% ice_psd_ellipsoids translates particle size distribution for a given % particle size distribution into a distribution of % mass equivalent ellipsoids in cirrus clouds, % and returns the new distribution. % % Returns a vector with the particle size distribution % for a given temperature, ice water content, and particle % size distribution, for a cirrus cloud. % The ellipsoids "diameters" are D,Da,Db, where D is the % major diameter,Da/D=a, and Db/D=b. % This function takes a given exponential or gamma bimodal size % distribution, which is based on the assumption of a certain % habit of the ice crystals, and by using mass - diameter relations, % translates the distribution into an exponential or gamma bimodal % size distribution of mass equivalent ellipsoids. % The particle size distributions are bimodal distributions, % and with the input "mode" there is an option of which mode % that will be returned. % % % The mass - diameter relations are taken from Donovan % "Ice cloud effective particle size parameterization based % on combined lidar, radar reflectivity, and mean Doppler % velocity measurements" % J. of Geophys. res., vol. 108, NO. D18, 4573, 2003 % % and Mitchell % "Use of mass and area dimensional power laws for determining % precipitation particle terminal velocities" % J. of Atm. Sci., vol 53, No. 12, 1710-1723, 1996 % % FORMAT [y] = ice_psd_ellipsoids(T,IWC,D,a,b,psd,mode) % % OUT y is a vector with the particle size distribution [#/m^3/m] % % IN T Temperature [Kelvin] % IWC Ice water content [g/m^3] % D the size vector of the ice particles, % (the mass equivalent ellipsoid diameter [m]), % where the concentration will be calculated % a Aspect ratio 0273.15 error('Only temperatures smaller or equal to 273 K zero are allowed.') end if a<=0 error('Only aspect ratio a larger than zero is allowed.') end if a>1 error('Only aspect ratio a equal or smaller to one is allowed.') end if b<=0 error('Only aspect ratio b larger than zero is allowed.') end if b>1 error('Only aspect ratio b equal or smaller to one is allowed.') end if ((psd~=1) && (psd~=2) && (psd~=3) && (psd~=4) && (psd~=5) && (psd~=6) && (psd~=7)) error('Only psd 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7 are allowed.') end if ((mode~=1) && (mode~=2) && (mode~=3)) error('Only mode 1,2, or 3 are allowed.') end if psd==1 %complex polycrystals alfa1=102400;beta1=2.88; alfa2=32900;beta2=2.88; alfap2=6.94;betap2=1.88; end if psd==2 %compact polycrystals alfa1=88800;beta1=2.88; alfa2=20000;beta2=2.88; alfap2=6.90;betap2=1.88; end if (psd==3 | psd==7) %planar polycrystals alfa1=36000;beta1=2.897; alfa2=587;beta2=2.45; alfap2=0;betap2=0; end if psd==4 %bullet rosettes alfa1=8220;beta1=2.75; alfa2=alfa1;beta2=beta1; alfap2=0;betap2=0; end if psd==5 %hexagonal plates alfa1=587;beta1=2.45; alfa2=alfa1;beta2=beta1; alfap2=0;betap2=0; end if psd==6 %hexagonal columns alfa1=111000;beta1=2.91; alfa2=11.0;beta2=1.91; end rho=0.91*1e6; if (psd==1 | psd==2) D11=linspace(1.01e-4,1e-3,1000); D22=(6/pi/rho/a/b*(alfa2*D11.^beta2+alfap2*D11.^betap2)).^(1/3); ypol=polyfit(D22,D11,2); end f1_D2= (rho*pi*a*b/6/alfa1*D.^3).^(1/beta1); if (psd==1 | psd==2) f2_D2=ypol(3)+ypol(2)*D+ypol(1)*D.^2; else f2_D2= (rho*pi*a*b/6/alfa2*D.^3).^(1/beta2); end s=length(D); for i=1:s if f2_D2(i)<0 f2_D2(i)=0; end end if psd==1 [y1]=ice_psd_Donovan_03(T,IWC,f1_D2,1,2); [y2]=ice_psd_Donovan_03(T,IWC,f2_D2,1,3); end if psd==2 [y1]=ice_psd_Donovan_03(T,IWC,f1_D2,2,2); [y2]=ice_psd_Donovan_03(T,IWC,f2_D2,2,3); end if psd==3 [y1]=ice_psd_Ivanova_01(T,IWC,f1_D2,1,2); [y2]=ice_psd_Ivanova_01(T,IWC,f2_D2,1,3); end if psd==4 [y1]=ice_psd_Ivanova_01(T,IWC,f1_D2,2,2); [y2]=ice_psd_Ivanova_01(T,IWC,f2_D2,2,3); end if psd==5 [y1]=ice_psd_Ivanova_01(T,IWC,f1_D2,3,2); [y2]=ice_psd_Ivanova_01(T,IWC,f2_D2,3,3); end if psd==6 [y1]=ice_psd_Ivanova_01(T,IWC,f1_D2,4,2); [y2]=ice_psd_Ivanova_01(T,IWC,f2_D2,4,3); end if psd==7 [y1]=ice_psd_Mitchell_99(T,IWC,f1_D2,2); [y2]=ice_psd_Mitchell_99(T,IWC,f2_D2,3); end df1_dD2=3/beta1*(pi*rho*a*b/6/alfa1)^(1/beta1)*D.^(3/beta1-1); if (psd==1 | psd==2) df2_dD2=ypol(2)+2*ypol(1)*D; else df2_dD2=3/beta2*(pi*rho*a*b/6/alfa2)^(1/beta2)*D.^(3/beta2-1); end ya=y1.*df1_dD2; yb=y2.*df2_dD2; if mode==1 y=ya+yb; end if mode==2 y=ya; end if mode==3 y=yb; end