function result = Miecoated_ab1(m1,m2,x,y) % Computation of Mie Coefficients, a_n, b_n, % of orders n=1 to nmax, complex refractive index m=m'+im", % and size parameters x=k0*a, y=k0*b where k0= wave number % in the ambient medium for coated spheres with % a,b= inner,outer radius, m1,m2= inner,outer refractive index; % Equations: Bohren and Huffman (1983) (BEWI:TDD122), p. 483 % using the recurrence relation (4.89) for Dn on p. 127 and % starting conditions as described in Appendix A, % optimized for lossy materials by carefully selecting the % numerical computations to avoid overflows and underflows. % C. Mätzler, August 2002 m=m2./m1; u=m1.*x; v=m2.*x; w=m2.*y; % The arguments of Bessel Functions nmax=round(2+y+4*y.^(1/3)); % The various nmax values mx=max(abs(m1*y),abs(m2*y)); nmx= round(max(nmax,mx)+16); nmax1=nmax-1; n= (1:nmax); % Computation of Dn(z), z=u,v,w according to (4.89) of B+H (1983) dnx(nmx)=0+0i; z=u; for j=nmx:-1:2 dnx(j-1)=j./z-1/(dnx(j)+j./z); end; dnu=dnx(n); z=v; for j=nmx:-1:2 dnx(j-1)=j./z-1/(dnx(j)+j./z); end; dnv=dnx(n); z=w; for j=nmx:-1:2 dnx(j-1)=j./z-1/(dnx(j)+j./z); end; dnw=dnx(n); % Computation of Psi, Chi and Gsi Functions and their derivatives nu = (n+0.5); sv= sqrt(0.5*pi*v); pv= sv.*besselj(nu, v); sw= sqrt(0.5*pi*w); pw= sw.*besselj(nu ,w); sy= sqrt(0.5*pi*y); py= sy.*besselj(nu ,y); p1y=[sin(y), py(1:nmax1)]; chv= -sv.*bessely(nu,v); chw= -sw.*bessely(nu,w); chy= -sy.*bessely(nu,y); ch1y= [cos(y), chy(1:nmax1)]; gsy= py-i*chy; gs1y= p1y-i*ch1y; % Computation of U, V, F Functions, avoiding products of Riccati-Bessel Fcts. uu=m.*dnu-dnv; vv=dnu./m-dnv; fv=pv./chv; fw=pw./chw; ku1=uu.*fv./pw; kv1=vv.*fv./pw; ku2=uu.*(pw-chw.*fv)+(pw./pv)./chv; kv2=vv.*(pw-chw.*fv)+(pw./pv)./chv; dns1=ku1./ku2; gns1=kv1./kv2; % Computation of Dn_Schlange, Gn_Schlange dns=dns1+dnw; gns=gns1+dnw; a1=dns./m2+n./y; b1=m2.*gns+n./y; % an and bn an=(py.*a1-p1y)./(gsy.*a1-gs1y); bn=(py.*b1-p1y)./(gsy.*b1-gs1y); result=[an; bn];