% RANDMVAR_ADD_LOGNORMAL Random multivariate data with lognormal distribution % % Prepares input to *randmvar* to include data with log-normal % distribution. The statistical properties are set by mean value and standard % deviation for the natural logarithm of the data, and the covariance matrix % for the data variables to be included. % % Note: Mean and standard deviation are given for log(x). % % Zero correlation to already included variables is assumed. % % FORMAT [P,C] = randmvar_add_normal( P, C, xm, si, Cm ) % % OUT P Description of probability distribution function. See % *randmvar* for format description. % C Correlation matrix. % IN P Description of probability distribution function for already % added variables. % C Correlation matrix for already added variables. % xm Mean vector. % si Vector of standard deviations. % C Correlation matrix for variables to be added. % 2005-05-21 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function [P,C] = randmvar_add_lognormal(P,C,xm,si,Cm) %= Check input % min_nargin( 5, nargin ); % if ndims(C) > 2 | size(C,1) ~= size(C,1) error('Input argument *C* must be a square matrix.'); end % if length(P) ~= size(C,1) error('Mismatch in size between *P* and *C*.'); end % if ~isvector(xm) error('Input argument *xm* must be a vector.'); end % if ~isvector(si) | length(xm) ~= length(si) error('Input argument *si* must be a vector with same length as *xm*.'); end % if any( si <= 0 ) error('All values of *si* must be >0.'); end % if ndims(Cm) > 2 | size(Cm,1) ~= size(Cm,1) error('Input argument *Cm* must be a square matrix.'); end % if length(xm) ~= size(Cm,1) error('Mismatch in size between *xm* and *Cm*.'); end np = length( P ); nx = length( xm ); P{np+nx} = []; %= Create sufficient wide normal CDF which is later converted to log-normal CDF % x = (-6:0.2:6)'; y = cdf_normal(x); % y(1) = 0; y(end) = 1; for i = 1 : nx % P{np+i}.cdf = [ exp(xm(i)+x*si(i)), y ]; P{np+i}.imethod = 'spline'; % end C = covmat_append( C, Cm );