- Q shall only contain forward model variables. And match ARTS as closely as possible. - No covariance definitions in Q. - Use notation grid1, grid2 and grid3 for retrieval definitions. - This both in Q and for definition of covariances. - To allow general Atmlab functions - The control file is created for each run. - This allows to use the variable2file functionality in qarts2file. - As many variables as possible are stored to files in arts_oem_init. - Definition of Jacobian a large structure - Following Q.CLOUDBOX/SENSOR/BATCH. - Main field names follows corresponding jacobianAdd method - Each retrieval quantity has a DO field (where all can be 0). - Solution for ABS_SPECIES: J.ABS_SPECIES(1).DO = 1; J.ABS_SPECIES(1).METHOD = 'analytical'; J.ABS_SPECIES(1).UNIT = 'vmr'; J.ABS_SPECIES(1).P_GRID = z2p_simple( 0e3:1e3:90e3 );