% QARTS_CLOUDBOX Defines setting fields for ARTS cloudbox calculations % % The function provides default values for all recognised fields and a % description of each field. Default value is normally NaN, but % exceptions exist when some standard choice exists. To list default % values just type 'qarts_cloudbox'. % % This function is organised in such way that *qcheck* and *qinfo* % can be used. % % FORMAT [C,I] = qarts_cloudbox % % OUT C Setting structure with default values for all recognised fields. % I Includes same fields as C, where the content of each field % is a description string (used by *qinfo*). % 2005-03-14 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function [C,I] = qarts_cloudbox %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C.LIMITS = NaN; I.LIMITS = [ ... 'Cloudbox limits. Given as a vector, with length 2-6 depending on the ',... 'atmospheric dimensionality. Absolute units are used (not indices). ',... 'Geometrical altitude is used for the vertical dimension' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C.METHOD = NaN; I.METHOD = [ ... 'Calculation method for scattering. Allowed options are:',... '# ''DOIT'' : Discrete ordinate iterative method',... '# ''MC'' : Backward Monte Carlo' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C.METHOD_PRMTRS = NaN; I.METHOD_PRMTRS = [ ... 'Parameters and data for scattering calculation method, given as a ',... 'structure. The set of fields of this structure depend on choosen METHOD:',... '# ',... '#*** MC ***',... '# STD_ERR : As the keyword argument with same name.',... '# MAX_TIME : As the keyword argument with same name.',... '# MAX_ITER : As the keyword argument with same name.',... '# INCOMING_LOOKUP : As the keyword argument with same name.',... '# Z_FIELD_IS_1D : As the keyword argument with same name.',... '# MC_SEED : As the WSV with same name. If negative ',... '# *MCSetSeedFromTime* is used. Otherwise ',... '# value is taken literally.',... '# ',... '#*** DOIT ***',... '# N_ZA_GRID : ',... '#As the keyword arguments of *DoitAngularGridsSet*',... '# N_AA_GRID : ',... '#As the keyword arguments of *DoitAngularGridsSet*',... '# ZA_GRID_OPT_FILE: ',... '#As the keyword arguments of *DoitAngularGridsSet*.', ... ' If no filename is given (""), equidistant grids are used for RT', ... ' and scattering integral. This option can be used for down-looking', ... ' simulations.',... '# SCAT_ZA_INTERP : ',... '#As the WSV with same name, but given as a string. ',... 'See *scat_za_interpSet* for possible options.',... '# EPSILON : ',... '#As the keyword argument of *doit_conv_flagAbsBT*. ',... 'Here given as a vector. Length of vector must be >= *STOKES_DIM*. ',... 'The vector is truncated if longer.',... '# I_REINIT : ',... '#If set to 0, the *doit_i_field* is reset to the clear sky field for ',... 'each frequency. Otherwise the variable is untouched and the solution ',... 'for last frequency is used as starting point for next frequency. The ',... 'clear sky field is used throughout for the first frequency.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C.PND_FIELD = NaN; I.PND_FIELD = [ ... 'Field of particle number densities. There are here two options:',... '# 1. The WSV *pnd_field* can be specified directly. Can then be given ',... 'either as the name of a XML file, or as a Matlab variable.',... '# 2. As the name of files with the field of individual particle ',... 'species. The field must then be a cell array of strings. These files ',... 'must match SCAT_DATA and are used as input to *ParticleTypeAdd*.',... '# The same option must be used for PND_FIELD and SCAT_DATA.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C.SCAT_DATA = NaN; I.SCAT_DATA = [ ... 'Single scattering data. There are here two options:',... '# 1. The WSV *scat_data_raw* can be specified directly. Can then be ',... 'given either as the name of a XML file, or as a Matlab variable.',... '# 2. As the name of files with data of individual particle ',... 'species. The field must then be a cell array of strings. These files ',... 'must match PND_FIELD and are used as input to *ParticleTypeAdd*.',... '# The same option must be used for PND_FIELD and SCAT_DATA.' ]; %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------