% ARTS_PLOT_ATMGRIDS Makes figure for 1D-3D with atmospheric grids. % % The function produces figures to visualize the atmsopheric grids, % the geoid, the ground, the cloud box and the atmospheric fields. % % The variables work as their ARTS counterparts. The exception is for % 1D where *lat_grid* shall contain two values, which determines how % long (in latitude) the plotted atmosphere shall be extended. % % FORMAT [h,hs] = arts_plot_atmgrids(dim,lat_grid,lon_grid,z_field, % r_geoid,[z_ground,cb_lims,mark_fields]) % % OUT h Handles to plot symbols. % hs Text suitable to put in legend. % IN dim Atmospheric dimension (1-3). % lat_grid As the WSV with the same name, except for 1D. See above. % lon_grid As the WSV with the same name. % z_field As the WSV with the same name. % r_geoid As the WSV with the same name. % OPT z_ground As the WSV with the same name. If the variable is empty, % which is default, the geoid and the ground are not plotted. % cb_lims As the WSV cloudbox_limits. The cloud box is turned off % with cb_lims=[], which is also default. % mark_fields Flag to indicate atmospheric fields with black dot at % crossings of grids. Default is 0. % 2003-03-04 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function [h,hs] = arts_plot_atmgrids(dim,lat_grid,lon_grid,z_field,... r_geoid,z_ground,cb_lims,mark_fields) %= Check input and default values % min_nargin( 6, nargin ); % if ~isscalar( dim ) | dim < 1 | dim > 3 error('The atmospheric dimensionality must be a scalar between 1 and 3.'); end % if dim == 1 & ( ~isvector( lat_grid ) | length( lat_grid ) ~= 2 ) error('For 1D, *lat_gid* must be a vector of length 2.'); end % if nargin < 6 z_ground = []; end % if nargin < 7 cb_lims = []; end % if nargin < 8 mark_fields = 0; end %= Check if plot is hold % figure(gcf); figstat = ishold; % if ~ishold clf end %= Plotting symbols % ps_grids = 'k:'; ps_ground{1} = 'r-'; ps_ground{2} = 'LineWidth'; ps_ground{3} = 2; ps_geoid = 'b-.'; ps_cloudb = 0.7*ones(1,3); ps_field = 'k.'; % hs{1} = 'Atmospheric grids'; hs{2} = 'Ground'; hs{3} = 'Geoid'; if ~isempty( cb_lims ) hs{4} = 'Cloud box'; do_cb = 1; else do_cb = 0; end if mark_fields hs{4+do_cb} = 'Atmospheric field'; end nz = size(z_field,1); switch dim %- 1D case 1 % if ~isempty( cb_lims ) [x1,y1] = surf_segment2D( lat_grid, ... [r_geoid(1)+z_field(cb_lims{1}+1), ... r_geoid(1)+z_field(cb_lims{1}+1) ] ); [x2,y2] = surf_segment2D( lat_grid, ... [r_geoid(1)+z_field(cb_lims{2}+1), ... r_geoid(1)+z_field(cb_lims{2}+1) ] ); h(4) = patch( [x1 fliplr(x2)], [y1 fliplr(y2)], ps_cloudb); set( h(4), 'EdgeColor', ps_cloudb ); hold on end % for j = 1 : nz [x,y] = surf_segment2D( lat_grid, ... [ r_geoid(1)+z_field(j), r_geoid(1)+z_field(j) ] ); h(1) = plot( x, y, ps_grids ); hold on % if mark_fields i0 = round( length(x)/2 ); h(4+do_cb) = plot( x(i0), y(i0), ps_field ); end end % if ~isempty( z_ground ) [x,y] = surf_segment2D( lat_grid, ... [ r_geoid(1)+z_ground(1), r_geoid(1)+z_ground(1) ] ); h(2) = plot( x, y, ps_ground{:} ); % [x,y] = surf_segment2D( lat_grid, [ r_geoid(1), r_geoid(1) ] ); h(3) = plot( x, y, ps_geoid ); end %- 2D case 2 % if ~isempty( cb_lims ) ind = (cb_lims{3}+1):(cb_lims{4}+1); [x1,y1] = surf_segment2D( lat_grid(ind), ... r_geoid(ind)+z_field(cb_lims{1}+1,ind)' ); [x2,y2] = surf_segment2D( lat_grid(ind), ... r_geoid(ind)+z_field(cb_lims{2}+1,ind)' ); h(4) = patch( [x1 fliplr(x2)], [y1 fliplr(y2)], ps_cloudb ); set( h(4), 'EdgeColor', ps_cloudb ); hold on end % for j = 1 : nz [x,y] = surf_segment2D( lat_grid, r_geoid+z_field(j,:)' ); h(1) = plot( x, y, ps_grids ); hold on end % for j = 1 : length( lat_grid ) [x,y] = atmplot_pol2cart( [ r_geoid(j)+z_field(1,j), ... r_geoid(j)+z_field(nz,j) ], lat_grid(j)*ones(1,2) ); plot( x, y, ps_grids ); % if mark_fields for k = 1 : nz [x,y] = atmplot_pol2cart( r_geoid(j)+z_field(k,j), lat_grid(j) ); h(4+do_cb) = plot( x, y, ps_field ); end end end % if ~isempty( z_ground ) [x,y] = surf_segment2D( lat_grid, r_geoid+z_ground ); h(2) = plot( x, y, ps_ground{:} ); % [x,y] = surf_segment2D( lat_grid, r_geoid ); h(3) = plot( x, y, ps_geoid ); end %- 3D case 3 % for j = 1 : length( lat_grid ) for k = 1 : length( lon_grid ) [x,y,z] = atmplot_sph2cart( [ r_geoid(j,k)+z_field(1,j,k), ... r_geoid(j,k)+z_field(nz,j,k) ], ... lat_grid(j)*ones(1,2), lon_grid(k)*ones(1,2) ); h(1) = plot3( z, x, y, ps_grids ); hold on % if mark_fields for l = 1 : nz [x,y,z] = atmplot_sph2cart( r_geoid(j,k)+z_field(l,j,k), ... lat_grid(j), lon_grid(k) ); h(4+do_cb) = plot3( z, x, y, ps_field ); end end end end % for j = 1 : length( lat_grid ) if ~isempty( z_ground ) [x,y,z] = surf_segment3D( lat_grid(j), lon_grid, ... r_geoid(j,:)+z_ground(j,:,:) ); h(2) = plot3( z, x, y, ps_ground{:} ); % [x,y,z] = surf_segment3D( lat_grid(j), lon_grid, r_geoid(j,:) ); h(3) = plot3( z, x, y, ps_geoid ); end % for k = 1 : nz [x,y,z] = surf_segment3D( lat_grid(j), lon_grid, ... r_geoid(j,:)+squeeze(z_field(k,j,:))' ); plot3( z, x, y, ps_grids ); end end % for j = 1 : length( lon_grid ) if ~isempty( z_ground ) [x,y,z] = surf_segment3D( lat_grid, lon_grid(j), ... r_geoid(:,j)+z_ground(:,j) ); plot3( z, x, y, ps_ground{:} ); % [x,y,z] = surf_segment3D( lat_grid, lon_grid(j), r_geoid(:,j) ); plot3( z, x, y, ps_geoid ); end % for k = 1 : nz [x,y,z] = surf_segment3D( lat_grid, lon_grid(j), ... r_geoid(:,j)+squeeze(z_field(k,:,j))' ); plot3( z, x, y, ps_grids ); end end % set( gca, 'Ydir', 'rev' ); view([37 30]); end %= Set equal axis % axis equal %= Set hold off if this was status at the start % if ~figstat hold off end function [x,y] = surf_segment2D(lat,r) % Nominal latitude step length nom_dlat = 0.2; x = []; y = []; for j = 2 : length( lat ) lat1 = lat(j-1); lat3 = lat(j); lats = linspace( lat1, lat3, max([ 2, ceil( (lat3-lat1) / nom_dlat ) ] ) ); slope = ( r(j) - r(j-1) ) / ( lat3 - lat1 ); rs = r(j-1) + slope * ( lats - lat1 ); [xv,yv] = atmplot_pol2cart( rs, lats ); x = [ x xv ]; y = [ y yv ]; end return function [x,y,z] = surf_segment3D(lat,lon,r) % Nominal latitude step length nom_dang = 0.5; x = []; y = []; z = []; if length(lon) == 1 for j = 2 : length( lat ) lat1 = lat(j-1); lat3 = lat(j); lats = linspace( lat1, lat3, max([ 2, ceil( (lat3-lat1) / nom_dang ) ])); slope = ( r(j) - r(j-1) ) / ( lat3 - lat1 ); rs = r(j-1) + slope * ( lats - lat1 ); [xv,yv,zv] = atmplot_sph2cart( rs, lats, lon ); x = [ x xv ]; y = [ y yv ]; z = [ z zv ]; end else for j = 2 : length( lon ) lon1 = lon(j-1); lon3 = lon(j); lons = linspace( lon1, lon3, max([ 2, ceil( (lon3-lon1) / nom_dang ) ])); slope = ( r(j) - r(j-1) ) / ( lon3 - lon1 ); rs = r(j-1) + slope * ( lons - lon1 ); [xv,yv,zv] = atmplot_sph2cart( rs, lat, lons ); x = [ x xv ]; y = [ y yv ]; z = [ z zv ]; end end return