function L = alter_linedata( L, pert, species, freq, param ) % Alter ARTSCAT linedata % % Output % L - Structure array with line data. % Input % L - Structure array with line data. % pert - Perturbation, e.g. 1.1 for 10% increase % species - Species tag, e.g. 'H2O-161', 'H2O' % freq - Line frequency % param - Parameter to perturb, e.g. 'i0' % % NOTE: This function needs read_linefile from AMI. % % 2005-09-23 M Ekstrom % Load line data if given as string if ischar(L) L = read_linefile( L ); end % Convert cell to single matrix, for convenient search of index l = cell2mat(L); species_list = strvcat(; freq_list = cat(1,l.f); sp_idx = strmatch(species,species_list); [df, f_idx] = min(abs(freq_list(sp_idx)-freq)); idx = sp_idx(f_idx); % Output found frequency if atmlab('VERBOSITY')==2 fprintf('Linedata perturbation:\n Found frequency %g (difference %g)\n', ... freq_list(idx), df); end % Apply perturbation ref = getfield(L{idx},param); L{idx} = setfield(L{idx},param,ref*pert);