function hcb=colorbarf(cout,H,loc) % COLORBARF Display color bar for a filled contour plot. % ========================================================================= % colorbarf Version 1.5 19-Feb-2001 % % Usage: % colorbarf(cout,H,[loc]) % % Example: [cout,H,cf]=contourf(peaks); % colorbarf(cout,H); % % Description: % This Matlab function uses the output arguments from the contourf function % to produce a colorbar that sets the tick marks equal to the contour levels % in the figure. The area of the colorbar between the tick marks is filled % with the same color used by the contourf function. The location may be % specified as either 'vert' or 'horiz'. % % Input: % cout - output argument of contourf containing an matrix describing the % contours % H - graphics handles for the contours in the figure % loc - location of the colorbar specified 'vert' for vertical (Default) and % 'horiz' for horizontal. If not specified, default is set. % % Output: % hcb - graphics handle for the colorbar axis % % Author: % Blair Greenan % Bedford Institute of Oceanography % December 22, 1998 % Matlab 5.2.1 % % ========================================================================= % % This function has been derived from the Matlab colorbar function % Author: Clay M. Thompson 10-9-92 % Copyright (c) 1984-98 by The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2004/04/07 16:06:04 $ % % Modifications: % Version 1.1 - function now works with the output of the Matlab % contourf function. Colorbarf can now handle situations in which % the lowest contour level is not filled if an array, which does not % include a value at or below the minimum of the data, is passed to % the contourf function. Version 1.0 also did not plot the colorbar % appropriately if a colorbar already existed on the figure...this % is now fixed. % Version 1.2 - ch.UserData changed to ch(i).UserData. This enables % colrbarf to be used on multiple plot figures - Thanks to Peter Brickley, U. of Maine % Version 1.3 - changes made to handle NaNs in data - 11-Mar-1999 - Thanks to J. van der Molen % Version 1.4 - removed for loop at line 128 to speed up execution time % Version 1.5 - modified line 129 "if (N1 > 1)" to accomodate the MATLAB 6.0 include some NULL % contours that have one point that is simply NaN. % If called with COLORBAR(H) or for an existing colorbar, don't change % the NextPlot property. changeNextPlot = 1; % colorbar must have output parameters from the contourf function if (nargin < 2) error('colorbarf requires a minimum of two input parameters'); end % default location for colorbar if nargin<3, loc = 'vert'; end % if an axes handle is passed for the location ax = []; if nargin==3, if ishandle(loc) ax = loc; if ~strcmp(get(ax,'type'),'axes'), error('Requires axes handle.'); end units = get(ax,'units'); set(ax,'units','pixels'); rect = get(ax,'position'); set(ax,'units',units) if rect(3) > rect(4), loc = 'horiz'; else loc = 'vert'; end changeNextPlot = 0; end end h = gca; if (nargin == 2) % Search for existing colorbar so that we can plot over it if we find it ch = get(findobj(gcf,'type','axes','tag','Colorbar')); ax = []; for i=1:length(ch), ud = ch(i).UserData; % ch.UserData changed to ch(i).UserData - suggested by P. Brickley d = ud.PlotHandle; if prod(size(d))==1 & isequal(d,h), ax = findobj(gcf,'type','axes','tag','Colorbar'); pos = ch.Position; if pos(3) 1) % has to be more than 1 point in contour to be valid ***VERSION 1.5 to accomodate MATLAB6**** i = i + 1; end end C2 = unique(C1); % find the unique contour levels and sort numLevels = length(C2); for j = 1:length(H) colors(j) = get(H(j),'CData'); % get the color used to fill the patches end colors = unique(colors); % create a list of unique colors used in fills minc = min(colors); maxc = max(colors); colors(isnan(colors))=[]; if ((length(colors)-numLevels)>1) % chop off extra colors that don't have a corresponding contour level colors(1:((length(colors)-numLevels)-1))=[]; end % special case where no mimima is enclosed by a contour if (length(colors) == numLevels) colors(length(colors)+1)=NaN; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if loc(1)=='v', % Append vertical scale to right of current plot if isempty(ax), units = get(h,'units'); set(h,'units','normalized') pos = get(h,'Position'); [az,el] = view; stripe = 0.075; edge = 0.02; if all([az,el]==[0 90]), space = 0.05; else space = .1; end set(h,'Position',[pos(1) pos(2) pos(3)*(1-stripe-edge-space) pos(4)]) rect = [pos(1)+(1-stripe-edge)*pos(3) pos(2) stripe*pos(3) pos(4)]; ud.origPos = pos; % Create axes for stripe and % create DeleteProxy object (an invisible text object in % the target axes) so that the colorbar will be deleted % properly. ud.DeleteProxy = text('parent',h,'visible','off',... 'tag','ColorbarDeleteProxy',... 'handlevisibility','off',... 'deletefcn','eval(''delete(get(gcbo,''''userdata''''))'','''')'); ax = axes('Position', rect,'Tag','TMW_COLORBAR'); set(ud.DeleteProxy,'userdata',ax) set(h,'units',units) else % if colobar axes already exist axes(ax); ud = get(ax,'userdata'); end % Create color stripe by drawing the appropriate number of filled rectangles if any(isnan(colors)) % if the bottom level is not filled for j = 1:length(C2)+1 k = j - 1; % don't fill bottom rectangle on colorbar x(1) = 0; x(2) = 1; x(3) = 1; x(4) = 0; y(1) = (j-1)*(1/(length(C2)+1)); y(2) = (j-1)*(1/(length(C2)+1)); y(3) = j*(1/(length(C2)+1)); y(4) = j*(1/(length(C2)+1)); if (k == 0) hfill = fill(x,y,colors(length(colors))); % fill with NaN else hfill = fill(x,y,colors(k)); end hold on end else %we have filled the bottom contour level for j = 1:length(C2)+1 x(1) = 0; x(2) = 1; x(3) = 1; x(4) = 0; y(1) = (j-1)*(1/(length(C2)+1)); y(2) = (j-1)*(1/(length(C2)+1)); y(3) = j*(1/(length(C2)+1)); y(4) = j*(1/(length(C2)+1)); hfill = fill(x,y,colors(j)); hold on end end set(ax,'YAxisLocation','right') set(ax,'xtick',[]) ylimits = get(gca,'ylim'); myYticks = ylimits(1):(ylimits(2)-ylimits(1))/(length(C2)+1):ylimits(2)... -((ylimits(2)-ylimits(1))/(length(C2)+1)); set(gca,'ytick',myYticks); myStr{1} = ' '; for kk = 1:length(C2) myStr{kk+1} = num2str(C2(kk)); end myStr{(length(C2)+2)} = ' '; set(gca,'YTickLabel',myStr) set(gca,'CLim',[minc maxc]) % set up axes deletefcn set(ax,'tag','Colorbar','deletefcn','colorbar(''delete'')') elseif loc(1)=='h', % Append horizontal scale to top of current plot if isempty(ax), units = get(h,'units'); set(h,'units','normalized') pos = get(h,'Position'); stripe = 0.075; space = 0.1; set(h,'Position',... [pos(1) pos(2)+(stripe+space)*pos(4) pos(3) (1-stripe-space)*pos(4)]) rect = [pos(1) pos(2) pos(3) stripe*pos(4)]; ud.origPos = pos; % Create axes for stripe and % create DeleteProxy object (an invisible text object in % the target axes) so that the colorbar will be deleted % properly. ud.DeleteProxy = text('parent',h,'visible','off',... 'tag','ColorbarDeleteProxy',... 'handlevisibility','off',... 'deletefcn','eval(''delete(get(gcbo,''''userdata''''))'','''')'); ax = axes('Position', rect,'Tag','TMW_COLORBAR'); set(ud.DeleteProxy,'userdata',ax) set(h,'units',units) else % if colobar axes already exist axes(ax); ud = get(ax,'userdata'); end % Create color stripe by drawing the appropriate number of filled rectangles if any(isnan(colors)) % if the bottom level is not filled for j = 1:length(C2)+1 k = j - 1; % don't fill bottom rectangle on colorbar y(1) = 0; y(2) = 1; y(3) = 1; y(4) = 0; x(1) = (j-1)*(1/(length(C2)+1)); x(2) = (j-1)*(1/(length(C2)+1)); x(3) = j*(1/(length(C2)+1)); x(4) = j*(1/(length(C2)+1)); if (k == 0) hfill = fill(x,y,colors(length(colors))); % fill with NaN else hfill = fill(x,y,colors(k)); end hold on end else %we have filled the bottom contour level for j = 1:length(C2)+1 y(1) = 0; y(2) = 1; y(3) = 1; y(4) = 0; x(1) = (j-1)*(1/(length(C2)+1)); x(2) = (j-1)*(1/(length(C2)+1)); x(3) = j*(1/(length(C2)+1)); x(4) = j*(1/(length(C2)+1)); hfill = fill(x,y,colors(j)); hold on end end set(ax,'ytick',[]) xlimits = get(gca,'xlim'); myXticks = xlimits(1):(xlimits(2)-xlimits(1))/(length(C2)+1):xlimits(2)... -((xlimits(2)-xlimits(1))/(length(C2)+1)); set(gca,'xtick',myXticks); myStr{1} = ' '; for kk = 1:length(C2) myStr{kk+1} = num2str(C2(kk)); end myStr{(length(C2)+2)} = ' '; set(gca,'XTickLabel',myStr) set(gca,'CLim',[minc maxc]) % set up axes deletefcn set(ax,'tag','Colorbar','deletefcn','colorbar(''delete'')') else error('COLORBAR expects a handle, ''vert'', or ''horiz'' as input.') end if ~isfield(ud,'DeleteProxy'), ud.DeleteProxy = []; end if ~isfield(ud,'origPos'), ud.origPos = []; end ud.PlotHandle = h; set(ax,'userdata',ud) set(gcf,'CurrentAxes',h) set(gcf,'NextPlot',origNextPlot) if nargout>0, hcb = ax; end