% DATA2RECTGRID Map irregular data to a rectangular grid % % The function finds all input data points inside each grid cell and % performs the operation specified by *funh* to create data on a % rectangular grid. The grid cells are defined by the position of the edges % by *xedges* and *yedges*. Data outside these ranges are ignored. % Empty entries in *Z* are returned as NaN. % % The data values, *z*, must be given columns. If *z* has more than one % column this is interpreted as different "altitudes", and the operation % is performed for each altitude individually. % % The mapping function must return a scalar for a vector input. Possible % choices for *fun* are: @sum, @mean and @max. % % FORMAT [Z,N] = data2rectgrid(xedges,yedges,x,y,z,funh) % % OUT Z Data on rectangular grid. Size % is [length(xedges)-1,length(yedges)-1,size(z,2)]. % N Number of data points found inside each grid cell. % IN xedges Edges of grid cells in x-direction. % yedges Edges of grid cells in y-direction. % x x-position of input data points. % y y-position of input data points. % z Input data values. % funh Handle to mapping function. % 2005-03-27 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function [Z,N] = data2rectgrid(xedges,yedges,x,y,z,funh) %= Check input % if length(y)~=length(x) error('Vectors *x* and *y* must have same length.'); end % if size(z,1)~=length(x) error('Mismatch in size between *x* and *z*.'); end % if ~isa( funh, 'function_handle') error('Argument *funh* must be a function handle'); end %= Size outpout % N = zeros( length(xedges)-1, length(yedges)-1 ); Z = repmat( NaN, [length(xedges)-1,length(yedges)-1,size(z,2)] ); % Fix to simplify code below % yedges(end) = yedges(end)+eps; xedges(end) = xedges(end)+eps; for iy = 1 : length(yedges)-1 for ix = 1 : length(xedges)-1 ind = find( y>=yedges(iy) & y=xedges(ix) & x