% LOADSTRUCTFILES Loads and merge mat-files with data in structures % % The function is useful if you have data stored in different files, % where each file contains a structure. The structure can have a % different name in each file, but the field names shall be the % same throughout. By using the optional argument, unnecessary fields % can be ignored. % % An example, where fileds 'a' and 'b' are wanted: % filenames = whichfiles('*.mat'); % O = loadstructfiles(filenames,{'a','b'}); % % FORMAT O = loadstructfiles(filenames[,fnames]) % % OUT O Structure array with all data. % IN filenames Cell array of strings with names of files to read. % OPT fnames Cell array of strings with names of fields to keep. % If not specified all fields will be kept. % 2006-02-01 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function O = loadstructfiles(filenames,fnames) n = 0; for i = 1 : length(filenames) %= Load data into a structure as we do not know name of variable % % We can then get the varaible name by *fieldnames* and use dynamic field % naming (all this to avoid using *eval*). % S = load( filenames{i} ); %= Only one varaibel shall be found % vname = fieldnames(S); % if length(vname) > 1 error(sprintf('More than 1 variable in %s',filenames{i})); end if nargin == 1 for j = 1:length(S.(vname{1})) n = n + 1; O(n) = S.(vname{1})(j); end else for j = 1:length(S.(vname{1})) n = n + 1; for k = 1:length(fnames) O(n).(fnames{k}) = S.(vname{1})(j).(fnames{k}); end end end end