% SET_DEFAULTS Sets default values for input arguments. % % This is a script to help setting defaults values for input arguments % (or any other variable, if that would be useful). % % The default value is used if the variable does not exist, or set to % be empty. The default value is set by creating a variable with the % same name as the main variable, but ending with '_DEFAULT'. For % example, if there is an input variable *f*, the default value is set % by the variable *f_DEFAULT*. The default variable is removed by the % script. % % The start of a function could look like: % % function test(f,z) % % %= Default values % % % f_DEFAULT = 10e9 : 0.2e9 : 30e9; % z_DEFAULT = [ 2e3 7e3 12e3 ]; % % % set_defaults; % ... % % The function above can then be called as: % test; % test(110e9:1e9:120e9); % test([],[3e3:1e3:10e3]); % % Be aware of that this is a pure script, not a function. However, % the script checks that are no crashes between variable names % (long "strange" variable names are used, such as VNS93628462) % and the script removes all used local variables. % % FORMAT set_defaults % HISTORY: 2004-01-06 Created by Patrick Eriksson if exist('VNS93628462','var') | exist('i93628462','var') | ... exist('VNF93628462','var') | exist('VN93628462','var') fprintf('Collision between variable names.\n'); fprintf('The variable names VNS93628462, i93628462,\n'); fprintf('VNF93628462 and VN93628462 are used in this script.\n'); error('Please, do not use the variable names listed above.'); end VNS93628462 = who; for i93628462 = 1 : length(VNS93628462) VNF93628462 = VNS93628462{i93628462}; if length( VNF93628462 ) > 8 & ... strcmp( VNF93628462(length(VNF93628462)+(-7:0)), '_DEFAULT' ) VN93628462 = VNF93628462( 1 : (length(VNF93628462)-8) ); if ~exist( eval(['''',VN93628462,'''']), 'var' ) | isempty(VN93628462) eval([ VN93628462, '=', VNF93628462 , ';' ]) eval([ 'clear ', VNF93628462 ]) end end end clear VNS93628462 VNF93628462 VN93628462 i93628462