% AMSU_LIMB2NADIR Estimates AMSU nadir Tb. % % The function estimates the nadir brightness temperature for all % channels of sensor part (a or b), by weighting the "limb" Tb % for all channels (of sensor part). % % Coefficeints are taken from: % poes.nesdis.noaa.gov Land, AMSU-B, satellite 15 and 16. % % FORMAT tb_nadir = amsu_limb2nadir( sensor, fov, tb_limb, surftype ) % % OUT tb_nadir Nadir brightness temperatures % IN sensor String giving satellite number and part, e.g. '15a'. % Handled satellites are 15 and 16. % fov Field of view index. % tb_limb "Limb" tb values for all channels of sensor part. % surftype Surface type. Possible choices are 'land'. % 2004-04-07 Patrick Eriksson: Converted IDL function by Mashrab. function tb_nadir = amsu_limb2nadir( sensor, fov, tb_limb, surftype ) %=== Check input % if ~isstr(sensor) & length(sensor) ~= 3 error('Argument *sensor* must be a string of length three (e.g. ''15a'').'); end % satellite = str2num( sensor(1:2) ); part = sensor(3); % if satellite < 15 | satellite > 16 error('Only satellite numbers handled at all are 15 and 16'); end % if part == 'a' error('AMSU-A is not yet handled'); if any( fov < 0 | fov > 14 ) error('For AMSU-A, FOV is 0 - 14.'); end elseif part == 'b' if any( fov < 0 | fov > 44 ) error('For AMSU-B, FOV is 0 - 44.'); end if length(tb_limb) ~= 5 error('For AMSU-B, 5 Tb values must be given.'); end else error('Position 3 of *sensor* must be ''a'' or ''b''.'); end if strcmp(lower(surftype),'land') % if part == 'b' if satellite == 15 C = load( 'n15_limb_amsub_land.coeff' ); elseif satellite == 16 C = load( 'n16_limb_amsub_land.coeff' ); end ind = (0:4)*90 + fov + 1; tb_nadir = C(ind,1) + C(ind,2:6)*vec2col(tb_limb); end else error('Allowed choices for *surftype* are ''land'' (yet nothing else).'); end