% ice_psd_Ivanova_01 returns the particle size distribution in cirrus clouds. % % Returns a vector with the particle size distribution % for a given temperature and ice water content, for a mid-latitude % cirrus cloud. This parameterization is based on the distribution % of maximum dimension of planar polycrystals, the assumption of % planar polycrystals enters twice in the scheme and cancel out % each other, and Ivanova state the scheme is shape independent. % % The parameterization is taken from Ivanova et al. % "A GCM parameterization for bimodal size spectra and ice mass % removal rates in mid-latitude cirrus clouds" % Atmospheric Research 59-60, 89-113, 2001 % % FORMAT [x,y] = ice_psd_Ivanova_01(T,IWC) % % OUT y is a vector with the particle size distribution [#/m³/m] % x is a vector from 10^(-6)m to 10^(-3)m with ecah step 10^(-6)m, % and represents the maximum dimensions of the ice particles. % % IN T Temperature [Celsius] % IWC Ice water content [g/m3] % History: 2004-07-19 Created by Bengt Rydberg function [x,y]=ice_psd_Ivanova_01(T,IWC); if T>0 error('Only temperatures smaller or equal to zero are allowed.') end Dsm=27.4*1e-6; lambdasm=(3.24+1)/Dsm; musm=3.24; mulg=2.64; rhosi=0.91*1e6; alfa1=1.21;alfa2=6.96; betasm=2.897;betalg=2.45; alfasm=alfa1*rhosi*1e-18*(1e6/2)^(betasm); alfalg=alfa2*rhosi*1e-18*(1e6/2)^(betalg); Dlg=337.7*exp(0.01754*T)*1e-6; lambdalg=(mulg+1)/Dlg; IWCsmn=0.11+0.89*exp(-(Dlg/(50*1e-6))^(2)); IWClgn=1-IWCsmn; IWCsm=IWC*IWCsmn; IWClg=IWC*IWClgn; Nosm=IWCsm*lambdasm^(betasm+musm+1)/(alfasm*gamma(betasm+musm+1)); Nolg=IWClg*lambdalg^(betalg+mulg+1)/(alfalg*gamma(betalg+mulg+1)); D=linspace(1e-6,1e-3,1000); Nmsm=Nosm*D.^(musm).*exp(-lambdasm*D); Nmlg=Nolg*D.^(mulg).*exp(-lambdalg*D); Nm=Nmsm+Nmlg; x=D; y=Nm;