xmlWriteHeader.m, xml/xmlWriteMatrix.m, xml/xmlWriteTensor3.m, xml/xmlWriteTensor4.m, xml/xmlWriteTensor5.m, xml/xmlWriteTensor6.m, xml/xmlWriteTensor7.m, xml/xmlWriteVector.m: Adapted to be used by xmlStore.m. * xml/xmlWriteArrayOf.m, xml/xmlWriteArrayOfArrayOf.m, xml/xmlWriteGasAbsLookup.m, xml/xmlWriteIndex.m, xml/xmlWriteNumeric.m: Added. * xml/xmlStore.m: General writing routine. 2002-12-17 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-2 * atmlab_version.m: Just a demo commit. 2002-12-16 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-1 * handy/tail.m: Created this function to get the last part of any vector. * graphs/axes_frame.m: The old version did not work for printing. That works now. * graphs/children.m: A comment regarding allchild included in the header. 2002-12-15 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-1-0 * Atmlab-0.1 ! Introduced a first minor version to show that Atmlab is operational: Atmlab contains already a lot of useful functions and we are using the package for Odin-SMR work. There are already about 60 functions in Atmlab. If we add 60 functions per minor version, Atmlab will be a big toolbox when we reach Atmlab-1.0 :-) * handy/prstnt_struct.m: A help function to handle settings for environments and other purposes. * graphs/tplot.m: Created this function to create easily plots with just text. * handy/nversion.m: A function to get the Matlab version number as a number. Can be used if different solutions are needed for different Matlab versions. * graphs/axes_frame.m: The axes are now restored fully when executing axes_frame(h,'on'); 2002-12-14 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-0-15 * graphs: The function find_legend is removed (I was confussed and thought that there is only one legend per figure, which is not the case. Functions for axes below, and legends are axes objects, requieres now that some handle is given.) Several functions have been re-named: legend_frame -> axes_frame legend_text -> set_text legend_title -> axes_title scale_legend -> scale_axes A handle argument is added to some of these functions. 2002-12-13 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-0-14 * graphs/set_XXX.m: Created the functions set_axes.m, set_labels.m and set_titles.m. See on-line help for info. 2002-12-13 Oliver Lemke * atmlab-0-0-13 * xmlAddAttribute.m, xmlOpenOutputFile.m, xmlWriteCloseTag.m, xmlWriteFooter.m, xmlWriteHeader.m, xmlWriteMatrix.m, xmlWriteTag.m, xmlWriteTensor3.m, xmlWriteTensor4.m, xmlWriteTensor5.m, xmlWriteTensor6.m, xmlWriteTensor7.m, xmlWriteVector.m: Implemented writing routines. * xmlGetAttrValue.m: Clear variables after use. * xmlReadTensor5.m: Fixed typo. * xmlReadIndex.m, xmlReadNumeric.m, xmlReadSpeciesTag.m, xmlReadTensor7.m: Added more reading routines. 2002-12-13 Oliver Lemke * atmlab-0-0-12 * atmlab_init.m: Removed path artsfuns. 2002-12-13 Claudia Emde * atmlab-0-0-11 * physics/Contents.m: Added this file. * atmlab_init.m: Added the physics folder here. * physics/constants.m: Modified documentation. Now the help gives out a complete list of defined constants. 2002-12-13 Stefan Buehler * atmlab-0-0-10 * atmlab_init.m: Added xml directory to path. * atmlab_version.m: Corrected function name. 2002-12-13 Oliver Lemke * atmlab-0-0-9 * xml: Added reading routines. 2002-12-12 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-0-8 * graphs: Created the functions: children.m find_legend.m legend_frame.m legend_text.m legend_title.m scale_fig.m scale_legend.m scale_text.m Type "help function" for more information. The legend in Matlab does not always work veru well, but the legend functions above should be a good help to fix the legend when you are not happy with the default result. 2002-12-12 Claudia Emde * atmlab-0-0-7 * physics: Created this directory. This folder contains basic physical function needed for remote sensing applications. * physics/constants.m: Created this function, which returns physical constants or an error message, if the constant is not defined. * physics/Int2Planck.m: Created. Converts intensities to planck BT. * physics/Int2RayJean.m: Created. Converts intensities to Rayleigh Jeans BT. 2002-12-12 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-0-6 * math/isvector.m: Created this function. * graphs/fit_to_paper.m: Wrote a header. Introduced vertical and horisontal borders and landscape paper size. * graphs/add_plot_row.m: Created this function. Check it out, it is cool. 2002-12-11 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-0-5 * handy/min_nargin.m: Created this folder and this function. * graphs/fit_to_paper.m: Created this function to set the figure size to match the paper size. Not ready! * atmplots/atmplot_timeseries.m: Renamed atmplot_scanseries.m to this name. The function is now working. Maybe there will be some future modifications. 2002-12-10 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-0-4 * example_heading.m: Changed the format on the starting line. The name of the function shall be there (in all uppercase letters). * math/Contents.m: Created this foler to hold: This folder contains functions performing basic mathematical operations. Included are functions to determine the variable types. * math: Added functions iseven.m, isinteger.m, isodd.m, isscalar.m, vec2col.m and vec2row.m, where most are copiued from AMI. * atmplots/Contents.m: Created this foler to hold: This folder contains core functions to generate typical plots used to display results retrieved from atmospheric remote sensing observations. * atmplots/atmplot_scanseries.m: Started on this function. * graphs/Contents.m: Created this foler to hold: This folder contains functions to make the usage of the different graph commands in Matlab simpler. See further the mentioned file. * arts/Contents.m: The folder artsfuns has been renamed to arts (as it is obvious that it contains functions). * atmlab_init.m: Added new folders. Atmlab includes now functions also found in AMI. If you will use Qpack and AMI on the same time (maybe as part of Qpack), I recommend to run atmlab_init before /ami/init to make sure that the AMI version of functions is used. 2002-12-10 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-0-3 * This is just a commit to really add some folders and functions. More info in next commit. 2002-12-09 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-0-2 * example_heading.m: Forgot to mention this file, and empty_heading, in the last commit. I discovered that the AMI/Qpack type of headers in fact work rather poor with the Matlab help tool. So I have made new template functions. There are also some hints about optional variables. Please, read and comment. 2002-12-09 Patrick Eriksson * atmlab-0-0-1 * atmlab_init.m: This file adds the Atmlab folders to the search path. Call this function from your startup.m file if you want to use Atmlab. All folders that are added to Atmlab must be included in this function. * atmlab_version.m: The version number shall be transfered to this function before each commit. This function prints the version number. * INSTRUCTIONS: Instructions for future Atmlab authors. Please, read and comment. Oliver: I was not sure what to write about what you have to put in Makefile.am. Can you add this? * artsfuns/Contents.m: Started on this folder, mainly as an example (but so far a bad example). 2002-12-05 Oliver Lemke * atmlab-0-0-0 * Initial version