% SSMI_READ_1TBFILE Loads Tb data from one file. % % This is the core file to read SSM/I brightness temperatures. % % The function reads data from files with names: % fxx_Tb_yyddd_ppZ.hdf % and corresponding geolocation files (_ln_ and _hn_, instead of _Tb_), % where % xx is the satellite id number % yyddd is the date; year(yy) and day (ddd) % pp is the pass number (01-29) % Z is direction (A-ascending or D-descending) % % Files can be obtained from ghrc.msfc.nasa.gov by anonymous access. % The files are found in folders: % cd pub/data/ssmi_fXX/current_tb/hdf_swath/YY.DDD % % See further the document SSMI-TBs.pdf found on the web, or at the % ftp given above. % % The function reads all data in the file that match given limits, set % by the optional arguments. For example, to limit the latitude range % considered, set e.g. *lats* = [-30 30]. Default values give all % data flagged to be OK. % % FORMAT C = ssmi_read_1tbfile(infolder,satnr,year,filedoy,passnr, % [channels,doys,tods,lats,lons,sfts]) % % OUT C Structure with fields: % TB Brightness temperature % LAT Latitude % LON Longitude % SFT Surface type % PSD Pass direction ('a'=ascending, 'd'=descending) % All fields, except PSD, are vectors. % IN infolder Path to folder with HDf files. % satnr Satellite id number (e.g. 15). % filedoy File day of year . % passnr Pass number. % OPT channels Channels to read: % 1 : 19 GHz V % 2 : 19 GHz H % 3 : 22 GHz V % 1 : 37 GHz V % 2 : 37 GHz H % 1 : 85 GHz V % 2 : 85 GHz H % Default is 1:7. % doys Day of year to keep. Default is *fildoy* + [-1 1]. % tods Time of day to keep [s]. Default is 0 to 25 h (in seconds). % lats Latitudes to keep. Default is [-90 90]. % lons Longitudes to keep. Default is [-180 180]. % sfts Surface types to keep: % <0 : Missing or questionable data. % 0 : Land. % 1 : Vegetation/land. % 2 : Near-coast. % 3 : Ice. % 4 : Possible ice. % 5 : Water. % 6 : Coast. % 7 : Not used. % 2004-03-16 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function C = ssmi_read_1tbfile(infolder,satnr,year,filedoy,passnr,channels,doys,tods,lats,lons,sfts) min_nargin( 5, nargin ); %=== Default values % channels_DEFAULT = 1:7; doys_DEFAULT = filedoy + [-1 1]; tods_DEFAULT = [0 25*60*60]; lats_DEFAULT = [-90 90]; lons_DEFAULT = [-180 180]; sfts_DEFAULT = [-99 99]; % set_defaults; %= Create file names % filestart = fullfile( infolder, ['f',int2str(satnr),'_'] ); fileendA = sprintf( '_%02d%03d_%02dA.hdf', year, filedoy, passnr ); fileendD = sprintf( '_%02d%03d_%02dD.hdf', year, filedoy, passnr ); %= Check if it is an ascending or descending passage % filetb = [ filestart, 'Tb', fileendA ]; if exist( filetb, 'file' ) fileend = fileendA; passdir = 'a'; else filetb = [ filestart, 'Tb', fileendD ]; if exist( filetb, 'file' ) fileend = fileendD; passdir = 'd'; else error( sprintf('Could not find Tb file matching %s', ... filetb(1:(length(filetb)-5) ) ) ); end end %= Check that geolocation files exist and read data % filehn = [ filestart, 'hn', fileend ]; fileln = [ filestart, 'ln', fileend ]; % if any( channels ) <= 5 & ~exist( fileln, 'file' ) error( sprintf('Could not find file %s', fileln ) ); else DOY_ln = hdfread( fileln, 'Data-Set-2' ); TOD_ln = hdfread( fileln, 'Data-Set-3' ); LAT_ln = double( hdfread( fileln, 'Data-Set-4' ) ) / 100; LON_ln = double( hdfread( fileln, 'Data-Set-5' ) ) / 100; SFT_ln = hdfread( fileln, 'Data-Set-6' ); end % if any( channels ) >= 6 & ~exist( filehn, 'file' ) error( sprintf('Could not find file %s', filehn ) ); else DOY_hn = double( hdfread( filehn, 'Data-Set-2' ) ); TOD_hn = double( hdfread( filehn, 'Data-Set-3' ) ); LAT_hn = double( hdfread( filehn, 'Data-Set-4' ) ) / 100; LON_hn = double( hdfread( filehn, 'Data-Set-5' ) ) / 100; SFT_hn = hdfread( filehn, 'Data-Set-6' ); end %= Loop channels % for i = 1 : length(channels) %= Read data and convert to K % TB = double( hdfread( filetb, ... sprintf( 'Data-Set-%d', channels(i)+3) ) ) / 100; if channels(i) <= 5 DOY = repmat( DOY_ln, 1, 64 ); TOD = repmat( TOD_ln, 1, 64 ); LAT = LAT_ln; LON = LON_ln; SFT = SFT_ln; else DOY = repmat( DOY_hn, 1, 128 ); TOD = repmat( TOD_hn, 1, 128 ); LAT = LAT_hn; LON = LON_hn; SFT = SFT_hn; end ind = find( TB>=1 & DOY>=doys(1) & DOY<=doys(2) & TOD>=tods(1) & ... TOD<=tods(2) & LAT>=lats(1) & LAT<=lats(2) & LON>=lons(1) & ... LON<=lons(2) & SFT>=sfts(1) & SFT<=sfts(2) ); C{i}.TB = TB(ind); C{i}.LAT = LAT(ind); C{i}.LON = LON(ind); C{i}.SFT = SFT(ind); C{i}.PSD = passdir; end